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government, wrong in itself, and repugnant to that they are but almoners of the Lord's bounty, the humanity and civilization of the age.

For Friends' Review.



"In my youth I was used to hard labour, and though I was middling healthy, yet my nature was not fitted to endure so much as many others. Being often weary, I was prepared to sympathize with those whose circumstances in life, as free men, required constant labour to answer the demands of their creditors; as well as with others under oppression; in the uneasiness of body, which I have many times felt by too much labour, not as a forced but a voluntary oppression, which is imposed on many in the world. The latter part of the time wherein I laboured on our plantation, my heart, through the fresh visitations of heavenly love, being often tender, and my leisure time being frequently spent in reading the life and doctrines of our blessed Redeemer, the account of the sufferings of martyrs, and the history of the first rise of our Society, a belief was gradually settled in my mind, that if such as had great estates, generally lived in that humility and plainness which belong to a Christian life, and laid much easier rents and interests on their lands and monies, and thus led the way to 1 right use of things, so great a number of people might be employed in things useful, that labour, both for men and other creatures, would need to be no more than an agreeable employment, and livers branches of business, which serve chiefly o please the natural inclinations of our minds, and which at present seem necessary to circulate hat wealth which some gather, might in this way of pure wisdom be discontinued. As I have thus considered these things, a query at times hath risen: Do I, in all my proceedings, keep to that se of things which is agreeable to universal -ighteousness? And then there hath some degree f sadness at times come over me; because I ccustomed myself to some things which have ccasioned more labour than I believe Divine visdom intended for us."

The practical testimony of John Woolman gainst oppression, evinced by his abstinence rom its productions, appears to be increasingly laiming the attention of Friends. While there re many who have the means readily to meet he additional expense that might arise from the se of free produce, in the present state of things, here are others to whom this testimony is equally recious, who are obliged to labour hard to proure the necessaries of life; and being involved straitened circumstances, often burdened with pil and care, they feel that in order to be disenaged from being customers in the market of avery, they might subject themselves to an adtional voluntary oppression." In taking this ew of the subject, do not those who realize


perceive that there is a field of usefulness open before them, in placing the productions of freedom within the comfortable reach of the poor, thus enabling them to bear testimony against oppression without oppression? May the poor be encouraged to toil on. May the rich be ready to distribute, willing to communicate." J.

For Friends' Review.

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DANGER OF HASTY JUDGMENT. Thomas Fowell Buxton, when on his visit to Rome in 1840, was informed of a circumstance which occurred there a short time previously, of which the following is the substance:

An Englishman arrived there during that year, who was almost entirely unacquainted with the Italian language. He heard many frightful stories of robberies and assassinations, and prudently resolved neither to travel alone, nor to be out after dark. But dining one day, with one of his friends not far from the city, he was so long detained as to be under the necessity of returning alone after night. The undertaking appeared terrific, but he braced up his courage by a few glasses of wine, and set out alone about ten o'clock. Walking hastily in the dark, he came into contact with a man who was walking in the opposite direction. He was alarmed, and the tales he had heard recurred to his memory; but the man passed quietly on. In a short time the Englishian thought of his watch, and upon examination, finding it was gone, turned hastily back, seized the man, and vehemently exclaimed, Montre, Montre." The supposed pickpocket trembled, and very reluctantly yielded up the watch. On reaching his residence, he recounted, with no little exultation, his heroic exploit; and declared that if the rest of the world would act as he had done, robbery would cease at Rome in a fortnight. When he had finished his oration, his sister said, "All this is very strange, for after you went out I saw your watch hanging in your room, and there it is now." Sure enough, there it was. So it appeared beyond dispute that he had actually committed a robbery himself. M.



The following beautiful illustration of the power of love over the hardest hearts will be acceptable, and we trust profitable, to our readers.

The Colony of Petitbourg is an establishment for the reformation of juvenile offenders-for instruction of abandoned children (boys) who are found without any parental care, wandering about the streets of Paris. It is supported by voluntary contributions. The boys are taught all

sorts of out-door and in-door work, and have

regular seasons of recreation. When any one

•Watch, Watch.

commits a fault requiring grave punishment, the and seen him still pale and feeble from the effect whole of the boys are assembled as a sort of of his wound, suffering for him, privations council, to deliberate and decide on the sort of light, and liberty, and joy, that his stout hear punishment to be inflicted, which consists usually gave way, and he cast himself at the feet of th of imprisonment in a dungeon for a number of director, confessing and bewailing with bitte days, and of course no participation in the recrea- tears the wickedness of his heart, and expressing tions of the community. the resolution to lead a different life for the tim to come. Such a fact needs no comment.

one hundred and Now here is the


There are at present about thirty boys in the institution. peculiarity of the discipline. passed by the boys, under the approval of the director, the question is then put, Will any of you consent to become the patron of this poor offender, that is, to take his place now and suffer in his room and stead, while he goes free?' And it rarely happens but that some one is found to step forward and consent to ransom the offender by undergoing his punishment-the of fender being in that case merely obliged to act as porter in carrying to his substitute in the dungeon his allowance of bread and water during all the time of his captivity. The effect has been the breaking of the most obdurate hearts of the boys, by seeing another actually enduring willingly what they deserved to suffer.

A remarkable case occurred lately. A boy whose violent temper and bad conduct had procured his expulsion from several schools in Paris, and who was in the fair way of becoming an outlaw and a terror to all good people, was received into the institution. For a while, the novelty of the scene, the society, the occupation, &c., seemed to have subdued his temper; but at length his evil disposition showed itself, through his drawing a knife on a boy with whom he had quarrelled, and stabbing him in the breast. The wound was severe but not mortal; and while the bleeding boy was carried to the hospital of the colony, the rest of the inmates were summoned to decide on the fate of the criminal. They agreed at once in a sentence of instant expulsion, without hope of re-admission. The director opposed this, and shewed them that such a course would lead this poor desperate boy to the scaffold or the gallows. He bade them think of another punishment. They fixed upon imprisonment for an unlimited period. The usual question was put, but no patron offered himself, and the culprit was marched off to prison.

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After some days the director reminded the boys of the case; and on the repetition of the call, Will no one become the patron of this unhappy youth?' a voice was heard, I will!' The astonished boys looked around and saw coming forward the very youth that had been wounded, and who had just been discharged from the sick ward. He went to the dungeon and took the place of his would-be murderer, (for had the boy's physical strength been equal to his passion, the blow must have been fatal, both boys being only about nine or ten years old;) and it was only after the latter had for some time carried the pittance of food to his generous patron,


Shores of the Baltic, May, 1848.

I have recently obtained some intelligence re specting a Russian colony, of considerable extent, singular origin, and very uncommon attainments; of which, though prevented by reasons affecting its political security from quoting a the sources of my information, I may convey to your readers some very interesting particulars.

Although doubtless the name of Temperance Societies was never heard of in the wide Steppes of Russia, the thing itself is not unknown to a simple and true-hearted community of dissenters from the Russian-Greek Church, whose continued existence and even increase, during many years of persecution, seem to have borne some resemblance to Israel's experience in Egypt; while their present comparative tranquillity in the land of their banishment equally displays the power of Divine grace, and the truth of the declaration that "when a man's ways please the Lord," He will make even his enemies to be at peace with him." The first detailed account which I saw of the Molokaners, or Milk-eaters, was contained in a letter from the Rev. Mr. Roth, one of the Basle Missionaries, whose station, Helendorf, may well be described as situated on the utmost verge of Christendom.

"The Milk-eaters separated themselves from the Greek communion, avowedly, on account a the invocation of saints, the various masses, the worship of the pictures and relics, the preserve! use of the sign of the cross, and similar superstitious observances, insisted on by the Greek Church. In short they took conscientious exception against every part of the public worsh of that Church, excepting the sermon, whic however, (more especially in the county parishes,) is almost always omitted as superf ous. After enduring in their birth-place, which was situated in the interior of Russia, unspeaka ble hardships and oppressions, and seeing. yer after year, many of their leaders exiled to Siberia as obstinate heretics, it was matter of thanks ness to them when the Russian government came to the determination, some eight or nine yeas since, to banish the whole of this pestilent sec to the Schamachian district in the province Grusia." "This punitive measure was no doubt meant for their hurt, but God turned it good, and as, like Israel of old, the more they


were oppressed the more they multiplied and | mill, are still there, and are decided curiosities grew, the Russian government may well have in their way. It is almost incredible to befelt surprise at the amount of immigration to which this sentence of banishment gave rise; for there now exist in that wild region, from sixty to eighty villages containing many thousand families. The norm of their faith is simply the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, their hymns are the Psalms of David, and the Bible knowledge possessed by both men and women among them may be justly termed extraordinary. Their public worship commences with the singing of a psalm; then follows an extempore prayer by one of their elders, who afterwards reads and expounds a chapter of the Bible, much in the manner it would seem, of our Wurtemberg scripture readers. The children of both sexes are, generally speaking, instructed by their own parents, although, where a person fitted for the task can be found in a village, a regular school is maintained. But, however accomplished, the result is a most happy one, since not one child above twelve years of age can be found among this people who does not possess a competent knowledge of reading and writing, as well as a rich store of Scripture passages committed to memory. In respect of morals, they are so exemplary, that few denominations of German Christians may bear comparison with them. When, for example, a dispute arises between two Molokaners, (which is said to be a very rare occurrence,) they feel bound in conscience to so literal a fulfilment of the apostolic admonition, let not the sun go down upon your wrath,' that they make a rule of seeking out each other and shaking hands before sunset. A liar or a drunkard is unknown among them; indeed, the majority of them drink no species of fermented liquor, (although the use of such is not absolutely forbidden,) and hence the appellation of Milk-eaters, by which they are now generally known.

lieve that this old building, time-battered and weather-browned, was the first to spread its sheltering roof over the young pupil of Arkwright, and that those dwarf frames, rusty and mildewed with inactivity, are the pioneer machines of that immense branch of our national industry-the manufacture of cotton goods. Samuel Slater, the father of American cotton manufactures, was so closely watched at the English custom-house that he could not smuggle over a drawing or pattern. He had, however, acquired a full knowledge of the Arkwright principle of spinning, and from recollection and with his own hands, made three cards and twenty-two spindles, and put them in motion in the building of a clothier, by the waterwheel of an old fulling mill. Fifty-four years have since elapsed, and the business has increased beyond all precedent in the history of manufactures. Our rivers and wild waterfalls that then flowed and bloomed in solitude, are now propelling thousands of mill-wheels, and millions of shuttles and spindles.-Exchange

The existence of such a spiritual oasis, amid the sterile wastes of Russian-Greek superstition, is a cheering subject of contemplation to the Christian heart, and may, in some small measure, neutralise the fears, at this moment strongly felt by thinking men, that Russia may use the moment of almost universal abeyance of all social order, and long venerated institutions, for an irruption with her countless hordes on the disorganised, and therefore helpless states of Germany.-British Friend.



We understand that in the valuable lead

mine, lately discovered in Crittenden county,
a large deposit of zinc ore accompanies the
vein, and that thirty or forty tons of the ore
had been taken out and thrown aside as value-
less, until the recent visit of a practical German
chemist, who pronounced it far more valuable
than the lead, and equal in its quality and ex-
tent to the best zinc ore of Germany, where the
zinc mines are sources of great wealth. We
believe there are no zinc mines ever yet dis-
covered in this country of sufficient value
blende have been found in the same vein. The
Cobalt and cadmium
to pay for working.
latter is found in the zinc ore, and yields an
unusually large percentage. It is one of the most
rare and valuable metals. We look forward
with deep interest to the future developments
in the mining region in Crittenden county.
The lead from that section is in high repute
here. It is a soft and superior article, and meets
with great favour in this market.

Louisville Journal.


At Pawtucket, Rhode Island, is the old mill of Samuel Slater, being the first building erected in America for the manufacture of cotton goods. It is a venerable wood-built structure, two stories in height; bearing numerous evidences of its antiquity, and we believe was erected in 1793. Two spinning frames, the first in the

Selected for Friends' Review.
Walk in the light! so shalt thou know
That fellowship of love

His Spirit only can bestow,

Who reigns in light above.
Walk in the light!—and sin abhorred,
Shall ne'er defile again;
The blood of Jesus Christ the Lord,
Shall cleanse from every stain.

Walk in the light!-and thou shalt find
Thy heart made truly his,
Who dwells in cloudless light enshrined,
In whom no darkness is.

Walk in the light!—and thou shalt own
Thy darkness passed away,
Because that light hath on thee shone,
In which is perfect day.

Walk in the light!-and e'en the tomb
No fearful shade shall wear;
Glory shall chase away its gloom,

For Christ hath conquered there!
Walk in the light!-and thou shalt be
A path, though thorny, bright;
For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee,
And God himself is light!



A man of subtile reasoning, asked
A peasant, if he knew
Where was the internal evidence
That proved his Bible true?
The terms of disputative art

Had never reached his ear;
He laid his hand upon his heart,
And only answered-Here.


All the territories are prohibited from passing laws interfering with the primary disposal of the soil. taxing the property of the United States, or taxing the property of non-residents more than that of residents. California and New Mexico are also forbidden to pass any law respecting an establishment of religion, or respecting slavery. All territorial laws are to be submitted to Congress, and if disapproved by them, shall be null and void. The constitution and laws of the United States are extended over the territories. The question of slavery in California and New Mexico will thus, by the passage of this bill, and until Congress shall legislate further, be made a judicial one, dependent on the United States Constitution and laws. The existing laws of the Provisional Government of Oregon, not incompatible with the Constitution or with this act, are to continue in force for three months after the first meeting of the Assembly, subject to be repealed by the said Assembly. One of these laws prohibits slavery in the Territory. The people of Oregon are to elect a delegate to the United States House of Representatives, to serve two years. An appropriation of $5,000 is made to purchase a territorial library for Oregon, and two sections of the public lands in each township of the same territory are to be reserved for the support of schools. The Governor of each Territory acts also as Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and his salary is $3,000. Salary of Secretaries and Judges, each $1,800. Members of the Oregon Assembly are to receive three dollars each, per day of attendance at the sessions, and mileage of three dollars per twenty miles.

CONGRESS-Senate. The Special Committee on the Oregon bill, to which committee the subject of Territorial Governments in New Mexico and California was also referred, reported a bill on the 18th inst., establishing a Government in each of those territories. For each Territory, a Governor, Secretary, Attorney and Marshal, are to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to hold their offices for the term of four years, but liable to removal by the President. Three Judges of the Supreme Court are to be appointed in the same manner, for Oregon, the same number for California, and two for New Mexico. They hold their offices for four years, and each of them is to hold a district court in the district which shall be assigned to him; each territory being divided into as many judicial districts as it has judges. The law-making power in Oregon is vested in a Legislative Assembly, consisting of a Council of thirteen members, elected for two years, and a House of Representatives of twenty-six members, elected for one year. The number of Representatives may be increased by the Assembly, in proportion to the increase of population, but shall never exceed thirty-nine. Section 5, relating to Oregon, is as follows: "That every free white male inhabitant, above the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of said territory at the time of the passage of this act, shall be entitled to vote at the first election, and shall be eligible to any office within the said territory; but the qualifications of voters and of holding office, at all subsequent elections, shall be such as shall be prescribed by the legislative assembly. Provided, that the right of suffrage and of holding office shall be exercised only by citizens of the United States, and those who shall have declared, on oath, their intention to become such, and shall have taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and the provisions of this act." In Cali- A Friend with a small family wishes o fornia and New Mexico, the law-making power is obtain a couple of boarders. Apply next door vested in the Governors, Judges and Secretaries. [ below No. 163 Wood street above Tenth.

Ex-Governor Shunk died at about 7 o'clock on the evening of the 20th.

EUROPE.-The Hibernia arrived at New York on the 21st, with news from Liverpool to the 8th. The state of trade was improving, and the money market easy. Breadstuffs were firm, and cotton slightly advanced. Hume's motion for Parliamentary Reform is stated to have been negatived on the 6th, by a vote of 84 in favour of, and 351 against it. France seems comparatively quiet, and Gen. Cavaignac, as almost absolute Dictator, appears to be carrying matters on with a strong and resolute hand. In the discussion on the constitution, in the Assembly, Thiers has made an able speech in favour of making the Legislature consist of twe Houses, like those of the United States, instead of one, as proposed by the committee. Prince Lous Napoleon has been again elected to the Assembly for Corsica. The Austrians are said to have re taken nearly all the Venetian territories, and to be threatening Venice itself. The German Parliament has elected the Archduke John of Austria, Lietenant General of the German Empire. This considered an important step towards German unity. The news from Berlin make the startling announcement that Russia has declared war against the whole German Confederation. But informa tion of a later date renders this account rather questionable.

The cholera is reported to be very destructive at Petersburg, where numbers are said to have died in a few hours after they were attacked.

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No. 46.

He also visited Europe; and informed us on his return, that he had visited the Islands of Great Britain, Ireland, Jersey, and Guernsey; and attended all the meetings of Friends, which he had an account of, on the continent. He also travelled much in France, Germany, and other parts of the continent, in which he had frequent opportunities of religious conferences with others not of our Society; and his returning certificates evinced the satisfaction of his friends

Of the Monthly Meeting of Cornwall, N. Y., with his religious services among them. After

concerning DAVID SANDS.

He was the son of Nathaniel and Mercy Sands, of Cowneck, on Long Island, and was born the 4th day of the 11th month, 1745. He came among Friends by convincement, and appeared in the ministry about the 27th year of his age, in which service he laboured abundantly both at home and abroad; having devoted the greater part of his life, from his entrance into the ministry, to visiting Friends, and in appointing meetings amongst other denominations. And we have reason to believe that he has been instrumental in stirring up and convincing considerable numbers, in many places, as he was led to feel and sympathize with the religiously exercised of all denominations; and he was often qualified to reach those in a more insensible state. He visited New England divers times, in the course of his life; and it appears to have been a principal field of religious exercise and labour with him. On his first visit in these parts, there appeared to be very little convincement in many places; but by faithfully labouring in obedience to divine direction, he was made instrumental in gathering several meetings. Where he travelled and laboured in some parts of that country, Friends have so far increased as now to hold both monthly and quarterly meetings.

He also visited Pennsylvania several times, and some of the Southern States, as well as performed several religious visits to the families of Friends in the cities of New York and Philadelphia. He likewise laboured extensively within the compass of the yearly meeting to which he belonged; and was particularly useful in the first rise and spreading of the Society or the west side of Hudson River, within the verge of Cornwall Quarterly Meeting.

his return from Europe, he visited occasionally many places within the verge of our own Yearly Meeting, and also paid a religious visit to Canada, and the city of Quebec, in the winter season. Shortly after his return, he set out on his last visit to New England, in which he was from home about a year.

This, our dear friend, experienced many vicissitudes and trials in the prosecution of his temporal concerns through life, and was frequently tried with much bodily indisposition; however, none of these things seemed to abate his concern for the accomplishment of what appeared to be his religious duty. He appeared to be much exercised on account of many speculative and unsound opinions that are circulating in the present day, and was often led to caution his friends lest they should be drawn aside by them, and recommended them to maintain that simplicity and stability in principle and practice, which were so conspicuous in our worthy ances tors. He was very particular in noticing strangers that attended our religious meetings, as well as in exercising a fatherly care and sympathy with the members of our Society, who were within the compass of his labours.

The latter part of his life, he seemed to be occupied very much about home; and was made particularly useful in bringing forward some under religious exercise in his own neighbourhood; and near his close, he was engaged in a family visit to Friends of Cornwall Monthly Meeting, which he partly accomplished; and was favoured to attend our first day meeting the same week he died. Whilst on his way there, he signified he thought it would be the last he should ever attend. He appeared to be much strengthened in the public testimony he bore in it; and at his return, he expressed that he felt great satisfaction in being there; and that a more

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