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tions of the Commisioners appointed for determining the Boundary between the British Colonies and the Territory of the United States of America, under the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Articles of the Treaty of Ghent. Surveyed by Lieut. Colonel Bouchette, His Majesty's Surveyor General, appointed for that purpose, on the part of the British Government: Quebec, 1817. (Manuscript, in 3 sheets. In the office of the Surveyor General.)

This line was permanently opened from the Monument, at the Sources of the St. Croix, to the River Maduxkenag, and thence continued as an Exploring Line, passing Mars Hill, traversing St. John's River, and run up to the Waters of the River Ristigouche, at a branch thereof called Great Wagansis, ending at a Cross planted by the Revd. J. O. Plessis, Catholic Bishop of Quebec, on the Southern side thereof; being at the distance of 99 miles from the St. Croix Monu


Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canada, shewing its Division into Districts, Counties, Seignories and Townships, with all the Lands reserved both for the Crown and the Clergy, &c. &c. Dedicated to H. R H. the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom. By Joseph Bouchette, His Majesty's Surveyor General Engraved by J. Walker & Sons. Published by W. Faden: London, 1815. In 1 or 2 parts forming 10 sheets.

Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United States of America &c. Compiled from the latest Surveys, and adjusted from the most recent and approved astronomical observations; By Joseph Bouchette, Surveyor General London, Faden, 1815.


A Chart of the River St. Lawrence from Cape Chat to Quebec, by John Lambly: London, 1817.

A Map of North America, from 20° to 80° of North Latitude, exhibiting the recent discoveries, Geographical and Nautical; drawn Chiefly from the authorities of Humboldt, Pike, Lewis and Clarke, M'Kenzie, Hearne, Bouchette, Vancouver, Ross, &c. &c. ; and describing the boundary lines between the Territories of Great Britain and Spain with the United States: Faden, London, 1820. (At the Rooms of the Quebec Exchange.)

Map of Upper Canada, shewing the organized part thereof, and the adjacent country, compiled by James G. Chewett, Assistant Draftsman, under the direction of Thomas Ridout, Surveyor General. Dedicated by permission to H. E. Sir Peregrine Maitland, K. C. B. Lieut. Governor. During whose administration a very large portion of erritory has been organized. By Thos. Ridout, Surveyor General. D. W. Wilson, Sculp. New-York.

A Map of the Province of Upper Canada and the adjacent Territories in North America, compiled by James G. Chewett, Asst. Draftsman, under the direction of Thos. Ridout, Surveyor General to the Province; shewing the Districts, Counties and Townships in which are situated the Lands purchased from the Crown by the Canada Company, incorporated in 1826. 3 sheets.

* Sketch of the Great Valley of the River St. John's, exhibiting the situations and extent of Territory in dispute between the British and American Governments," and the Boundary respectively claimed; also the new Roads recommended to be opened at the expense of the public. Compiled to elucidate the Evidence given before a Committee of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, in Feby. 1827. By William Henderson; Engraved by James Smilie, junr. Quebec, 1827.

Figurative Plan, exhibiting a Birds Eye view of the River St. Lawrence and its principal tributary streams from Kingston, in U. Canada, to Ance Blanc Sablon on the Labrador Coast, now the Northern extremity of the Province of Lower Canada, a distance of upwards of 1200 miles; also the Seigniories and Townships &c. in the said Province of Lower Canada. Principally intended to elucidate Evidence given before a Committee of the Honorable House of Assembly on Internal Communications, in February 1829. By William Sax, Provincial Land Surveyor.

* A Map of all the conceded and Surveyed Country to the North of the Rivers St. Lawrence and Ottawa, lying between the head of the Grenville Canal, and the River St. Maurice; exhibiting also the line of Routes, in strong black, of a party employed in September and October 1830, to trace a new Grand Road, through the back settlement of that Tract of Country;


under the instructions of Messrs. Pothier, De Rocheblave, and Larocque, Commissioners for exploring the Country below the Rivers St. Maurice and Ottawa. (Manuscript.) ·

Topographical Map of the Districts of Quebec, Three Rivers, St. Francis and Gaspé, Lower Canada; exhibiting the New Civil Division of the Districts into Counties, pursuant to a recent Act of the Provincial Legislature. Dedicated to His Majesty William IV. by Joseph Bouchette, His Majesty's Surveyor General of the Province, and Lieut. Colonel of Canadian Militia. Engraved by J. & C. Walker, and published by J. Wyld, Geog. to the King: London, 1831. 4 gr. f.

Topographical Map of the District of Montreal, Lower Canada, exhibiting the New Civil Division of the Districts into Counties, pursuant to a recent Act of the Legislature; also a large section of Upper Canada, by Joseph Bouchette, Surveyor General of the Province. Dedicated and published as above: London, 1831. 3 gr. f.

General Chart or Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward's Island, with a large section of the United States, compiled from the latest and most approved astronomical observations, authorities and latest surveys; by Joseph Bouchette, junr., Deputy Surveyor General of Lower Canada. Dedicated and published as above: London, 1831. 3 gr. f.

* Tracing of Part of Map A of the Territory contained between the Lines respectively contended for by Great Britain and the United States, as being the North Eastern Boundary of the United States, in conformity with the Treaty of Peace of 1783; embracing also the adjacent parts of the Dominions of the two Powers. (Manuscript.)

Underneath the above title, are the following words:

"We the Undersigned, do hereby certify this to be the Map A, which "by the 4th article of the Convention concluded this day between Great "Britain and the United States, has been agreed on by the contracting "parties, and which we have accordingly signed, this 29th day of Sep"tember, 1827:-Charles Grant, H. U. Addington, Albert Gallatin. "Le Chargé des Affaires Etrangères de Sa Majesté le Roi des Pays"Bas, Verstolk de Soelen."

And in the margin is written:

"This Map exhibiting the Frontier Line of His Majesty's North "American Possessions, and the United States, as determined by His "Majesty the King of the Netherlands, is presented by the Governor in "Chief Lord Aylmer to the House of Assembly--Castle of St. Lewis, "Quebec, May 9th, 1831.”

* Carte du District de Gaspé et de partie de celui de Québec, compilée pour montrer la Route qu'ont tenue le Lieutenant F. H. Baddeley, du Génie, et Joseph Hamel, Arpenteur, dans leur expédition d'Exploration durant les mois de Septembre, Octobre et Novembre, 1833. Par Joseph Hamel, ArpenteurProvincial. (Manuscrit.)

*Map of Upper and Lower Canada, including New-Brunswick, part of Nova Scotia, &c. Exhibiting the Post Towns and Mail Routes. The latter being distinguished agreeably to the Reference below, so as to indicate the frequency of the mail's passage-October 1832. Drawn under the authority of T. A. Stayner, Dep. Post Master General. (Manuscript.)

*New Travelling and Commercial Map of the Canadas, from the Sault of Ste. Marie to the River Saguenay, and a large section of the United States of America; compiled from the latest surveys and most approved of authorities. Dedicated, by permission, to Commodore Robert Barrie, C. B., &c. &c. By David Taylor, R. N., March 1834. Engraved by S. Stiles & Co. New-York. (With Tables of Distances) 2 sheets.

A New Chart of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence and Sea adjacent, shewing the several Banks, Islands and dangers to be avoided by Mariners. Compiled from manuscript drawings and notes taken by A. C. Buchanan: London, 1835.

A Map of the Province of Upper Canada: shewing the Territory situated in the London and Western Districts, lately purchased by Government from the Indians, and the Block or Tract of 1,000,000 acres, part thereof selected by the Canada Company in lieu of Clergy Reserves: Lithographied: London.



Plan de la Censive de Québec, contenant en totalité 11 arpens, 68 perches et 2 toises. Collationné par le Secrétaire Général, de la Compagnie des indes Occidentales, à Paris, le 10 May, 1674, par Gautier des Glandes. (Manuscrit-Dans le Bureau de l'Arpenteur Général à Québec.)

Plan du Terrain de la Fabrique de l'Eglise Paroissiale NotreDame de Québec, et de celui de la Censive de Messieurs les Ecclésiastiques du Séminaire des Missions Etrangères établ ́es en cette dite Ville, dressé en vertu de l'ordre de Monseigneur l'Intendant en ce Pays, et de M. Daine, Directeur du Domaine du Roy; par Lemaitre Lamorille, Arpenteur Royal, du 16 Mars, 1758--Approuvé par M. Bigot, Intendant, le 24 Janvier, 1759. (Manuscrit sur Velin-Au Séminaire de Québec.)

Plan du Terrain de la Censive de l'Eglise Paroissiale NotreDame de Québec, situé sur le Cap aux Diamants; dressé par ordre de M. Daine, Directeur du Domaine du Roy en ce Pays; par Lemaitre Lamorille, Arpenteur Royal, le 14 Mars, 1758. Approuvé par M. Bigot, Intendant, le 24 Janvier, 1759. (Manuscrit--Dans le Bureau de l'Arpenteur

Général à Québec.)

* Plan of the Town of Quebec, the Capital of Canada, in North America, with the Bason and part of the adjacent Country; shewing the principal Encampments and Works of the British Army commanded by Major General Wolfe, and those of the French, commanded by the Lieutenant General the Marquis of Montcalm, during the Siege of the Place, in 1759. February, 1799. By Louis Charland. (Manuscript.)

This Plan contains a very correct Topographical Map of the Country on the North Side of the River St Lawrence, from Pointe a Puiseaux to L'Ange Gardien, and on the South Side, from below Point Levi Church, to opposite l'inse des Mères, including the Parish of Quebec, part of Charlesbourg, Beauport, St. Pierre, Island of Orleans and St. Joseph of Pointe Levi. The whole of the beaches, to low water, are accurately laid down, as well as every stream, ravine and eminence, a Plan of the Town and Fortifications, all the Redoubts, Entrenchments and Batteries erected by the French, the different positions of the Ships of War and Boats employed at the landing of the Troops; the position of the English and French Forces, viz: on the Island of Or

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