portion of title to vol. iii. imperfect and mended, many leaves soiled, two half-titles wanted in vol. i. and ii. -Guy Mannering, several leaves spotted - Antiquary, titles damaged, a leaf defective, and some leaves soiled-Pirate, vol. ii. Redgauntlet, vol. i.-and Chronicles of the Canongate, first series, 2 vol., wanted half-titles), half bound, not uniform, the lot sold not subject to return, Edinburgh, 1814-29, 8vo. (425) 1898, 4to. (256) McDougall, £10 IOS. 2361 Shelley (P. B.) Queen Mab, with the Notes, original boards, uncut, W. Clark, 1821, 8vo. (25) Maggs, £1 1S. 2362 Skelton (Sir John). Charles I., with numerous illustrations from contemporary works of art, uncut, Goupil and Co., G. H. Cooke, £2 7s. 2363 Skelton (Sir John). Charles I., another copy, edition de luxe, on Japanese paper, with two series of the large plates, uncut, Goupil and Co., 1898, 4to. (257) Thorp, £3 16s. 2364 Solly (N. Neal). Memoir of the Life of David Cox, with Selections from his Correspondence, etc., photographic plates, extra illustrated with a series of proof and other engravings from his works, half morocco gilt, t. e. g., 1873, imperial 8vo. (770) Maggs, £3 2365 Spenser (E.) The Faerie Queene, Disposed into Twelve bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall Vertues, second edition, W. Ponsonbie, 1596-The Second Part of the Faerie Queene, containing the fourth, fifth and sixth Bookes, first edition, ib., 1596, with autographs of Eliz Percival and Wills Fowldes, and remarkable ex-libris of Mrs. Eliz Percival dated 1721, in I vol., old calf, y. e., W. Ponsonbie, 1596, 4to. (588) Maggs, £46 2366 Stafford (T.) Pacata Hibernia, Ireland Appeased and Reduced, portraits of Lord Carew, Queen Elizabeth, maps, that of Munster supplied from Speed, old calf, 1633, folio Maggs, £2 8s. (359) 2367 Stothard (Thomas, R.A.) Life, with Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray, numerous illustrations, extra illustrated with about 60 engravings from contemporary works, including some in colours, chiefly after Stothard, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 1851, 4to. (771) Tregaskis, £2 185. 2368 Sussex Archæological Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities of the County, vol. i.-xxviii. and General Index to vol. i. xxv., 29 vol., plates and illustrations, 1848-78, 8vo. (486) Walford, £5 5s. 2369 Taylor (W.) Sketches Illustrating the Manners and Customs of the Indians and Anglo-Indians, 6 coloured plates, in portfolio, McLean, 1842, folio (590) Maggs, £2 2370 Tod (Lieut.-Col. James). Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India, 2 vol., large folding map and numerous engravings by Finden, calf gilt, marbled edges, 1829-32, royal 4to. (1053) Selden, £6 25. 6d. 2371 Town (The), a Weekly Journal, including Characteristic Sketches of Popular Characters (each illustrated), Thea trical News, etc., edited by Chief Baron Nicholson, July 1, 1837 to June 13, 1840, half calf, 1837-40, folio (324) Ridler, £2 [Another set in 3 vol., 1837-40, realised the same amount at Sotheby's on March 6th.-ED.] 2372 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Hawkins' first edition, plates, calf, portrait, frontispiece and 14 plates, 1760, 8vo. (102) Toovey, £2 6s. 2373 White (Gilbert). Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, a new edition, with the folding view of Selborne and engravings, extra illustrated by the insertion of numerous woodcuts from Bewick's Birds, first edition, a portrait of Pennant, etc., a nearly uncut copy in mottled calf gilt, 1813, 4to. (769) Maggs, £3 3s. 2374 Wilson (W.) Bryologia Britannica, containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland, third edition, 61 plates, 1855, 8vo. (141) Quaritch, LI 18s. 2375 Yule (Colonel H.) and Dr. A. C. Burnell. Glossary of AngloIndian Colloquial Words and Phrases and of Kindred Terms, half bound, 1886, 8vo. (831) Quaritch, £3 3s. 2376 Zola (E.) La Débacle, first edition, half morocco, g. t., uncut, original wrappers preserved, one of 300 copies on papier de Hollande," Charpentier, 1892, 8vo. (369) Parker & Co., £1 4s. [FEBRUARY 19TH, 20TH AND 21ST, 1902.] HODGSON & CO. THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE MR. N. BURGESS AND OTHER PROPERTIES. (No. of Lots, 878; amount realised, £1,219 4s. 6d.) 2377 Almack (E.) Bibliography of the King's Book, or Eikon Basilike, coloured plates and facsimiles, LARGE PAPER (limited to 150 copies), cloth, uncut, 1896, 4to. (539) £3 35. 2378 Alpine Club Journal (The). A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation, edited by H. B. George, Leslie Stephen and others, maps and plates, first 16 vol. (vol. 12 missing), with Index to vol. 1 to 15, original cloth, 1864-93, 8vo. (373) Quaritch, £24 10s. 2379 Baring-Gould (S.) Lives of the Saints, illustrations, 16 vol., cloth, gilt top, Nimmo, 1897-8, 8vo. (361) Braun, £2 2s. 2380 British Essayists, with Prefaces by L. T. Berguer, portraits, 45 vol., old calf gilt, m. 1., 1823, 8vo. (404) Tregaskis, £2 135. 2381 Buchoz (P. Jos.) Collection des Fleurs les plus rares et curieuses qui se cultivent tant dans les jardins de la Chine Hodgson and Co., que dans ceux de l'Europe, 200 coloured plates, 2 vol., half morocco, uncut, Paris, 1776-9, oblong folio (551) Cory, £5 2s. 6d. 2382 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, portrait and plates, old calf, gilt edges, 1796, royal 8vo. (443) £5 2s. 6d. [This copy had a landscape view of Elstow painted on the fore-edge under the gilding.-ED.] 2383 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Illustrated Catalogue of Early 2385 Burton (Sir R. F.) The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Shepherd, £6 2386 Butler (A. E.) Foreign Finches in Captivity, 60 coloured 2387 Callaway (Canon). The Religious System of the Amazulu, 2389 Cayley (A.) Collected Mathematical Papers, 13 vol. and the Index, 1889-98, 4to. (244) 2390 Chalmers (George). An Apology for the Believers in the Martini, £8 Shakespeare Papers, original boards, uncut, 1797, 8vo. (468) Tregaskis, Lu 5s. [Inserted are two letters addressed to Mrs. Garrick. The first is a letter from Ireland, inviting her to see the Shakespeare Papers. The second, from Mrs. Nicholl (wife of the antiquary), refers to the same subject :suppose you must ere now have heard of the Shakespearian . . . I discoveries lately made. A friend of ours, Mr. Caldecott is intimately acquainted with Mr. Ireland, the discoverer. . . . The desire of seeing these things has so much excited the curiosity of the learned world that he is often tired of shewing them. . . ."--Catalogue.] 2391 Curtis (J.) British Entomology. Illustrations and Descrip- vol., buckram, and remaining 34 vol. cloth), together 102 vol. in 82, and 5 numbers sewed, 1786-1897, 8vo. (186) Quaritch, £34 Ios. [A few volumes in the above set were imperfect. The three scarce volumes of the second series were wanting.Catalogue. The scarce volumes of the New or Second Series are vol. 15-17.-ED.] 2393 Dupont-Auberville. L'Ornement des Tissus, coloured plates, half morocco, gilt edges, Paris, 1877, folio (554) Rimell, £2 5s. 2394 Ewald (H.) History of Israel, edited by Russell Martineau, 8 vol., cloth, 1869-86, 8vo. (55) Sotheran, £1 16s. 2395 [Fitzgerald (E.)] Polonius, a Collection of Wise Saws and Modern Instances, cloth, uncut, W. Pickering, 1852, 8vo. (439) Bumpus, £4 155. 2396 Flecknoe (Rich.) Epigrams made at Several Times upon Several Occasions, and continued to the year 1673 (margins slightly stained), calf, from Garrick's Library with his bookplate, 1673, 8vo. (474) Pickering, £9 5s. 2397 Frankau (Julia). Eighteenth Century Colour Prints, an Essay on Certain Stipple Engravers and their Work in Colour, 52 Characteristic Pictures, printed in colours from copperplates (limited to 200 copies), cloth extra, 1900, atlas 4to. Bumpus, £16 Ios. 2398 Gould (J.) Monograph of the Ramphastidæ, or Family of Toucans, coloured plates, half morocco, gilt top, 1834, folio (542) (260) S. C. Brown, £3 7s. 6d. 2399 Green (J. R.) History of the English People, maps, 4 vol., cloth, uncut, 1877-80, 8vo. (104) Turner, £2 4s. 2400 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica, or a History of Australian Seaweeds, 300 coloured plates, 5 vol., cloth, 1858-63, royal 8vo. (203) Hermann, £3 IOS. 2401 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica, or a History of British Seaweeds, new edition, 360 coloured plates, 4 vol., cloth, 1871, royal 8vo. (204) Hermann, £3 3s. 2402 [Helyot (P.)] Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, Religieux et Militaires, over 800 full-length portraits, 8 vol., calf, Paris, 1714-19, 4to. (533) Tregaskis, £5 125. 6d. 2403 Henley (W. E.) and Stevenson (R. L.) Deacon Brodie, or the Double Life, a Melodrama, presentation copy, with inscription, "R. T. H. B., from W. E. H., 30/7/88" (No. 5), morocco extra, silk linings, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, Privately printed, Edinburgh, 1888, 8vo. (437) Denham, £4 15s. 2404 Hentzner (Paul). A Journey into England in the year 1598, vignette title, Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757, 4to. (476) Karslake, £9 IOS. [Two hundred and twenty copies of this book were printed by Horace Walpole for presentation. On the flyleaf of the above copy is the inscription, "This book was given to me by Mr. Hor. Walpole, D. Garrick."-Catalogue.] 2405 Histoire Literaire de la France, nouvelle edition, par M. Paulin Paris, first series, with Table Générale, 16 vol.-and second series, vol. 1, together 17 vol., cloth (one vol. sewed), 1865-92, 4to. (534) Edwards, £6 2406 Hooker (Sir W. J.) Filices Exoticæ, or Figures and Descriptions of Exotic Ferns, 100 coloured plates, cloth, gilt top, 1859, royal 4to. (261) Wheldon, £2 2407 Ireland (S.) Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakespeare, first edition, boards, uncut, 1796, 4to. (466) Sotheran, £9 10S. [Inserted were two letters from Ireland to Mrs. Garrick. The first, dated February 25, 1796, invites her to see the Shakespeare Papers. This was endorsed by her, “Mr. Ireland, forger of the Shakespeare Papers." The second letter referred to "the late Mr. Hogarth."-Catalogue.] 2408 Jesse (J. H.) London, a Fragmentary Poem, first edition, illustrated by the insertion of 130 portraits, views, etc., morocco extra, broad inside borders with joints, gilt top, 1847, 8vo. (33) Harding, 2 14s. 2409 Jones (Owen). Details and Ornaments from the Alhambra, from Drawings by Jules Goury and Owen Jones, plates in gold and colours and other illustrations, 2 vol., half bound, 1842-5, imperial folio (548) Quaritch, £7 2410 Kipling (Rudyard). Writings in Prose and Verse, with the Departmental Ditties and other Verses," edition de luxe, etched portrait and plates, 21 vol., art cloth, Macmillan and Thacker, 1897-1901, 8vo. (435) £12 155. 2411 Lang (A.) The Blue Fairy Book, illustrations, LARGE PAPER (113 copies so printed), boards, 1889, royal 8vo. (428) Denham, £3 15s. 2412 Lang (H. C.) The Butterflies of Europe, Described and Figured, coloured plates, 2 vol., cloth, 1884, imperial 8vo. (206) Barron, £2 10S. 2413 Masson (F.) Stapelia Novæ, or a Collection of several New Species of the Genus discovered in Africa, 41 coloured plates (a few extra inserted), half bound, 1796, folio (270) Wesley, £45s. 2414 Mikan (J. C.) Delectus Florae et Faunae Brasiliensis, 24 coloured plates, 4 parts in 2, sewed, Vindobonae, 1825, atlas folio (269) Wesley, £2 10S. 2415 Milton (John). Paradise Lost, first edition, original sheepskin, 1669, small 4to. (453) Pickering, £14 10s. [The seventh, eighth and ninth titles are dated 1669. The above was a copy of the seventh issue of the original edition.-ED.] 2416 Milton (John). Paradise Regained, first edition, with the rare leaf, "Licensed, July 2, 1670," old calf, J. M. for John Starkey, 1671, 8vo. (454) Quaritch, £14 [Some leaves of this copy had been cut into by the binder.-ED.] 2417 Moore (F.) The Lepidoptera of Ceylon, 215 coloured plates, 3 vol., cloth, 1880-87, 4to. (226) Hill, £9 9s. |