[DECEMBER 18TH, 1901.] CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. THE LIBRARIES OF THE LATE MR. W. COSMO MONKHOUSE AND OF THE LATE MR. SAMUEL POPE, K.C., AND OTHER PROPERTIES. (No. of Lots, 306; amount realised, about £950.) 1620 America. The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791, the original French, Latin and Italian texts, with English Translations and Notes, edited by R. G. Thwaites, portraits, maps and facsimiles, 71 vol., Cleveland, U.S., 1899 (176) Hammond, £28 7s. [Two more volumes, which complete the work, were to be delivered gratis on publication.-Catalogue.] 1621 Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, 150 plates by Alken, Howitt, Herring, etc., of which 50 were coloured, numerous woodcuts (some uncoloured aquatints of the coloured plates inserted), 13 vol., a complete set, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, by Rivière, 1822-28, 8vo. (151) Sotheran, £82 1622 Armstrong (Sir Walter). Sir Joshua Reynolds, plates, 1900, 4to. (117) 1623 Armstrong (Sir Walter). (118) Parsons, £4 7s. 6d. Gainsborough, plates, 1898, 4to. Parsons, £7 12s. 6d. 1624 Beckford (P.) Thoughts upon Hare and Fox Hunting, frontispiece by Bartolozzi and plans of kennels, first edition, 55 engravings after Sartorius and others, morocco extra, 1781, 8vo. (150) Sotheran, £13 [Originally issued in grey boards. The price paid for this copy was very high.- ED.] 1625 Bemrose (W.) Life and Works of Joseph Wright, A.R.A., with 2 etchings by Seymour Haden, plates and woodcuts, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy from the Author, 1885, folio (148) Sutton, £1 6s. 1626 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of the Works of the School of Ferrara-Bologna, 1440-1540, plates, 1894, 4to. (124) Maggs, £4 8s. 1627 Clark (S.) Views in Scotland, 30 coloured plates, half bound, 1825, folio (143) Sotheran, £19 [The first copy of this scarce work that has been publicly sold in London during the last fifteen years.-ED.] 1628 Cotton (C.) The Compleat Gamester, or Instructions how to play at Billiards, Trucks, Bowls and Chess, with the Arts and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Archery and CockFighting, etc., frontispiece in compartments, calf extra, gilt edges, 1676, 8vo. (159) Pickering, £5 1629 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz, portraits and plates by G. Cruikshank, 2 vol., first edition, calf extra, gilt edges, 1838, 8vo. (174) Sotheran, £2 17s. 6d. 1630 Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected, coloured and plain plates by Alken, Cruikshank, etc., original picture boards, uncut, first edition, 1820, 8vo. (149) Harrison, £3 16s. 1631 Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected, etc., another edition, frontispiece, 2 coloured plates after J. R. Cruikshank, 2 portraits and woodcuts, morocco extra, the back and sides ornamented, uncut, by Lloyd, 1825, 8vo. (156) Roper, £5 1632 Eliot (George). Romola, 3 vol., first edition, original cloth, uncut, 1863, 8vo. (177) Pickering, £19 [Presentation copy "To Mr. Fred Burton, with high regards from George Eliot."-Catalogue.] 1633 Gower (Lord Ronald). The Great Historic Galleries of England, photographs, 3 vol., 1881-84, 4to. (119) Duveen, £5 1634 H. (R.) The School of Recreation, or the Gentleman's Tutor to the Exercises of Hunting, Racing, Hawking, Riding, Cock-Fighting, etc., frontispiece, calf extra, gilt edges, 1684, 12mo. (158) [The first edition. ments.-ED.] Bickers, £8 The frontispiece is in six compart 1635 Jones (T.) Diary of the Quorndon Hunt, from 1791 to 1800, boards, uncut, 1816, 8vo. (153) Bickers, £5 1636 Linton (W. J.) The Masterpieces of Wood Engraving, illustrations, 1889, folio (147) Walford, £2 175. 1637 Muther (R.) History of Modern Painting, illustrations, 3 vol., 1894, 8vo. (68) Quaritch, £2 12s. 6d. 1638 National Gallery, edited by Sir E. Poynter, with illustrations of all the pictures, 3 vol., 1899, 4to. (111) Parsons, £10 1639 Northbrook Gallery of Pictures, edited by Lord Ronald Gower, photographs, 1885, 4to. (120) Duveen, £2 1640 Plunkett (Count). Sandro Botticelli, illustrations, 1900, 4to. (116) Sotheran, £1 19s. 1641 Propert (J. L.) History of Miniature Art, photographs, 1887, 4to. (123) Bumpus, 19 10s. 1642 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life, by C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor, illustrations, 2 vol., 1865, 8vo. (79) Sotheran, £3 10s. 1643 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, the second impression, title and verses wanted, last leaf in MS., some plates pasted on the letterpress, old calf, sold with all faults, 1632, folio (187) Tregaskis, £7 2s. 6d. 1644 Sketchley (W.) The Cocker, illustrated with 33 plates, some coloured, cuttings from the Sporting Magazine relating to Cocking inserted, morocco extra, uncut, the sides and backs ornamented with game cocks, by Lloyd (reprint of the edition of 1814), 8vo. (157) Bumpus, £6 10s. 1645 Surtees (R. S.) Analysis of the Hunting Field, a Series of Sketches of the principal Characters that compose one, 6 coloured plates by Alken and 43 woodcuts, first edition, cloth, gilt edges, 1846, 8vo. (152) Hornstein, £10 [The papers reprinted in this volume appeared in Bell's Life during 1845-46. Price rising.-ED.] 1646 Surtees (R. S.) Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities, with a Note on the Illustrations by J. Grego, 31 coloured illustrations by Alken, "Phiz" and Heath, some never before reproduced, with a duplicate set of plates in monochrome, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER (90 copies printed), 1901, 8vo. (171) Harrison, £5 5s. 1647 Swinburne (A. C.) William Blake, a Critical Essay, coloured plates, half bound morocco, gilt edges, 1868, 8vo. (62) Dobell, I IIS. 1648 Taylor (S. A.) Cocking and its Votaries, illustrated with 22 plates (12 coloured), with an Article on Cocking from the Sporting Magazine, a curious Tract on the Death of a Cock-Fighter, Ticket to view a main, Records of Mains, etc. inserted, morocco extra, with joints, the sides emblematically tooled with game cocks, uncut, 8vo. (155) Bickers, £6 155. 1649 Turner (J. M. W., R.A.) Annual Tours. Wanderings by the Seine and the Loire, by L. Ritchie, plates, 3 vol., morocco extra, with joints, gilt edges, 1833-35, 8vo. (175) Maggs, £65s. 1650 Turner (J. M. W., R.A.) Liber Studiorum, Autotype Reproductions, with Notices by S. Brooke, 3 vol., 1864, 4to. (128) Bumpus, £3 5s. 1651 Westmacott (W. H.) The English Spy, Characteristic, Satirical and Humorous, comprising Scenes and Sketches in every Rank of Society, 72 coloured plates and woodcuts by R. Cruikshank, 2 vol., morocco extra, 1825, 8vo. (154) Sabin, £22 10S. From Mr. Pope's Library (realised £572). 1652 Browne (Hablot K., “Phiz"). Sketches and Caricatures, 48 humorous pencil sketches, mounted on cardboard, in a vol., morocco, gilt edges, oblong folio (284) Sabin, £45 1653 Browne (Hablot K.) Studies and Sketches, 122 pencil drawings, and etching of a Lion, with inscription, "My first etching. Finden's, H.K.B.,” mounted on cardboard, morocco, gilt edges, oblong folio (285) Sabin, £36 1654 Browne (Hablot K.) Studies of Heads, 137 pencil drawings, mounted on cardboard, morocco, gilt edges, oblong folio (286) Sabin, £57 1655 Browne (Hablot K.) Hunting Songs. Manuscript in his autograph (My Good Grey Mare, The Old Squire's Sweethearts (or his Pack of Bitches), In Memoriam, A Huntsman's Lament for his best Hounds killed on the Rail, The Separation, "As Happy as a King," Billy Bouncer, Slow and Sure, Wire Fences), with 21 humorous pencil sketches, morocco, gilt edges (287) Grego, £60 1656 Browne (Hablot K.) Ballads. Manuscript in his autograph : (Sir Nicholas, The Zephyr Kiss, To a Fair Toxophilite, Timothy Traddle or Horse Hunting Extraordinary, A Drinking Song, Don't be Spooney, The Half Kiss, Give me a Lass with Sparkling Eye, The Black Huntsman, Eyes Right, Sold Again), with 16 humorous pencil sketches, 2 vol., morocco, gilt edges (288) Maggs, £30 1657 Caldecott (Randolph). Visitors to Buxton, being Sketches made there in October, 1876, by R. Caldecott, a Rheumatic, 40 very humorous sketches (9 coloured), mounted in a volume, morocco, 4to. (282) Pickering, £40 1658 Caldecott (Randolph). Illustrations to Bracebridge Hall, by Washington Irving, the 119 original drawings, mounted in 2 vol., morocco, 4to. (281) Sabin, £170 1659 Lockwood (Frank). His Sketch Book, original binding, 1898, 4to. (298) £3 7s. 6d. 1660 Tuer (A. W.) History of the Horn Book, illustrations, 2 vol., vellum, 1896, 4to. (289) Lyon, £2 4s. [The original edition. A later and cheaper one appeared in 1 vol., 4to., 1897.—ED.] [DECEMBER 19TH, 1901.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. A COLLECTION OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS AND (No. of Lots, 197; amount realised, £1,266 6s. 6d.) : 1661 Aeneas Silvius. Historia Pii Papa de duobus amantibus, roman letter, double columns, outline woodcut within border on title, printer's mark at end, unbound, Venetiis, Jo. Bapt. Sessa, 1504, 4to. (2) Quaritch, £4 25. 1662 Albertus de Padua. Liber predicationum super evangeliis dominicalibus et in precipuis festivitatibus sanctorum, lit. goth., double columns, old calf, Venetiis, per Adam de Rotuuil et Andream de Corona, 1476, small folio (3) Dobell, £33s. 1663 Albertus Magnus. Compendiosum insigne ac perutile opus philosophiæ naturalis, roman letter, long lines, two large woodcuts, two smaller and a large ornamental initial, MS. notes, large copy, half vellum, Venetiis, Geo. de Arriuabenis, 1496, 4to. (4) Tregaskis, £3 12s. 1664 Albertus Magnus. Sermones de tempore et de sanctis, bold lit. goth., long lines, woodcut initials, few small worm-holes, boards backed with stamped pigskin, Auguste, per Joh. Wienner, s. a., circa 1476, folio (5) Olschki, £2 16s. 1665 Albumasar. Flores Albumasaris, lit. goth., long lines, with quaint woodcuts and ornamental initials, fine uncoloured copy, half vellum, Aug. Vind., E. Ratdolt, 1488, small 4to. (7) Olschki, £2 16s. 1666 Alciatus (And.) Andreae Alciati Emblematum libellus, 113 wood engravings, printer's mark, morocco, g.e., by Thibaron, Lugduni, Jocobus Modernus excudebat, 1544, 8vo. (10) B. F. Stevens, £7 15s. 1667 Augustinus (S.) Sancto Augustino de la Cita di Dio tradotto da Fra Jacopo Passavanti, semi-gothic_characters, double columns, large copy (almost uncut) in vellum boards, s. n. (Venetia, Antonio da Bologna, circa 1476), small folio (17) Olschki, £3 6s. [A very rare edition and a celebrated testo di lingua." It is printed in the same type as the Italian Livio printed by Ant. da Bologna in 1478.-Catalogue.] 1668 Ausino (Nic. de). Supplementum Summæ Pisanellæ, Iit. 66 goth., double columns, two initials and border in gold and colours, other ornamental initials in colours, wormhole in last few leaves, large copy, old half binding, Venetiis, F. de Hailbrun et N. de Frankfordia, 1474, folio (20) Renshaw, £4 1669 Barberiis (Phil. de). Opuscula, gothic and roman letter, with 12 full-page woodcuts within ornamental borders, historiated and ornamental initials, vellum, Venetiis, p. Bern. Benalium, s. d. (circa 1500), 4to. (21) Bain, £4 4s. 1670 Bernardus (S.) Libro in chemodo se deue tenere munda la conscientia et la meditatione sue altri capituli bellissimi et utillissimi, lit. goth., long lines, 3 woodcuts, woodcut border and initial on a 3 and historiated initial on g 1, calf, blind tooled, Bologna, Justiniano de Rubiera, s. a., 4to. (24) Ridler, £4 4s. 1671 Beroaldus (P.) Commentationes conditæ a P. Beroaldo in Suetonium Tranquillum, etc., with 73 woodcuts, including the earliest representation of the Cæsarian operation, ornamental initials, original stamped pigskin, Venetiis, P. Pincium Mantuanum, 1510, folio (25) Maggs, £5 7s. 6d. 1672 Boccaccio (Giovanni). Il libro di florio et di biazafiore chiamato philocolo, etc., roman letter, double columns, some small wormholes, vellum, Venetia, impress. per Maestro Philipo de piero, 1481, folio (27) 'Voynich, £4 1673 Boccaccio (Giovanni). Lopera de misser Giouanni Boccacio de mulieribus claris, roman letter, long lines, large and small woodcuts, morocco, by Pratt, Venetiis, Zuanne de Trino chiamato Tacuino, 1506, 4to. (28) Bain, £15 5s. 1674 Breviarium per totum anni circulum secundum rituz et ordinem monialium sancti Laurentii de Venetiis, lit. goth.. in red and black, double columns, large copy, old calf tooled in gold, with Crucifixion and Virgin and Child and initials L. D. broken, Sine nota (Sæc. xv.), 4to. (31) Olschki, £4 18s. 1675 Breviarium Romanum cum aliis qzpluribus de novo superadditus, lit. goth.. in red and black, double columns, full |