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letters of the etchings by Lalauze, morocco super extra, g. e., by Cuzin, 1887, 8vo. (1109) Ashworth, £2 12s. 1149 Rabelais (Fr.) Epistres escrites pendant son Voyage d'Italie, original calf, first edition, Paris, 1651, 8vo. (1110)

Rylett, £2 1150 Radcliffe (F. P. D.) The Noble Science, a few General Ideas on Fox Hunting, first edition, illustrations, calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, Ackermann, 1839, royal 8vo. (1113) Dobell, £2 4s. 1151 Ramsay (Charles Al.) Tacheographie ou l'Art d'Escrire aussi viste qu'on parle, with 2 engraved folding tables, old French morocco, the dedication copy to Louis XIV., Paris, 1681, 8vo. (1114) Waring, £3 5s.


[On the sides are the royal arms of France, collars, and crown within an oval wreath, the fleurs-de-lis as corner ornaments; fleurons occupy the panels on the back. half of the book is occupied with a fulsome dedication to Louis XIV. Catalogue.]

1152 Reid (Captain Mayne). The Headless Horseman, 2 vol., first edition, illustrations, clean copy in original cloth, Chapman and Hall and R. Bentley, n. d. (1118)

Pickering, £3 7s. [Presentation copy, with autograph inscription on flyleaf, "Benjamin Moran, Esq., U. S. Secretary, from his sincere friend Mayne Reid, Dec. 1, 1866."—Catalogue.] 1153 Richardson (George). New Collection of Chimney Pieces, ornamented in the style of the Etruscan, Greek and Roman Architecture, 36 large plates, with descriptions in English and French, stamped calf, m. e., Printed for the Author, 1781, folio (1439) Rimell, £2 45.

1154 Rider (John). Bibliotheca Scholastica, a Double Dictionarie, Printed by Joseph Barnes, printer to the Universitie of Oxford, 1589, calf, 4to. (1387) Pearson, £5 5s. [John Rider was Bishop of Killaloe. This Dictionary defines a theatre as "a place made halfe round where people assembled to beholde plaies," and many other valuable definitions illustrative of the manners and customs of the age are found in this rare volume.-ED.]

1155 Roscoe's Novelist's Library, vol. i.-xii., comprising Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews, Amelia, Vicar of Wakefield, Launcelot Graeves, Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey, portraits, and illustrations by G. Cruikshank, original cloth, uncut, Cochrane, 1831-2, 8vo. (1281) Quaritch, £2 15s. [A complete set consists of 19 vol., 1831-33.-ED.] 1156 Rowlandson (T.) The English Dance of Death, by the author of Dr. Syntax, 2 vol., first edition, 72 coloured plates by Rowlandson, half calf, Ackermann, 1815-16, 8vo. (1282) Maggs, £5 10S. 1157 Roxburghe Club. The Buke of John Maundeuill, being the Travels of Sir John Mandeville [1322-1356], a hitherto unpublished English Version, edited, with notes, etc. by

G. F. Warner, with 28 miniatures reproduced in facsimile, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g., 1889, folio (1440)

Quaritch, £14 1158 Salmasius (C.) His Dessection and Confutation of the Diabolical Rebel Milton in his Impious Doctrines of Falsehood, etc. against King Charles I., etc., etc. By reason of the Inquisition after Persons and Presses by the late Tyrant Oliver Cromwel, durst not be sold publikly in this Kingdom, brilliant impression of the portrait of King Charles by Gaywood, calf, 1660, 4to. (1396)

Pearson, £7 1OS. [At pages 81-2 are very interesting mentions of Shakespeare's Richard III.-Catalogue.]

1159 Sandys (George). Ovid's Metamorphoses, Englished by George Sandys, contemporary morocco extra, richly tooled, g. 1., with device impressed on the sides, 1638, 8vo. (1285) Pickering, £4 45. 1160 Scaliger (Julius Caesar). Poetices libri Septem: I Historicus, II Hyle, III Idea, IV Parasceve, V Criticus, VI Hypercriticus, VII Epinomis, original vellum, 1581, 8vo. (1287) Pearson, £2 16s.

1161 Scot (Tho.) Philomythie, or Philomythologie, wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts and Fishes are taught to speake true English plainely, curious engraved title and woodcuts, several head-lines and side-notes cut into, russia gilt, g. e., by Roger Payne, sold with all faults, F. Constable, 1616, 8vo. (1288) Pickering, £2 8s. 1162 Scotland. Ein schöne und liebliche History von dem edlen und theuwren Ritter Galmyen (ausz Schottenland) und von seiner zuchtigen Liebe, gothic letter. illustrated with very curious woodcuts, Frankfurt, 1564, 8vo. (1290) Rowell, £4 [A very curious Romance of Chivalry, the hero of which, Galmy, is a Scottish Knight. It is not noticed by Du Fresnoy in his list of romances, and it is believed that no other copy of any edition exists. From the Ashburham Collection. Catalogue.]

1163 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley, or 'tis Sixty Years Since, 3 vol., 1814-Woodstock, 3 vol., 1826-Chronicles of the Canongate, 2 vol., 1827-Anne of Geierstein, 3 vol., 1829, II vol., uncut, all first editions (1291) Pickering, £118 [These were not very good copies. On December 12th, 1900, "Waverley" alone in the original boards realised £115, notwithstanding that the half-title was missing from each volume. See BOOK-PRICES CURRENT, vol. xv., No. 1673.-ED.]

1164 Scott (Sir Walter). Tales of my Landlord, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham, schoolmaster and parish-clerk of Gandercleugh, first edition, 4 vol., half calf, Edinburgh, 1816, 8vo. (1293) Pickering, £5 15s. [Complete in 4 series, comprising 16 vol., 1816-18-19-32. -ED.]

1165 Schakespear's Beruf und Triumpf, original wrappers, uncut, Mainz, 1792, 8vo. (1295) Pearson, £8 [A very rare little piece of Shakespeareana, consisting of 12 leaves only. It is in the form of a play, the actors being Schakespear, Natur, Melpomene and others.-Catalogue.] 1166 Shakespeare (W.) Love's Labour Lost, a Comedy, engraved frontispiece by L. du Guernier, original wrappers, uncut, J. Tonson, 1735, 8vo. (1296) Pearson, £8 [Very rare in this state. This is the third edition of the play, the two previous issues being those of 1598 and 1631. -Catalogue.] 1167 Shakespeare (W.) Hamlet, Oxberry's edition, with portrait of Edmund Kean, original boards, 1818, 8vo. (1297)

Pearson, £3 10S. [Interleaved throughout, and having a great number of contemporary manucript notes on the play, contrasting the performances of Garrick, Kean, Kemble, and other actors. Catalogue.]

1168 Shakespeare (Mr. Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published according to the True Original Copies, The Second Impression, wanted title containing portrait, and Verses by B. Jonson opposite, and names of the Actors, D 2-7, and the 3 last leaves, some margins mended, but the body of the work in sound state, and all the defects supplied in neat MS. by John Britton, the Antiquary, who had also inserted throughout the variations from the First Folio, with some fly-leaves of original notes, and a portrait from the Stratford Bust by Ward, after Phillips, and another small portrait and some printed cuttings, original calf (rebacked), 1632, folio (1447) Dupre, £26 1169 [Shenstone (William).] The School-Mistress, a Poem, vignette title, morocco extra, g. e., 1742, 8vo. (1301) Maggs, £3 75. [Col. Grant's copy of the first edition, with his bookplate. Sold for £16 at the Grant såle. "This edition is very

scarce. In his collected works it underwent several alterations, and the ludicrous index was omitted."-MS. Note by Col. Grant. The British Museum copy has a half-title (not in this copy), apparently added after the book was printed, as the first signature (A) has all eight leaves.--Catalogue.] 1170 Smollett (T.) The Adventures of Roderick Random, 2 vol., first edition, original calf, 1748, 8vo. (1304)

Maggs, £4 2s. 6d. 1171 Smollett (T.) The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included Memoirs of a Lady of Quality, 4 vol., first edition, clean tall copy, in original calf, For the Author, 1751, 8vo. (1305) Rylett, £4 1172 Southwell (Rob. S. J.) St. Peter's Complaint, and Saint Mary Magdalen's Funeral Teares, with sundry other selected and devout Poems, original limp vellum [Doway], permissu superiorum, 1616, 8vo. (1306) Rowell, £13 [This edition contains eight poems not contained in the

Press. Only two or three perfect copies known. It is the first English book in which musical notes appeared.— Catalogue.] 1110 Howell (J.) Sober Inspection made into the Consults of the Long Parliament, first edition, dedicated to Cromwell, old binding, 1656, 8vo. (926) Banks, £25s.

[From the library of Isaac Walton, Jun., with his autograph on the fly-leaf. The volume is in its original binding and in beautiful preservation. At page 73 the author speaks of "fishing in troubled waters."-Catalogue.]

IIII Howitt (S.) Eight pleasing Designs of Animals in colours, 8 humorous coloured plates of bear baiting, badger baiting, sporting dogs, foxes and pigs, the publisher's name on one plate cut into, morocco extra, g. e., 1803, 4to. (955)

Hornstein, £4 4s. 1112 Jacobus de Cessolis. Libro di guiocho di Scacchi, de costumi degl' huomini et degli ufitiì de nobili, spirited woodcuts and initial letters, wanted signatures A, Ci and C 8, last leaf defective and mended, morocco super extra, g. e., sold not subject to return, Impresso in Firēze per Maestro Antonio Miscomini, 1493, 4to. (931) Leighton, £38 1113 Jacques I. Apologie pour le Serment de Fidelité que le S. Roy de la grand' Bretagne requiert de tous ses sujets, portrait of James I. by T. de Leu, morocco, g.e., by S. Smith, Londres, Jean Norton, 1609, 8vo. (932)

Young, £15s. 1114 Jesse (J. H.) London, a Fragmentary Poem, first edition, 130 portraits, views and other engravings inserted, morocco extra, t. e. g., uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders, Saunders and Ottley, 1847, 8vo. (933) Harding, £3 1115 Jests. Lilly's Groat's Worth of Wit for a Penny, or the Interpretation of Dreams, calf, n. d. (circa 1670), 8vo. (934) Waring, £1 12s. 1116 [Johnson (Dr. Samuel).] Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's Islands, first edition, uncut, T. Cadell, 1771, 8vo. (1005) Maggs, £4 1117 Keats (John). Poems, with Memoir by R. Monckton Milnes, illustrations by Sir G. Scharf, portrait in Indian ink after a drawing by Severn and some verses in the poet's autograph inserted, LARGE PAPER, uncut, 4to. (960) Denham, £10 158. 1118 Kipling (Rudyard). The Writings in Prose and Verse, édition de luxe, 19 vol., portrait, Macmillan, 1897-1900Departmental Ditties, and other Verses, Thacker, 1898, silk binding, uncut, limited issue, together 20 vol., 8vo. (1014) Maggs, £9 1119 La Fontaine (J. de). Les Amours de Psyche et Cupidon, first edition, original calf gilt, Paris, 1669, 8vo. (1020) Webster, 10 IOS.

[This fine copy measured 180 millimétres. It was in its original calf binding, and had on the sides the arms of Pierre Séguier, Chancelier de France. His cypher is five times repeated on the back.-Catalogue.]

1120 La Fontaine (J. de). Fables, 2 vol., vellum paper, upwards of 200 engravings after the designs of Vivier inserted, original boards, uncut, Paris, Didot, 1789, 8vo. (1022)

Teegaskis, £2 1121 [Landor (Walter Savage).] Guy's Porridge Pot, a Poem, first edition, original half calf, quite uncut (Oxford), printed for the author, 1808, 8vo. (1024) Webster, £2 145.

[One of the rarest of Landor's first editions. Only this first part was issued. Published anonymously.-Catalogue.] 1122 Lamb (C.) The Last Essays of Elia, first edition, clean copy, with half title, in original boards, uncut, Moxon, 1833, 8vo. (1026) Dobell, £21

1123 La Rochefoucauld.

Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales, in the original calf, John Locke's copy, with his autograph on the fly-leaf, enclosed in a morocco case, first edition, À Paris, chez Claude Barbin, vis à vis le Portail de la Sainte Chapelle, au Signe de la Croix, m.dc.lxv. (1665), 8vo. (1030) Rylett, £15 1124 Law (William). A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, adapted to the State and Condition of all orders of Christians, by William Law, A.M. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" (St. Luke viii. 8). "And Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me" (Rev. xxii. 12), first edition, original calf, 1729, 8vo. (1032) Maine, £7 75.

1125 Lays of the Belvoir Hunt, cloth, gilt edges, n. d., 8vo. (1033) Hornstein, £ 5s. 1126 Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, complete set, profusely illustrated, 9 vol., calf gilt, Paris, 1841-2, royal 8vo. (1036) Mason, £2 12S.

[In this set the whole of the full-page plates are in colours. Catalogue.] 1127 Lever (Raphe). Arte of Reason rightly termed Witcraft, teaching a perfect way to Argue and Dispute, black letter. calf, g. e., Imprinted by H. Bynneman, 1573, 8vo. (1040)

Webster, £3

1128 Lily (William). Guillelmi Lilii Angli Rudimenta, black letter. morocco extra, g. e., n. d., 4to. (968) Hayley, £11

It is a

[Printed by Richard Pynson, circa 1515. The only copy known. Complete with A-B, two sheets of four. curious school book, and is partly printed in English.Catalogue.]

1129 L'Imitation de Jésus Christ, avec l'Appendice, finely printed within illuminated borders, with full-page miniatures after ancient MSS. and numerous other illustrations, 2 vol., uncut, Paris, Curmer, 1858, 4to. (969) Maggs, £4 2s. 6d. 1130 Livingstone (W.) The Conflict in Conscience of a Dear Christian named Bessie Clerkson, in the Parish of Lanerk, under which she lay three years and an half. With the conference that passed betwixt her Pastor and her, at diverse times, unbound, Glasgow, 1681, 8vo. (1043) Maggs, £125. [This appears to be the only copy known of this edition.

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