This is the man that can, in aught you would, Lys. Hail, reverend sir! the gods preserve you! And die as I would do. Lys. You wish me well. Being on shore, honouring of Neptune's triumphs, Seeing this goodly vessel ride before us, I made to it, to know of whence you are. Hel. First, what is your place? Lys. I am the governor of this place you lie before. Hel. Sir, Our vessel is of Tyre, in it the king; A man who for this three months hath not spoken To any one, nor taken sustenance But to prorogue his grief. Lys. Upon what ground is his distemperature ? Hel. 'Twould be too tedious to repeat; But the main grief springs from the loss Of a beloved daughter and a wife. Lys. May we not see him? Hel. You may; But bootless is your sight: he will not speak To any. Lys. Yet let me obtain my wish. Hel. Behold him. [Pericles discovered.] This was a goodly person, Till the disaster that, one mortal night, Lys. Sir king, all hail! the gods preserve you! 20 30 40 26. prorogue, prolong, linger out. He has eaten only enough to keep him in languishing sorrow. 36. [Pericles discovered.) Wilkins describes his condition in more detail: 'with a long overgrown beard, diffused hair, undecent nails on his fingers, and himself lying upon his couch, grovelling on his face.' Hel. It is in vain; he will not speak to you. We have a maid in Mytilene, I durst wager, Would win some words of him. Lys. 'Tis well bethought. She questionless with her sweet harmony And other chosen attractions, would allure, Which now are midway stopp'd: She is all happy as the fairest of all, And, with her fellow maids, is now upon The leafy shelter that abuts against The island's side. 50 [Whispers a Lord, who goes off in the We have stretch'd thus far, let us beseech you That for our gold we may provision have, But weary for the staleness. Lys. O, sir, a courtesy Which if we should deny, the most just gods And so inflict our province. Yet once more Let me entreat to know at large the cause Of your king's sorrow. Hel. But, see, I am prevented. Sit, sir, I will recount it to you: her fellow maids now upon." 60. graff, graft, scion. 49. happy, accomplished. 60 Re-enter, from the barge, Lord, with MARINA, Lys. and a young Lady. O, here is The lady that I sent for. Welcome, fair one! Is 't not a goodly presence? Hel. She's a gallant lady. Lys. She's such a one, that, were I well assured Came of a gentle kind and noble stock, I'ld wish no better choice, and think me rarely wed. Fair one, all goodness that consists in bounty Mar. Sir, I will use My utmost skill in his recovery, Provided That none but I and my companion maid Be suffer'd to come near him. Lys. 70 Come, let us leave her; 80 67. that, were I well assured came. The construction is idiomatic, the subject of came being supplied from the relative that. 72. artificial feat, dexterous performance; prosperous is proleptic, anticipating the success of the 'feat,' which is still in question. Cf. v. 80. My lord, that ne'er before invited eyes, To equal mine! - was it not thus? what say you? Yet I was mortally brought forth, and am No other than I appear. Per. I am great with woe, and shall deliver My dearest wife was like this maid, and such a one 90 100 brows; 94. awkward, adverse. 95. He may be supposed here to hold her from him at arm's length (cf. v. 127); but certainly not, as the novelist thought, in resentment at her presumption: 'presumptuous beauty in a child, how darest thou urge so much? and therewithal in this rash distemperature, struck her in the face.' Her stature to an inch; as wand-like straight; And cased as richly; in pace another Juno; Who starves the ears she feeds, and makes them hungry, The more she gives them speech. Where do you live? Mar. Where I am but a stranger: from the deck You may discern the place. Per. Where were you bred ? And how achieved you these endowments, which You make more rich to owe? Mar. If I should tell my history, it would seem Like lies disdain'd in the reporting. IIO Prithee, speak: 120 Per. Falseness cannot come from thee; for thou look'st Modest as Justice, and thou seem'st a palace For the crown'd Truth to dwell in: I will believe thee, And make my senses credit thy relation camest From good descending? So indeed I did. I think thou said'st 130 Per. Report thy parentage. Thou hadst been toss'd from wrong to injury, And that thou thought'st thy griefs might equal mine, If both were open'd. Mar. Some such thing I said, and said no more but what my thoughts 118. to owe, by possessing them. VOL. IV 97 H |