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derer had sent to threaten the four squires who always remained by him, and for this cause they had forsaken the body, and we afterwards removed it. It has cost me much that I did not see you, quoth Galaor. Are you he then, whom we saw sleeping upon his shield ? -The same. And why were you tarrying there ?— To revenge the dead, if his death rightfully demanded it.-Ah, good knight! God in his mercy prosper the attempt! And the old man led him to the bed, and bade them all cease their lamentations; For here, said he to the dame, is a knight who will avenge us. And she fell at his feet to kiss them. God reward thee, thou good knight, for he is a stranger in this land, and hath no kin to take vengeance. For that, said Galaor, am I the more eager, seeing I am of the same country. But he is a perilous knight, said she. Fear not, quoth Galaor, let me be shewn the place; and, if it please you, provide me a horse. That, answered the lady, I shall do on the condition that if you revenge me, the horse be returned. Galaor replied, So let it be.

CHAP. XXVI.-How Don Galaor compleated his adventure. ALAOR was then conducted by two damsels. to a castle in a forest, sented upon a rock,

where the murderer Palingues dwelt. He called at the gate, and a knight appeared above it, demanding what he wanted.-To enter the castle.This gate is only used to let those out who are within. I will show you how to enter; but I fear my labour will be lost, for you will not have courage. So help ine God as I will go in quoth Galaor.-Alight, then, and go to the foot of that tower..

Presently that knight appeared again upon the tower, and another greater than himself completely armed; and they two winding a winch about, lot down a basket by a cord, saying, This is the way in. Will ye promise to draw me up in safety said Galaor. -Yea, truly; but afterwards we will not warrant you. Wind up, then, quoth he, I take your word! and he placed himself in the basket. God protect thee, thou gentle knight, cried the damsels, for thou hast a good heart! They drew him safely up, and he leapt from the basket. Then said they, Knight, you must swear to defend the Lord of this castle against those who challenge him for Antebon's death, else you shall never depart. What! quoth Galaor, did one of you twain kill him? Why demand you?-That I may make him know the great treason he hath therein committed. The knights answered, How canst thou be such a fool to threaten us, being in our power? and then drawing their swords they laid upon him furiously. He seeing himself in peril, for they were two perilous knights, made no trifling. Ah God, quoth the damsels below, hark! what a battle! what will become of our champion presently the two knights were thrown from the tower, and Galaor called to them, Look if either of these be Palingues. You have so handled them, sir, quoth they, that it is not easy to know, but we believe neither of these is he. Then Galaor descended the tower, and entering a large hall beheld a fair damsel, and she was exclaiming, Palingues! why flyest thou art thou so brave in arms as to slay my father in battle, and wilt thou not meet this knight? At these words Galaor looked round, and espied a knight well armed, endeavouring to open the door of another tower. He ran to him,-Palingues, fly or fight; you

shall not escape! The traitor seeing no choice turned to battle, and fiercely smote at Galaor, his sword entering so deep into the shield that he could not draw it back. But Galaor with one blow cut off his arm, and overtaking him with a second as he fled, cleft him to the teeth: Take this for thy treason to Antebon ! When the damsel heard her father's name, and saw the vengeance, she came and blest the knight for what he had done. On my faith, fair friend, quoth he, he deserves shame who would wrong one like you! but tell me, are there any moro to combat None but servants aro left, who are ready to obey you.-Let the gate be opened then for your mother's damsels, who led me here. Great joy did they make when they saw their young mistress for her deliverance.

When Galaor had laid aside his shield and helmet, they were astonished to see one so young and beautiful; and Brandueta ran to her deliverer and embraced him :-My honourable lord and friend, more cause have I to love you than any other living! tell me who you are?-They call me Galaor.-God be thanked that Antebon is revenged by such a knight ! my father often rejoiced in your fame, and in that of your brother Amadis, for he said you were the sons of King Perion, his liege lord; and it was for fear of ye, as Antebon's countrymen, that Palingues so fearfully kept his castle. That night they returned to her mother's castle; and Brandueta so requited his services, that Galaor did not regret the Duke of Bristol's niece.

CHAP. XXVII.-How Amadis delivered the damsel from the knight who mistronted her, and how afterwards when he was sleeping another knight carried her away.

UCH speed made Amadis, that, having over

thrown the knight who would have known

whither he went, he overtook him who misused the damsel, and cried to him, Sir knight, you have been committing great wrong: I pray you do so no moro.-What wrong -The shamefullest that could be devised, in striking that damsel.-And you are come to chastise me?-Not so: but to counsel you for your own good. It will be more for yours to turn back as you came, said the knight.-Thereat was Amadis angered: and he went to the squire and said, Let go the damsel, or thou diest! and the squire in fear put her down. Sir knight, you shall dearly abide this, quoth his master. Amadis answered, We shall see and ran his career and drove him from his saddle, and was about to ride over him, but he cried out for mercy!-Swear then never to wrong dame or damsel. And, as he approached to receive the oath, the traitor stabbed his horse. Amadis recovered from the fall, and with one blow paid him for the treason.

The damsel then besought him to compleat his courtesy by accompanying her to a castle whither she was going. He took the horse of the slain, and they went on together, and by the way he learnt from her the history of Antebon. About midnight they came to a river-side, and, because the damsel would fain sleep, they stopt. Amadis spread Gandalin's cloak for her bed, and he laid his head upon his helmet, and they all slept. There came up a knight as they were sleeping, and he seeing the damsel, gently wakened

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her with the end of his lance. She seeing an armed knight, thought it was Amadis, and said, Do you wish us to depart? He answered, It is time! In God's name then, quoth she; and, being still drowsy, she suffered the stranger to place her before him; but then recollecting, What is this? she cried: the squire should have carried me. And when she saw it was a stranger, she shrieked out and called to Amadis, Let not a stranger carry me off! But the knight clapt spurs to his horse, and gallopped away.

Amadis awoke at her voice, and called to Gandalin for his horse, and pursued full speed till he entered a thicket and lost the track. Then albeit he were the mildest knight in the world; he was sorely wroth against himself. The damsel may well report, thought he, that I have done her as much wrong as succour ; for, if I saved her from one ravisher, I have suffered her to be stolen by another. So he rode about, wearying his horse, till at length he heard a horn, and followed the sound, and came to a strong castle set upon a hill, walled high, and with strong towers, and the gate was shut. The watchman saw him, and called out to know what man was there at such an hour, and what he sought. A knight, quoth Amadis, who hath stolen a damsel from me.-We have scen none such. Then Amadis went round the castle, and in another part he found an open postern, and saw the knight on foot, and his men unsaddling the horse, who could not else pass through. Stop, sir knight, quoth Amadis, and tell me if you have taken my damsel ?--You took no care to keep her.-You stole her from me in a way neither courteous nor knightly. Friend quoth the knight, she came with me by her own will; I offered her no force, and here I have

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