second series, a new edition, E. Moxon, 1835, in I vol., morocco extra, g. on m. e., 8vo. (20) Quaritch, £77 366 Locker-Lampson (Frederick). The Rowfant Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books, MSS. Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures, frontispiece by George Cruikshank, roxburghe, presentation copy to F. S. Ellis, with inscription on fly-leaf and autograph letter, Privately printed, 1886, imperial 8vo. (22) Ellis, £8 15s. 367 Marbecke (John). The Booke of Common Praier Noted. [on aii.] In this booke is conteyned so muche of the Order of Commō Prayer as is to be Song in Churches; wherin are used only these iiii Sortes of Notes, etc., black letter, red and black, with musical notes, title within ornamental woodcut border, ornamental and figured initials, device of the Sciences on reverse of last leaf, plain corners of two last leaves mended, otherwise a perfect and genuine copy, new morocco, by D. Cockerell, R. Grafton, 1550, small 4to. (23) Sotheran, £202 [Excessively rare, no perfect copy having occurred for sale for a number of years. Its importance in connection with the English liturgy and plain song is well known. The author was organist to St. George's Chapel, Windsor, and the compiler of the first English Concordance to the Bible. -Catalogue.] 368 [Morris (William).] The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine for 1856, conducted by Members of the Two Universities, half morocco extra, t. e. g., Bell and Daldy, 1856, 8vo. (24) Maggs, £11 IOS. [Contains the earliest writings of William Morris, also contributions by Burne-Jones, D. G. Rossetti and other Pre-Raphaelites.-Catalogue.] 369 Morris (William). Life and Death of Jason, first edition, large hand-made paper, original boards, uncut, F. S. Ellis, 1869, royal 8vo. (25) Ellis, £7 ["Printed in the autumn of 1869 from the stereotyped plates. Only 25 copies were printed on this paper, H. B. F." -Note by H. B. Forman on fly-leaf.] 370 Morris (William). Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Pharamond, a Morality, first edition, LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), every page surrounded by a border of original designs, in colours, of leafy branches and natural flowers connected with the subject of the text, morocco, covered with elaborate gilt floreate ornaments, inside borders, edges uncut, by T. J. Cobden Sanderson, a very fine specimen of his art binding, with his bill (20 guineas) inserted, in cloth case, Ellis and White, 1873, royal 8vo. (26) Ellis, £177 371 Morris (William). Three Northern Love Stories, and other Tales, translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris, first edition, large hand-made paper, limited issue, original boards, uncut, Ellis and White, 1875, royal 8vo. (27) Maggs, £11 15s. 372 Morris (William). The Æneids of Virgil, done into English. Verse, first edition, large hand-made paper, 2 vol., original boards, uncut, Ellis and White, 1876, royal 8vo. (28) Maggs, £12 15s. 373 Morris (William). Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, first edition, large hand-made paper, limited issue, original boards, uncut, Ellis and White, 1877, royal 8vo. (29) Maggs, 12 12s. 374 Morris (William). The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, fourth edition, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy "to F. S. Ellis from William Morris, June 29, 1887," red morocco, covered with elaborate floreate ornaments, inside dentelles, joints, g. e., by Cobden Sanderson, 1889, with his binding bill (21) inserted, in cloth case, Reeves and Turner, 1887, small 4to. (30) Quaritch, £111 375 Morris (William). A Dream of John Ball, and a King's Lesson (reprinted from the "Commonweal"), frontispiece by E. Burne-Jones, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy to "F. S. Ellis, March 27th, 1889," olive morocco covered with elaborate gilt leafy branches and other ornaments, joints, g.e., by Cobden Sanderson, 1889 (£19 19s.), in cloth case, Reeves and Turner, 1888, small 4to. (31) Quaritch, £99 Kelmscott Press Publications. [Nearly all these books were the earliest copies from the Press, or, as they are styled in the Catalogue, “picked copies of the first issues."-ED.] 376 Morris (William). The Story of the Glittering Plain, or the Land of Living Men, woodcut border and ornamental initials (200 copies printed), vellum, uncut, Hammersmith, printed by William Morris, April 4, 1891, 8vo. (32) Cockerell, £22 377 Morris (William). The Story of the Glittering Plain, printed upon vellum (one of 6 copies), woodcut border and ornamental initials, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, June 13th, 1891," vellum gilt, uncut, ib., April 4, 1891, 8vo. (33) Newall, £114 378 Morris (William). Poems by the Way, red and black, with woodcut border and ornamental initials, printed upon vellum (one of 13 copies), presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, December 17th, 1891," vellum, uncut, ib., September 24, 1891, small 4to. (34) Quaritch, £60 379 Blunt (W. S.) Love-Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, with the Love-Sonnets of Proteus, now reprinted in their full text, etc., red and black, ornamental border and initials, the latter in red, 300 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., January 26, 1892, small 4to. (35) R. Hall, £11 380 Ruskin (John). The Nature of Gothic, a Chapter of the Stones of Venice, woodcut border and ornamental initials, 500 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., February 15, 1892, small 4to. (36) Downing, £4 12s. 6d. 381 Morris (William). The Defence of Guenevere, black and red, ornamental border and initials, printed upon vellum (one of 10 copies), vellum, uncut, ib., April 2, 1892, small 4to. (37) Tregaskis, £40 382 Morris (William). A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson, red and black, full-page woodcut by E. BurneJones, ornamental borders and initials, 300 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., May 13, 1892, small 4to. (38) Shepherd, £4 383 Golden Legend (The), translated by William Caxton, re-edited by F. S. Ellis, 2 full-page woodcuts by E. Burne-Jones, ornamental borders and initials, 500 copies printed, 3 vol., half buckram, uncut, ib., September 12, 1892, large 4to. (39) Downing, £10 155. 384 Recuyell (The) of the Histories of Troye, translated by William Caxton, reprinted from the first edition, corrected for the Press by H. H. Sparling, black and red, 300 copies printed, woodcut borders and ornamental initials, 2 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., October 14, 1892 (40) J. Bumpus, £8 5s. 385 Recuyell of the Histories of Troye by Caxton, printed upon vellum (5 copies so printed), 2 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., 1892 (41) Shepherd, £61 386 Morris (William). News from Nowhere, or an Epoch of Rest, first edition, in black and red, full-page woodcut by C. М. Gere, border and ornamental initials, 300 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., November 22, 1892, small 4to. (42) £5 387 Morris (William). News from Nowhere, first edition, printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, April 7th, 1893," vellum, uncut, ib., 1892, small 4to. (43) Denham, £39 388 Reynard the Foxe (Historye of), translated from the Dutch by William Caxton, reprinted from the edition of 1487, corrected by H. H. Sparling, black and red, 300 copies printed, woodcut borders and ornamental initials, vellum, uncut, ib., December 15, 1892, small folio (44) £5 2s. 6d. 389 Reynard the Foxe, printed upon vellum, one of to copies, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, January 31st, 1893," vellum, uncut, ib., 1892 (45) Downing, £44 390 Shakespeare (William). Poems, printed after the original copies, edited by F. S. Ellis, black and red, woodcut borders and initials, 500 printed, vellum, uncut, ib., January 17, 1893, small 4to. (46) Denham, £13 15s. 391 Shakespeare (William). Poems, printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, February 25, 1893," vellum, uncut, ib., 1893, small 4to. (47) Quaritch, £91 392 Order of Chivalry (The), and The Ordination of Knighthood, edited by F. S. Ellis, black and red, full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, 225 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., November 10, 1892-February 24, 1893, small 4to. (48) Downing, £5 5s. 393 Order of Chivalry, etc. (The), printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, April 15th, 1893," vellum, uncut, ib., 1892-3 (49) £41 394 Wolsey (Cardinal). Life, by George Cavendish, transcribed after the autograph MS. by F. S. Ellis, woodcut border and initials, 250 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., December 25, 1892, small 4to. (50) Shepherd, £4 17s. 6d. 395 Wolsey (Cardinal). Life, by Cavendish, printed upon vellum, one of 6 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., December 25, 1892 (51) J. Bumpus, £44 396 Godfrey of Boloyne and the Conquest of Jherusalem (The History of), done after the first edition, corrected by H. Н. Sparling, red and black, woodcut borders and initials, printed upon vellum, one of 6 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., April 27, 1893, small folio (52) Quaritch, £56 397 More (Sir Thomas). Utopia, revised by F. S. Ellis, red and black, ornamental borders and initials, 300 copies printed, vellum, uncut, ib., August 4, 1893, small 4to. (53) R. Hall, £8 5s. 398 More (Sir Thomas). Utopia, printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., 1893 (54) Quaritch, £51 399 Tennyson (A. Lord). Maud, a Monodrama, 500 copies printed, in black and red, woodcut borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., August 4, 1893, small 4to. (55) G. Reid, £3 15s. 400 Sidonia the Sorceress, by William Meinhold, translated by Lady Wilde, 300 copies printed, in black and red, woodcut borders and initials, vellum, uncut (the original announcement of the work loosely inserted), ib., September 15, 1893, small folio (56) J. Bumpus, £11 401 Sidonia the Sorceress, by William Meinhold, printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., 1893 (57) Maggs, £48 402 Morris (William). Gothic Architecture, a Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, ornamental initials, boards, uncut, ib., 1893, 12mo. (58) Buckley, £1 IOS. 403 Morris (William). Gothic Architecture, printed upon vellum, boards, uncut, ib., 1893, 12mo. (59) 404 Rossetti (Dante G.) Ballads and Poems-Sonnets and Lyrics, 2 vol., 310 copies of each printed in black and red, with ornamental borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., October 14, 1893-February 20, 1894, small 4to. (60) Shepherd, £14 155. 405 King Florus and the Fair Jehane, 350 copies printed, in black and red, with woodcut borders and initials, boards, uncut, ib., December 16, 1893, 12mo. (61) R. Hall, £6 15s. 406 King Florus and the Fair Jehane, printed upon vellum, one of 12 copies, boards, uncut, presentation copy "to Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, January 8th, 1894," ib., 1893 (62) Quaritch, £38 407 Morris (William), The Story of the Glittering Plain, or the Land of Living Men, 250 copies, printed in black and red, with 23 designs by Walter Crane, borders and initials, vellum, ib., January 13, 1894, small folio (63) Dobell, £9 15s. 408 Morris (William Story of the Glittering Plain, printed upon vellum, one of 7 copies, vellum, uncut, presentation copy "to F. S. Ellis from William Morris, November 18th, 1895," ib., 1894 (64) Quaritch, £75 409 Keats (John). Poems, Overseen by F. S. Ellis, 300 copies, printed in red and black, with borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., February 20, 1894, small 4to. (65) Shepherd, £25 IOS. 410 Keats (John). Poems, printed upon vellum, one of 7 copies, velluin, uncut, ib., 1894 (66) £74 411 Friendship of Amis and Amil (The), printed in red and black, with borders and initials, boards, uncut, ib., March 13, 1894, Young, £1 19s. 412 Swinburne (Algernon C.) Atalanta in Calydon, 250 copies, printed in black and red, ornamental borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., May 4, 1894, small folio (68) 12mo. (67) Zaehnsdorf, £10 155. 413 Morris (William). The Wood beyond the World, first edition, 350 copies, printed in black and red, with full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, border and ornamental initials, vellum, uncut, ib., May 30, 1894, small 4to. (69) £5 5s. 414 Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani. The Book of Wisdom and Lies, translated with Notes by Oliver Wardrop, 250 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, vellum uncut, ib., September 29, 1894 (70) Downing, £4 Ios. 415 Psalmi Penitentiales, edited from a Gloucester Horæ of 1440 by F. S. Ellis, 300 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, boards, uncut, ib., November 15, 1894, small 4to. (71) Robson, £4 125. 416 Psalmi Penitentiales, printed upon vellum, one of 12 copies, with a letter of Professor W. W. Skeat on the English of the translation inserted, boards, uncut, ib., 1894, small 4to. (72) Tregaskis, £27 417 Savonarola. Epistola de Contemptu Mundi, editore C. Fairfax Murray, cut on title, and border, boards, uncut, ib., November 30, 1894, small 4to. (73) J. Bumpus, £II IOS. 418 Savonarola. Epistola de Contemptu Mundi, one of 6 copies, printed upon vellum, presentation copy from the Editor to F. S. Ellis, ib., 1894 (74) Tregaskis, £27 419 Shelley (P. B.) Poems, Overseen by F. S. Ellis, 250 copies printed, in red and black, with borders and initials, 3 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., 1894-95, 8vo. (75) Shepherd, £28 420 Shelley (P. B.) Poems, printed upon vellum, only a few sets printed, 3 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., 1894-5 (76) Quaritch, £89 421 Beowulf (The Tale of), done out of the Old English Tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt, 300 copies printed, in red and black, vellum, uncut, ib., January 10, 1895, small folio (77) Dobell, £3 17s. 6d. 422 Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, 350 copies printed, in black and red, |