(e) Another Property. 1335 Doves Press. Morris (W.) An Address by J. W. Mackail, one of 300 copies, limp vellum, 1901, small 4to. (1466) Denham, £3 5s. 1336 Kelmscott Press. Morris (William). The Sundering Flood (the last Romance written by W. Morris), printed in red and black, with borders and ornamental initials, boards, uncut, presentation copy to "Veronica Roberts, with love from Jane Morris," Overseen by May Morris, Hammersmith, 1897, November 15, 8vo. (1465) Maggs, £3 155. 1337 Kelmscott Press. Shakespeare (W.) Poems, edited by F. S. Ellis, printed after the original copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593-Rape of Lucrece, 1594-Sonnets, 1609-The Lover's Complaint, woodcut borders and initial letters, limp vellum, W. Morris, 1893, 8vo. (1464) B. F. Stevens, £10 10s. 1338 Morris (William). The Harrowing of Hell, a Miracle Play, written in the Reign of Edward II., now first published from the original MS. in the British Museum, with Introduction, Translation and Notes by J. O. Halliwell, Prepared for a new edition with a metrical translation by W. Morris, of University College, Oxford," J. R. Smith, 1840, 8vo. (1461) Sotheran, £32 [This consisted of two interleaved copies of the Play; one containing the original autograph MS. of William Morris on ten pages, the other a neat transcript for the press. The metrical rendering of Morris, we believe, has never been printed.-Catalogue.] 1339 Vale Press. Apuleius (L.) The Excellent Narration of the Marriage of Cupide and Psyche, done into English by W. Adlington, woodcuts, uncut, one of 210 copies, 1897, 8vo. (1468) Downing, 1 IOS. 1340 Vale Press. Chatterton's Rowley Poems, edited by R. Steele, 210 copies printed, 2 vol., uncut, 1898, 8vo. (1475) Young, £1 3s. 1341 Vale Press. The Early Poems of John Milton, seen through the Press by John Sturt, decorations on wood by Charles Ricketts, 310 copies printed, russia super extra, ornamental frame sides, g. e., Hacon and Ricketts, n. d., 4to. (1471) Shepherd, £1 138. 1342 Vale Press. The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, morocco, with floreate ornaments, t. e. g., uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders, 1897, 8vo. (1472) Maggs, £2 10S. 1343 Vale Press. Poems of John Keats, edited by C. J. Holmes and decorated by C. Ricketts, 2 vol., uncut, one of 217 copies, 1898, 8vo. (1469) Downing, £4 16s. 1344 Year Book. Desimoseptimo Edward III. (80 leaves), gothic letter, on the reverse of the last leaf but one "The price of thys boke is xvid. unbounde," large clean copy, unbound (Printed by either Lettou or Pynson, no name, place or date, circa 1490), folio (1460) Hazlitt, £3 4s. () Other Properties. 1345 Amadis de Gaule. Los quatros libros de Amadis de Gaula, title in red, lit. goth., large woodcut in each book, text in Roman, with numerous woodcuts, title to first book in part facsimile, top margins of 3 leaves mended, old russia gilt, Venetia, J. A. de Sabio, 1533, folio (392) Ellis, £11 IOS. 1346 Angelo (Henry). L'Ecole des Armes avec l'Explication des principales Attitudes et Positions concernant l'Escrime, original edition, 47 plates of fencing positions, half russia, Dodsley, 1763, oblong folio (394) Maggs, £2 1IS. 1347 Augustinus (S.) De Civitate Dei, lib. xxii., lit. goth. (some leaves slightly wormed), modern calf gilt, g.e., Venet., B. Locatellus, 1485, 4to. (378) Tregaskis, £1 10s. 1348 Baillie (Captain William). Works, after Paintings and Drawings by the Greatest Masters, 107 India proof plates, full half morocco gilt, morocco corners, g. e., Boydell, n. d., atlas folio (396) Ridler, £3 125. 1349 Barham (R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends, 3 vol., first edition, etchings by George Cruikshank, J. Leech, etc. (several spotted), and woodcuts, original cloth, 1840-42-47, 8vo. (251) Banks, £4 10S. 1350 Bible. The Holy Bible, Oxford, 1685, folio (870) Waring, £11 5S. [This volume was bound, probably by Mearne, for William and Mary, in old English morocco, gilt panelled sides, with crowned monograms of the King and Queen referred to.-ED.] 1351 Bible. La S. Bibla quei ei Tut la Soinchia Scartira, ner tuts ils Cudischs d'ilg Veder a Nief Testament cun ils Cudischs Apocryphs messa gin ent ilg Languaig Rumonsch de la Ligia Grischa, first edition, 3 vol. in 1, morocco extra, g. e., Coira, 1718, folio (872) Feltham, £7 [Excessively rare. This first edition of the Bible in the Ladinish dialect of the Roumansch language, spoken by the Ladins, who reside on the confines of Italy. It was printed for the use of the Protestants of the Grison Country under the patronage of George I.-Catalogue.] 1352 Bible. Verbum Sempiternum (an Epitome of the Old Testament in verse)-Salvator Mundi (an Epitome of the New Testament in verse), 2 vol. in 1, morocco extra, g.e., enclosed in a morocco case, 1693 (871) Stone, £6 [By John Taylor, "the Water Poet." This little epitome, or "Thumb Bible," measures 1 by 1 inches. This separate edition was quite unknown to Lowndes, who only speaks of it as occurring in Taylor's collected works. In the Huth collection there is a copy of the second edition ascribed to 1693 (Mr. Hazlitt says 1694), described as unique.-Catalogue.] 1353 Bible-Textes of Scripture, Chayning the Holy Chronicle, untyll the sunne lost his lyght and the sonne brake the serpentes head dying, rising and ascending, black letter, calf extra, g. e., by Bedford, Gabriel Simson, 1591, 8vo. (869) Fox, £1 175. [Books printed by Simson are very rare. The British Museum only possesses six examples of his press. The title-page is surrounded by an elegant woodcut border.Catalogue.] 1354 Bibliophiles Contemporains. De Stendhal. L'Abbesse de Castro, various coloured ornamental borders and illustrations, 1890-Richepin (Jean). Les Débuts de César Borgia, the illustrations by G. Rochegrosse, in two states, 1890– Haraucourt (E.) La Madone et l'Antechrist, coloured illustrations, 4to. (1894)-L'Effort, figured borders, several in colours (4to.), 1894-Balades dans Paris, with delicately coloured floral borders and full-page illustrations (4to.), 1894-Féminies, with delicately coloured borders of ferns and flowers and full-page illustrations (in two states), 1896 -Uzanne (Octave). Dictionnaire Bibliophilosophique, borders, and full-page etchings on Japan paper, 1896Maupassant (Guy de). Contes Choisis, complete in 10 parts, with general title, frontispiece and wrapper, numerous illustrations, 1891-2 — Annales Administratives, première exercice 1889-90, et dernière année, 1894-Annales Littéraires et Administratives, pour 1891, 1892 et 1893, facsimile and other illustrations-L'Octave de la Société des Bibliophiles Contemporains (4to.), 1884-Menu Cards of the Society (5)-Statuts et Réglement, 1889- Statuts : Autorisation Préfectorale (1889)-Statuts: Réglement Interieur (1889), 8vo. (858) Isaacs, £43 1355 Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrament, R. Barker, 1633-The Psalter, or Psalms of David, after the translation of the Great Bible, ib., 1633, black letter, good copies, in old calf, g. e., LARGE PAPER (?), 1633, folio (874) Stone, £2 10s. 1356 Booke of Common Prayer (The), with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, Robert Barker, 1616-The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament, engraved title and numerous woodcuts, 1616-Apocrypha - New Testament, woodcuts, 1616-The Whole Book of Psalms collected into English Meeter, 1624, black letter, good copies, in 1 vol., original calf, with gold ornament on the sides, 1616-24, folio (873) Feltham, £4 1357 Boswell (James). Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, comprehending an Account of his Studies and numerous Works, etc., 2 vol., first edition, portrait after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by J. Heath, 1791, 4to., prepared for binding and accompanied by about 1,348 scarce portraits, views, coloured and other caricatures, full-length character portraits and maps, a list of which is given in the Catalogue (301) Waring, £32 1358 Bradshaw's Railway Time Tables and Assistant to Railway Travelling, with illustrative maps and plans, the very rare first edition, in the original cloth, 10th Mo. 19th, 1839, 16mo. (833) Quaritch, £5 10s. [Of late, a considerable number of copies of this Guide have been unearthed, and the value is distinctly falling. On this occasion two other copies were passed.-Ed.] 1359 Brierley (R.) Bundle of Soul Convincing, Directing and Comforting Truths clearly deduced from diverse texts of Holy Scripture, calf extra, g. e., Edinburgh, 1670, 8vo. (875) Fox, £1 IOS. 1360 Bunyan (John). The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream, wherein is discovered the manner of his setting out, his dangerous Journey, and safe Arrival at the Desired Country, frontispiece and numerous cuts, original calf, 1688, 8vo. (877) Rylett, £36 [This edition presents the special interest of having been the last which the author, dying in the same year, lived to see. It is of almost or quite equal rarity to the first. No copy was known to Mr. Offor, and it exists at the British Museum in a fragment only. On the back of the portrait is an apocryphal notice to the effect that the plates were first added to this edition in consequence of the favourable reception of the tenth issue.-Catalogue. A copy of the sixth edition of the "Pilgrim's Progress," 1681, 8vo., was "Passed" Lot 876. The above belonged to the 11th edition.-ED.] 1361 Bunyan (John). Second Part of the Pilgrim's Progress from the present World of Wickedness and Misery to an Eternity of Holiness and Felicity, fine copy, old calf, 1684, 8vo. (878) B. F. Stevens, £52 [According to Mr. Pultsit (of the New York Public Library), only three copies are known.-Catalogue. This book was printed at Edinburgh, and was consequently not the first edition of the second part of “The Pilgrim's Progress," which, though published in 1684, has the imprint of N. Ponder in the Poultry, and contains inter alia frontispiece and three engravings, together with seven pages (100 to 106) in larger type and the misreading of page 106 as 120 and so on to the end. Offor mentions one engraving only, but there should be three.-ED.] 1362 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire, third edition, illustrated by the insertion of 65 portraits and views, including Joe Miller, Southey, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Cottle, Thomas Blee, F. Reynolds, Samuel Rogers, etc., calf extra, t. e. g., 1810, 8vo. (256) Sotheran, £3 12s. 1363 Caxton (William). Higden (Ranulph). The Polychronicon (translated out of Latin into English by John of Trevisa), black letter, long lines, with numbered signatures and pagination in roman numerals, wanted all the preliminary leaves, began with the text on I 2, wanted folios iii., ccxxv., ccxxvi., ccxxxiii., ccxxxiv., ccxxxviii., ccxxxix., ccxlii. (cclx. defective), cclxi., cclxv., ccclv. and all after ccclxxvi., first 3 leaves defective, one slit, damp-stained and some edges frayed, the majority of the leaves being, however, intact and in fair condition, sold not subject to return, rubricated, numerous old MS. notes in margins, one with signature of “R. Myddleton," modern stamped calf [Imprinted by William Caxton (no place or date), Westminster], circa 1482, small folio (403) J. Bayley, £349 1364 Cartheny (John). The Voyage of the Wandering Knight, old russia, Printed by William Stanesby (1610), 4to. (879) Robson, £20 [Notices of this scarce book will be found in Southey's "Life of Bunyan," Dunlop's "History of Fiction," vol. iii., and Douce's "Illustrations of Shakespeare," vol. 1. It may have been the origin of the "Pilgrim's Progress." With it were included numerous cuttings relative to the Bunyan interest of the book and an autograph letter from Douce.-ED.] 1365 Columna (Fr. de). La Hypnerotomachia de Poliphilo, ristampato di novo et ricorretto con Somma diilgentia, woodcuts by Giovanni Bellini (the Priapus unmutilated), calf antique, r. e., by Leighton, Vinegia, Figliuoli di Aldo, 1545, folio (410) Rimell, £12 15s. 1366 Combe (Wm.) Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque, sixth edition, with new Plates, R. Ackermann (1815)-Second Tour: in search of Consolation, second edition, ib., 1820-Third Tour: in search of a Wife, first edition, ib., 1821, coloured plates by Rowlandson, calf extra, t. e. g., 8vo. (257) Rimell, £6 2s. 6d. 1367 Cronica (La) del Rey Don Rodrigo, con la destruycion de España, y como los moros la ganaron, nuevamente corregida, etc., lit. goth., large woodcut on title and ornamental initials, calf gilt, r. e., Toledo, Juan Ferrer, 1549, folio (412) Leighton, 1 18s. 1368 Cruikshank. [Soane (G.)] Specimens of German Romance, 3 vol., first edition, frontispieces by George Cruikshank, uncut, 1826, 8vo. (259) Sotheran, LI IIS. 1369 Cruikshank. Tales of Humour, Gallantry and Romance, selected and translated from the Italian, original impressions of the 16 illustrative drawings by George Cruikshank, calf extra, g. e., C. Baldwyn, 1824, 8vo. (258) Sotheran, £2 35. 1370 Dobson (Austin). Horace Walpole, a Memoir, with an Appendix of Books printed at the Strawberry Hill Press, LARGE PAPER, illustrations, extra illustrated by the insertion of 92 portraits, views, colleges, several old prints, facsimiles, etc., calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., 1893, 8vo. (274) Sotheran, £3 12s. 6d. by an Amateur, 1371 [Egan (Pierce).] Real Life in London 2 vol., original edition, plates by Heath, Alken, Rowlandson and others, coloured by hand, a few soiled, half morocco, g. e., by Rivière and Son, 1823-24, 8vo. (275) Hahn, £4 1s. 1372 Elliott (Grace D.) Journal of my Life during the French Revolution, portraits, extra illustrated by the insertion of |