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250 Swinburne (A. C.) Songs before Sunrise, first edition, original cloth, uncut, 1871, 8vo. (227) D. Wise, £1 155. 251 Symonds (J. D.) Wine, Woman and Song, LARGE PAPER, 50 copies printed, 2 copies, 1884, 4to. (1521)

Hornstein, £4 2s. 6d. 252 Terry (D.) British Theatrical Gallery, with Biographical Notices, portraits, half bound, 1825, folio (379) Roche, £1 6s. 253 Vecellio (C.) Habiti Antichi, full-page woodcuts after designs by Titian, calf gilt, with the series of engravings of American costume, Venet., 1664, 8vo. (119) Ridler, £1 15s. 254 Victoires, Conquêtes, Désastres, Revers et Guerres Civiles des Français, de 1792 à 1815, 27 vol., plans and facsimiles, half morocco, 1817-21, 8vo. (86) Thorp, £2 255 Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in England, enlarged by Dallaway and Wornum, 3 vol., numerous portraits, Bohn, 1849-Memoirs of Horace Walpole, and his Contemporaries, 2 vol., portraits, 1851, original cloth, 8vo. (228) Maggs, £3 15s. 256 Wheatley (H. B.) Remarkable Bindings in the British Museum, selected for their Beauty and Historic Interest, 62 facsimiles, roxburghe, 1889, 4to. (333) Spencer, £1 10S. 257 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, in the County of York, second edition, enlarged, portrait, map, plates and pedigrees, calf, m. e., 1812, 4to. (23) Thorp, £18s. 258 Whitman (Walt). As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free, and other Poems, first edition, an interesting letter, printed extract and portrait inserted, original cloth, Washington, 1872, 8vo. (542) Sotheran, £135. 259 Whitman (Walt). Leaves of Grass, with inscription on flyleaf, "From Walt Whitman, Camden, N. Jersey, U. S. America," 3 portraits inserted, original cloth, uncut, Washington, D. C. 1872, 8vo. (544) Maggs, £2 2s. 260 Willyams (Rev. C.) A Voyage to the Mediterranean in H.M.S. Swiftsure, under the command of Sir Horatio Nelson, with a Description of the Battle of the Nile, LARGE PAPER, coloured plates, half morocco, uncut, Bensley, 1802, folio (1174) Thorp, L1 16s.




(No of Lots, 908; amount realised, £1,756 11s. 6d.)

261 America. Young (Major W.) Manoeuvres-Wolfe (General) Instructions to Young Officers, 1768-Manœuvres for a

Battalion of Infantry upon Fixed Principles, with 17 copperplates, 1766, etc., in 1 vol., old calf, 8vo. (157)

262 Anthropology.

Pickering, £3 IOS. Untrodden Fields of Anthropology, by a

French Army Surgeon, plates separate, 3 vol., cloth, 1898, royal 8vo. (403) Sotheran, £2 125. 263 Apperley (C. J.) Memoirs of John Mytton, 20 hand-coloured plates by Alken, half morocco gilt, gilt top, 1899, royal 8vo. (161) Forrester, 1 125. 264 Balzac (Honoré de). La Comédie Humaine, Scenes of Parisian and Private Life, etchings on Japanese vellum (250 copies printed), 22 vol., cloth, gilt tops, 1897-9, 8vo. (87) Wilkinson, £6 265 Blew (W. C. A.) A History of Steeple-Chasing, 28 illustrations by Alken (12 of which are hand-coloured), half morocco gilt, gilt top, 1901, royal 8vo. (162) Perryman, £1 125. 266 Boccaccio (G.) The Decameron, translated by John Payne, 2 vol., cloth extra, Laurence and Bullen, 1893, 8vo. (79) G. H. Brown, £4 17s. 6d. 267 Borlase (W. C.) The Dolmens of Ireland, illustrations (some coloured), 3 vol., cloth, gilt tops, 1897, royal 8vo. (147) Edwards, 1 145. 268 Brookshaw (G.) Pomona Britannica, 60 hand-coloured plates of choice fruits, 2 vol. in 1, calf, 1817, 4to. (893)

Menken, 1 185. 269 Browning (R.) Selections, the two series in 1 vol., morocco extra, floral design on sides, gilt top, uncut, 1894, 8vo. (116) Maggs, £1 135. 270 Burton (Sir R. F.) The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, with Supplement, 16 vol., original cloth, Benares, printed by the Kamashastra Society for private subscribers only, 1885-8, 8vo. (478) Shepherd, £33 10s. 271 Burton (Sir R. F.) The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, edited by L. C. Smithers, 12 vol., cloth gilt, gilt tops, Nichols, 1894, 8vo. (376) Sotheran, 37s. 6d. 272 Byron (Lord). Works and Life, by Moore, frontispieces and vignette titles by Turner, etc., 17 vol., half morocco, gilt tops, 1832-3, 8vo. (392) Quaritch, £3 7s. 6d. 273 Byron (Lord). Works, edited by R. E. Prothero and E. H. Coleridge, portraits and illustrations, 9 vol. (Letters, vol. I to 5, and Poetry, vol. 1 to 4), LARGE PAPER (limited to 250 copies), half roan, gilt top, uncut, 1898-1900, 8vo. (112) Maggs, £7 274 Carey (D.) Life in Paris, 21 coloured plates and numerous woodcuts by G. Cruikshank, first edition, LARGE PAPER, calf extra, tooled sides and inner borders, gilt top, uncut, by Tout, J. Fairburn, 1822, 8vo. (61) Sotheran, 11 IOS. 275 Collectio Weigeliana. Weigel und Zestermann. Die Anfange der Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift, 145 facsimiles (chiefly coloured) and numerous woodcuts, 2 vol., half morocco, cloth sides, gilt tops, Leipzig, 1866, folio (571) Quaritch, £7 2s. 6d.

276 Dickens (C.) Works, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, Seymour, Phiz," etc., Library Edition, including his Life, by Forster, 31 vol., cloth, n. d., 8vo. (53) Wells, £7 10S. 277 Dodsley (R.) Annual Register, from the commencement, in 1758, to 1882, with the Index to 1819, together 126 vol., calf gilt (last 16 vol. in cloth), 8vo. (497) Sotheran, £8 10S. 278 Dumas (A.) Celebrated Crimes, translated by Burnham, plates in two states (100 copies printed on Japanese vellum), 8 vol., cloth, 1895, 8vo. (86) Menken, £3 8s. 279 Edgeworth (M.) Novels, frontispieces, 12 vol., LARGE PAPER (limited to 250 copies), cloth, uncut, 1893, 8vo. (110) Forrester, 1 175. 280 Egan (Pierce). Boxiana, or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism, 43 portraits and plates, 5 vol., boards, uncut, Sherwood and Virtue, 1824-30, 8vo. (470) Maggs, £9 15s. 281 Fagan (Louis). History of Engraving in England, illustrated by 100 typical examples reproduced from rare and unique prints in the British Museum, with descriptive text, 3 vol., in cloth portfolios, 1893, imperial folio (285) Quaritch, £8 282 Fletcher (W. Y.) English Bindings in the British Museum, facsimile plates, cloth, uncut, t. e. g., 1895, imperial 4to. (345) Karslake, I 195.

283 Folk Lore Society. Publications, from 1878 to 1900, complete set (with the exception of Callaway's Religious Systems of the Amazulu and the Handbook of Folklore, but including the privately printed Aino Tales, issued to members only, and the Supplementary Volume of the Folk Lore Congress, 1892), 45 vol., cloth, and I sewed, 8vo. (505)

284 Foster (J. J.) plates, LARGE folio (274)

285 Froude (J. A.)

Thorp, 17 15s.
British Miniature Painters and their Works,
PAPER (125 so printed), cloth, gilt top, 1898,
J. Bumpus, £4 12s. 6d.

History of England, 12 vol., half morocco,
Pinto, £4 12s. 6d.

t.e. g., 1856-70, 8vo. (496) 286 Froude (J. A.) The English in Ireland, 3 vol., half calf gilt, gilt tops, 1872-4, 8vo. (145) T. Bumpus, £I 15s.

287 Gardiner (S. R.) Oliver Cromwell, coloured frontispiece and duplicate set of illustrations, Japanese paper edition (limited to 350 copies), in cloth portfolio, 1899, 4to. (242)

Goupil & Co., £5 288 Germ (The). Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art, 1850, hand-made paper edition, morocco extra, silk linings, by Zaehnsdorf, 1898, 8vo. (117) Maggs, £1 18s. [Reprinted from the original numbers by the Guild of Women Binders.-ED.]

289 Grove (Sir G.) Dictionary of Music and Musicians, with Index, cuts, 5 vol., cloth, 1890, 8vo. (458) Maggs, £2 8s. 290 Haddon Hall Library, edited by the Marquess of Granby and G. A. B. Dewar. Fly-Fishing, by Sir E. Grey-Our Gardens, by Reynolds-Hole-Hunting, by J. O. Paget-Bird-Watching, by E. Selous-Out-Door Games, by H. R. Lyttelton, etc., illustrations (some coloured), hand-made paper edition

(limited to 150 copies), 7 vol., vellum extra, 1899-1901, 8vo. (107) Gilbert, £8 17s. 6d. 291 Harleian Society. Publications, plates and pedigrees, the first 18 vol., cloth, uncut, 1869-82, imperial 8vo. (499)

Quaritch, £11 292 Harris (Stanley). Old Coaching Days, plates, cloth, uncut, 1882, 8vo. (823) Spencer, £2 2s. 293 Heron-Allen (E.) De Fidiculis Bibliographia (60 copies printed), 2 vol., boards, 1890-4, 8vo. (16) Shepherd, £1 11s. 294 Hipkins and Gibb. Musical Instruments, Historic, Rare and

Unique, 50 coloured plates, limited edition, half morocco, gilt top, A. and C. Black, 1888, folio (283) Quaritch, £2 18s. 295 Holmes (R. R.) Queen Victoria, coloured frontispiece and duplicate set of illustrations, Japanese paper edition (limited to 350 copies), in cloth portfolio, 1897, 4to. (240) Denham, £4 296 Jackson (Lady). Old Paris, its Court and Literary Salons, portraits, 2 vol., uncut, Bentley, 1878, 8vo. (473)

Quaritch, £5 17s. 6d. 297 Jacquemart (A.) History of Furniture, edited by Mrs. Bury Palliser, illustrations, cloth, gilt top, uncut, 1878, royal 8vo. (474) G. H. Brown, £1 9s. 298 Jacquemart (A.) History of the Ceramic Art, translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser, plates and woodcuts, cloth, gilt top, 1877, royal 8vo. (475) G. H. Brown, £1 9s.

299 Kelmscott Press. A Specimen Page from the Chaucer, with woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, and border, on vellum, folio (277) Denham, £4 12s. 6d. 300 Kelmscott Press. The Tale of King Florus, and the Fair Jehane, woodcut borders, original boards, uncut, 1893, 12mo. (481) Shepherd, £5 17s. 6d. 301 Kelmscott Press. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea, woodcut borders, original boards, uncut, 1894, 12mo. (482) Denham, £2 25. 302 Kelmscott Press. The Tale of Beowulf, woodcut borders, vellum tie, uncut, 1895, small folio (483) Shepherd, £4 303 Kipling (Rudyard). Departmental Ditties and other Verses (No. 1 of 1886), first edition, in the original wrapper, with flap (seal wanted), Lahore, 1886, 8vo. (825) Mills, £1 175. 304 Lacroix (Paul) et F. Seré. Le Moyen Age et La Renaissance, chromo-lithograph plates and other illustrations, 5 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, by Leighton, Paris, 1848-51, 4to. (560) Sabin, £10 305 Letchford (A.) Series of Seventy Illustrations to the Arabian Nights, reproduced from the original pictures in oils, edition de luxe, proofs before letters, in portfolio, Nichols, 1897, imperial folio (377) Edwards, £2 8s. 306 Lever (C.) Novels, edited by his Daughter, copyright edition, illustrations by "Phiz," 37 vol., half morocco, contents lettered, gilt tops, 1897-9, 8vo. (58) Quaritch, £17 5s. 307 Lydekker (R.) The Deer of All Lands, coloured plates and cuts, limited edition, cloth, uncut, 1898, 4to. (235)

Potter, £2 10s.

308 Margaret of Navarre. The Heptameron, with Essay by G. Saintsbury, plates on Japanese vellum by Freudenberg, 5 vol., cloth, 1894, 8vo. (85) Walford, 1 12s. 309 Martin. In the Footprints of Charles Lamb, illustrations by Railton, etc., with extra portraits inserted, half morocco gilt, by Zaehnsdorf, 1891, square 8vo. (102) Dobell, 111S. 310 Masson (F.) Joséphine, Impératrice et Reine, coloured portrait and duplicate set of illustrations, Japanese paper edition (limited to 150 copies), in cloth portfolio, 1899, 4to. (239) Goupil & Co., £5 311 Meredith (G.) Modern Love, first edition, cloth, uncut, Chapman and Hall, 1862, 8vo. (367) Meynell, £1 13s. 312 Meredith (G.) Poems, first edition, cloth, uncut, J. Parker and Son (erasure on title), [1851], 8vo. (122)

Spencer, £9 2s. 6d. 313 Molière. Euvres par Bret, plates by Moreau, 6 vol., mottled calf, Paris, 1773, 8vo. (188) Sotheran, £3 7s. 6d. 314 Molière. Dramatic Works, by Van Laun, proof etchings by Lalauze, 6 vol., uncut, Paterson, 1875, 8vo. (96)

Maggs, £1 145. 315 Nash (J.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time, re-edited by Corbet Anderson, lithos., 4 vol., 1872, folio (296) Sotheran, £3 10s. 316 Nolhac (Pierre de). Marie Antoinette, the Dauphine, coloured portrait and illustrations, wrapper, Goupil and Co., 4to. (238) Goupil & Co., £2 317 Ornatus Muliebris Anglicanus, or the Severall Habits of English Women, 26 plates by Hollar, morocco extra, 1640, 8vo. (463) Karslake, £2 IOS. 318 Pardoe (Miss). Life of Marie de Medicis, portraits and facsimiles, 3 vol., 1852, 8vo. (506) J. Bumpus, £2 10s. 319 Peacock (T. L.) Works, edited by Garnett, portrait and illustrations, 10 vol., LARGE PAPER (limited to 100 copies), cloth, uncut, 1891 (108) Forrester, 1 16s. 320 Poe (E. A.) Works, edited by Stedman and Woodberry, illustrations by Sterner, 10 vol., cloth gilt, gilt tops, Lawrence and Bullen, 1895, 8vo. (389) Grant, LI 125. 321 Pyne (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences, 100 coloured engravings, facsimiles of original drawings by C. Wild, Cattermole, Stephanoff, etc., 3 vol., original boards, edges entirely untrimmed, London, 1819, imperial 4to. (520)

Quaritch, £23

322 Quaritch's Catalogue of Fifteen Hundred Books, remarkable for their Bindings, facsimiles, morocco, richly tooled sides and inner borders, uncut, t. e. g., 1889, 8vo. (346) Maggs, £4 323 Rabelais (F.) Works, translated by Urquhart and Motteux, illustrations by Louis Chalon, limited edition, 2 vol., cloth extra, Lawrence and Bullen, 1892, imperial 8vo. (80)

Parker, £2 324 Rabelais (F.) Works, with the extra plates (210 copies printed entirely throughout on Japanese vellum), 2 vol., buckram, Lawrence and Bullen, 1892, imperial 8vo. (81) Dobbs, £3 5s.

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