corners of 2 leaves of table defective, half bound, 1640, 1406 Parkinson (John). Theatrum Botanicum, The Theater of 1793, imperial 4to. (1250) Denham, £1 75. 1408 Platina. Viri doctissimi Platynæ opusculum de obsoniis ac honesta voluptate, morocco extra, g. e., Impressum Venetiis Duce iclyto Petro Mocenico Idibus Juniis, 1475, folio (1254) Slater, £10 5s. [The first dated edition of the first Cookery Book.-Catalogue.] 1409 Plays. Tate (N.) A Duke and no Duke, a Farce, the songs set to music, H. Bonwicke, 1685-Settle (Elkanah). Ibrahim the Illustrious Bassa, W. Cademan, 1677; The Empress of Morocco, by E. Settle, E. Cademan, 1687-Sedley (Sir Charles). Bellamira, or the Mistress, Comedy, T. Godwin, 1687-Lacy (John). Sr. Hercules Buffoon, Hindmarsh, 1684-Carlile (James). The Fortune-Hunters, J. Knapton, 1689--Mountford (W.) The Injur'd Lovers, S. Manship, 1688-Crowne (John). The English Frier, J. Knapton, 1690-Shadwell (Tho.) The Squire of Alsatia, ib., 1688Dryden (John). Amphitryon (with the songs set to music by Purcell), J. Tonson, 1691--The Royal Flight, or the Conquest of Ireland, a New Farce, R. Baldwin, 1690Wilson (J.) Belphezor, or the Marriage of the Devil, L. Meredith, 1691-Dryden (John). The Hind and the Panther, in three parts (last leaf defective), J. Tonson, 1687, mostly first editions, in 1 vol., half calf, 4to. (384) Pickering, £16 1410 Plutarch. Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romaines, translated by Sir Thomas North, Knight, 1612, calf, folio (1255) Sotheran, £9 [An account of this edition will be found in Skeat's "Shakespeare's Plutarch" and in the Transactions of the New Shakespeare Society, 1874.-ED.] 1411 Pole (Reginald, Cardinal). Ad Henricum Octavum Britanniæ regum pro Ecclesiasticæ Unitatis Defensione Libri quatuor, first edition, Printed by Cardinal Pole for private circulation only, morocco extra, g. e., Excussum Romæ, apud Antonium Bladum Asulanum (1536), folio (893) Maurice, £35 10s. [An extraordinary attack on Henry VIII. A document with the rare autograph of Pole inserted. The rarity of this first edition, of which a copy at Lord Guildford's sale (1820) produced £25 4s., is owing to the very small impression that was struck off for the Cardinal's particular friends. He was so reluctant to the work getting abroad, that even Pope Paul III. could not prevail upon him to give him a sight of it. Pole had promised not to distribute the work, and the alarm of the King and his Council was very great when they received it in print. Henry ordered Archbishop Cranmer and the Bishops to draw up an Answer, and, under pretence of wishing some explanation of the Doctrine of the Pope's supremacy, the King requested Pole to return to England, or if that did not suit him, to suppress his work, and to forward an engagement, under his hand and seal, never more to write either against him or his subjects. Catalogue.] 1412 Rawstorne (L.) Gamonia, the Art of Preserving Game, etc., 15 coloured plates after drawings by J. T. Rawlins, morocco gilt, g.e., presentation copy, R. Ackermann, 1837, royal 8vo. (377) Dobell, £8 15s. 1413 Recueil d'Estampes representant les Troubles, Guerres, Massacres Survenus en France à l'occasion de la réforme de la religion, depuis la mort de Henry II. (1559), jusqu'à 1573 et dans les Pays Bas de 1556 à 1581, morocco, g. e., 1582, 4to. (1221) Webster, £10 [An interesting collection of engravings issued by the designers Tortorel and Perissin, probably as separate prints. It is a volume of the highest rarity. Amongst the incidents here depicted may be mentioned :-Tournoi ou le roi Henri II. fut blessé à mort-L'Entreprise d'Amboise découverte-L'Exécution des principaux chefs de la conjuration d'Amboise-Le Colloque de Poissy (with portraits of the Cardinal of Lorraine, Beza, Charles IX., Catherine de Medicis, Henry IV., etc.)-Première, Deuxième, Troisième, Charges de la Bataille de Dreux-Le Duc de Guise blessé à mort-La Bataille de Saint Denis, etc. The fourth print alludes to the religious conference held at Poissy, not far from Versailles, on the 4th September, 1561, in the presence of the King (Charles IX.), between the Catholics and the Calvinists. There is a coeval English translation of a Latin account of it by Nicholas Gallosius, who was present. As copies differ, sold not subject to return.-Catalogue.] 1414 Sheridan, a Biography, by W. F. Rae, with an Introduction by the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, 2 vol. bound in 3, with portraits, extra illustrated by the insertion of 316 portraits, views, public buildings, full-length character portraits, theatres, extracts, coloured and other caricatures, play-bills, celebrated gardens, etc., calf extra, t. e. g., 1896, 8vo. (290) Banks, £7 1415 Stirlings of Keir (The) and their Family Papers, by Wm. Fraser, private impression issued by Wm. Stirling (Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell) of 150 copies for presents only, half morocco, uncut, Edinburgh, 1858, small 4to. An Essay towards a Collection of Books relating to the Arts of Design at Keir, by Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, 25 copies privately printed, half morocco, 1850, 8vo., together 2 vol., 4to. (388) J. Grant, £18 7s. 6d. 1416 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Annals of the Artists of Spain, first edition, LARGE PAPER, 25 copies printed for presents, numerous portraits, and the extra vol. of Talbotype illustrations, 3 vol., morocco extra, inside dentelles, joints, g. e., by Leighton, presentation copy from the author to R. W. Grey, M.P., J. Ollivier, 1848, super imperial 8vo. (376) Maggs, £10 12s. 6d. 1417 Stothard (Thomas, R.A.) Life, with personal reminiscences by Mrs. Bray, with numerous illustrations from his works, bound in 2 vol., and extra illustrated by the insertion of 217 engravings, mostly after Stothard, some on India paper, portraits, etc., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., 1851, 8vo. (293) Brunning, £5 155. 1418 Taylor (John, the Water Poet). All the Workes of John Taylor the Water Poet, being 63 in number collected into one volume by the Author, with sundry new additions, corrected, revised, and newly imprinted, 1630, engraved title by Cockson (neatly inlaid), morocco extra, richly tooled, gilt leaves, 1630 (1452) Rowell, £6 5s. [From Major Pierson's library (sold in 1788). At signature g.g.g. there is a reference to Shakespeare.-Catalogue.] 1419 Terentius, folio 16, Terentijvita excerpta de dictis d F. Petrace -Folio 3a, Terentii aphri poete comici liber i sex diuisus comoedias-Quarpma Andria, etc., old morocco, s. l. et a. (sed Coloniæ Ulric Zell, circa 1470-72), folio (1453) Banks, £25 [This edition was first described by Dibdin from Lord Spencer's imperfect copy. The volume consists of 100 leaves in gothic letter, without any marks, 34 lines to the page. Dibdin notes Lord Spencer's copy as having only 99 leaves, so, therefore, it must lack a leaf. Only one other perfect copy can be traced-Lord Crawford's. There is an imperfect copy in the Laurentian Library at Florence. Dibdin ascribed the volume to the press of J. de Colonia, but Lord Crawford, and later bibliographers, to that of Zell. -Catalogue.] 1420 Tewrdannck. Die geuerlicheiten vnd einsteils der geschichten das loblichë streitbaren vnd hochberumbten helds vnd Ritters Tewrdannckhs [durch Melchior Pfintzing], 118 woodcuts by Hans Schäufelein and Burgkmair, large copy, perfectly clean and sound, vellum, centre ornaments and line borders in blind, Augsburg, 1519, folio (1455) Denham, £10 155. 1421 Thackeray (W. M.) The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, second edition, illustrated by the insertion of 50 portraits, views, humorous subjects, etc. (some scarce), calf extra, t. e. g., 1853, 8vo. (295) Sotheran, £2 85. 1422 Thackeray (W. M.) The Four Georges, with illustrations, extra illustrated by the insertion of 137 portraits, views (several scarce) and other engravings, calf extra, t. e. g., 1861, 8vo. (296) Banks, £4 5s. 1423 Thomson (James). The Seasons, Bensley's edition, illustrated with engravings, vignettes and tail-pieces by Bartolozzi and Tomkins, after paintings executed for the work by W. Hamilton, R.A., old calf (one cover loose), g. e., Bensley, 1797, royal folio (1456) Maggs, £4 4s. 1424 Turner (W.) The First and Seconde Partes of the Herbal lately oversene, and enlarged with the Thirde Parte, black letter, Collen, A. Birckman, 1568, folio (1458) Toon, £10 [This copy was imperfect. It wanted, inter alia, the "Book of the bath of Baeth" at the end.-ED.] 1425 Walpole (Horace) and his World, Select Passages from his Letters, with 8 illustrations after Sir J. Reynolds and Sir T. Lawrence, extra illustrated by the insertion of 92 portraits and views, celebrated houses and other illustrations, half morocco, t. e. g., 1884, 8vo. (299) Maggs, £4 6s. 1426 Watts (Isaac). Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in Three Books : I., Collected from the Scriptures; II., Composed on Divine Subjects; III., Prepared for the Lord's Supper, with an Essay towards the Improvement of Christian Psalmody, by the use of Evangelical Hymns in Worship, as well as the Psalms of David, first edition, title ruled in red, original calf, 1707, 8vo. (899) Pearson, £140 [The first edition of the Hymns and Spiritual Songs of Dr. Watts, published in 1707, ranks among the libri rarissimi, and in fact was long unknown. There is no copy in the British Museum, which possesses nothing prior to the fifth edition of 1716, and nearly all the collectors of such literature have been unsuccessful in meeting with any of the early impressions. Bound at the end of the volume is a "Supplement to the first book" (published in 1709), the title to this latter was cancelled when bound with the "Hymns." A few headlines of this copy were cut into. — Catalogue.] 1427 Wilde (Oscar). Ballad of Reading Goal, special edition, one of 99 copies, each signed by the author, half parchment, uncut, 1898, 8vo. (1276) B. F. Stevens, £1 6s. 1428 Wilde (Oscar.) The Ballad of Reading Gaol, by C. 3. 3., " In Memoriam R. J. M. obiit H.M. Prison, Reading, July 1896," the original type written copy, with several manuscript corrections and additions, in the handwriting of the author, 21 leaves, 4to. (1275) B. F. Stevens, £3 3s. [DECEMBER 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH, 1901.] HODGSON & CO. A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION. (No of Lots, 891; amount realised, £936 125.) 1429 Arber (E.) Transcript of the Stationers' Registers, 1554-1640, 5 vol. (limited edition), cloth, uncut, Privately printed, 1875-94, 4to. (575) Maggs, £9 17s. 6d. 1430 Behmen (Jacob). Works, portrait and folding plates (a few coloured), 4 vol., old calf, 1764-81, 4to. (166) Sotheran, £9 1431 Blagdon (F. W.) A Brief History of Ancient and Modern India, coloured portraits and vignette title, Hunter's Views in the Mysore, 41 coloured plates, and Daniell and Ward's Views in Hindostan, 24 coloured plates, in 1 vol., half morocco, E. Orme, 1805, imperial folio (626) Sabin, £5 1432 Boccaccio. The Decameron, translated by John Payne (with the additional plates), 2 vol.-Rabelais.. Works, translated by Urquhart and Motteux, 2 vol.-Straparola, Masuccio and Ser Giovanni, translated by Waters, 5 vol., limited editions, illustrations by Louis Chalon and Hughes, complete set, 9 vol., cloth, Lawrence and Bullen, 1892-7, imperial 8vo. (720) Banks, II 5s. 1433 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Illustrated Catalogue of Works of the School of Ferrara-Bologna (1440-1540), cloth, 1894, atlas 4to. (831) Quaritch, £3 15s. 1434 Champlin (J. D.) Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, numerous illustrations, 4 vol., leather 1886-91, 8vo. (548) backs, gilt tops, Temple, £3 6s. Civil Warres of title, black letter. 1435 Colynet (Antony). True History of the France, from 1585 to 1591, engraved London, by T. Orwin for T. Woodcock, 1591, small 4to. (488) Pickering, £2 25. 1436 Edgeworth (Miss). Works, viz.: Parents' Assistant, frontispieces, 6 vol.-Leonora, 2 vol.-Popular Tales, 6 vol.-Tales of Fashionable Life, 6 vol.-Patronage, 4 vol. -Harrington and Ormond, 3 vol., and others, 35 vol., calf (a few vol. binding broken), 1800-19, 8vo. (94) Quaritch, £7 10s. [Several of the above were first editions, and in some cases presentation copies "To Miss Lawrence from the Author."-Catalogue.] 1437 Gailhabaud (Jules). L'Architecture du ve au xviie Siècle et les Arts qui en dependent, plates (coloured and heightened with gold), 4 vol., half morocco, gilt top, Paris, 1869-72, royal folio (857) G. H. Brown, £5 15s. Horsemen and Annals 1438 Gambado. An Academy for Grown of Horsemanship, 29 coloured plates by Rowlandson, boards, uncut, 1809, 8vo. (101) 1439 Gerarde (J.) The Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes, Denham, £5 5s. |