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with such an infinite weight of consequences (Hebrews 12: 14,) pending on its non-fulfilment, issued from the throne, where eternal love, power and wisdom preside, and yet the ability for its performance not given? No; it is the Almighty God, boundless in love, goodness and power, that says, " Walk before me, and be thou perfect."

and elders," of Burlington Quarterly Meeting, | And why not able? Has the command gone "at the foot of the list of the members of that forth, "Be ye holy in all manner of conversameeting, made about five years before his death, tion"? 1 Peter 1: 15. And has a command, we find in his hand writing the following observation, and reflections." To the writer they are beautifully touching, and may give us, to some extent, an idea of the cast of his mind. With them, these remarks will be closed; their principal object was to draw attention, particularly that of our young people, to the sweetly instructive autobiography of the honoured individual whose name is at the head of this article. "As looking over the minutes made by persons who have put off this body, hath sometimes revived in me a thought how many ages pass away; so this list may probably revive a thought in some, when I, and the rest of the persons above named, are centered in another state of being. The Lord, who was the guide of my youth, hath in tender mercies helped me hitherto; he hath healed me of wounds; he hath helped me out of grievous entanglements; he remains to be the strength of my life, to whom I desire to devote myself in time and eternity."

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Having become convinced that holiness is state of soul, which the Scriptures clearly set forth as an attainment which it is your duty and privilege to be living in the enjoyment of, it is necessary that the intention be fully fixed to live a holy life.

This will require deep searchings of heart, and will not admit of a secret reserve of this or the other thing, when there may be an impression that the object may be prejudicial to the soul's best interests; the matter must be brought to bear the scrutinizing eye of God, and if, in any degree, hurtful to the soul, must be decided upon, though the surrender be literally painful, as that of parting with a right hand, or right eye. Some may be inclined to think this carrying the subject too far, and with shrinking of heart, may solicitously inquire, "Lord, are there few that be saved?"-while the Saviour, beholding the many hindrances, replies, "Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able."

But the words of our Saviour will bring us yet more directly to the point, and will stamp the assertion with the signet of truth, that the intention to be holy, resolutely fixed in the mind, is a very necessary step towards insuring the object. "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine," John 8:17. This, taken in connection with Hebrews 4: 12, "For the word of the Lord is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart," will yet more fully assure us of the necessity of subjecting ourselves to the deep searchings of the spirit, with the intention decidedly fixed, "to know nothing among men save Christ, and him crucified."

endure the searching winds, storms and rains, which will inevitably beat against it, it is absolutely necessary that you count the cost, and deem not that hand or that heart unfriendly, that would assist you in this duty. How needful for the comfort of the soul, as well as also for the permanency of the work, that a thorough foundation be laid, so that the distressing temptations consequent upon this and the other sacrifice not having been before contemplated, may never successfully obtrude. Many are continually vacillating in their experience, and many more are falling, through a failure in this particular. Through this the good way is evil spoken of.

If you would raise a superstructure that will

O, if you would be holy and have your name written in Heaven with those "who have come up out of great tribulation," and on earth with those "who adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour, in all things," if you would be a "living epistle, read and known of all men," "count the cost"-say with the Apostle, "Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." No less devotion of spirit will carry you unpolluted through the world, than carried the martyrs through the flames to heaven; and though from the present state of Christianity, its claims may not be of the same kind, yet the devotion of spirit required is precisely the same in nature and extent; and unless it would lead its possessor to an entire renunciation, a crucifixion to the world, have we not much reason to fear, that

it will not bring us to the same happy heaven, which they are now in the possession of, and where new accessions are being continually made by those—

"Who washed their robes by faith below,"

Be assured, that unless you are decided on making the entire sacrifice of all your powers to God, and are willing to be sanctified on the terms specified, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing," that you have no proper foundation for your faith to rest upon, when you endeavour to believe that God will receive the offering at your hand, (Mal. 1:8, 9; 2: 13,) and this is mainly the reason why so many find it exceedingly difficult to believe.

The eternally Faithful and True hath said, as illustrative of the requirements of this way of holiness, and also of its simplicity, "The unclean shall not pass over it-the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein." Then may not the experience of thousands, who have endeavoured by merely believing, without having this essential foundation for their faith, be reconciled in this way, rather than that the truth of God should be questioned?

This is a work in which we must most emphatically be workers with God; and, though He saith "I am the Lord that doth sanctify you," (Exodus 31: 13) He also says, "Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be ye holy," (Lev. 20: 7,) and though the blessing is received through faith, and not by the works of the law, yet it is impossible to exercise that faith which brings the blessing, until we are willing to bring the sacrifice of body, soul and spirit, and leave it there. Then shall we find that "God is the God that showeth us light;" when we "bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar." Psalms 118: 27.

Then it is that this highway cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, becomes plain, so plain that the wayfaring man, though a fool, shall not err. In obedience to that requirement, (Rom. 12: 1,) "I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice," the offering is presented; and will not that God who hath required it at your hand, accept of it, when, in sincerity of heart, it is brought and laid upon the altar?


|fying the expectations of its friends, it would have to struggle against an adverse tide, let it steer which way it might.

I have watched the progress of the Review with the interest of one sincerely desirous of its success. I have hoped it might supersede, in many families, the introduction of weekly papers, whose columns are too apt to be filled with matter unsuitable for the perusal of those who would only spend their time usefully; and that it would be made a welcome visiter among many who had heretofore taken no paper. The writer is no adept at flattery, nor would he be understood as attempting it, when he says that not only has himself approved of the course pursued, but that he has good reason to believe that this approbation is common among its readers. My object in addressing the Editor at this time, was principally to introduce an extract from a letter, dated the 4th ult., from a highly valued friend in Indiana, which may prove as a little brook by the way, and afford encouragement to pursue the even tenor of his course, nothing doubting that, in due season, all shall reap who do their duty and faint not.


I am so well pleased with the work," says my Indiana friend, "and so desirous that my friends may partake of the benefit of the instruction and edification that may be derived from its pages; and, above all, of the sweet and calming, yet firm spirit in which it is conducted, that I have written to a number of my friends in a distant quarter, recommending it to their support."

I am led to believe, that the earnest sympathies of thousands of our members are with the Editor, in his arduous and responsible undertaking. I acknowledge mine are so, and I would cheer him in his labours for good.


For Friends' Review.


The evils which flow from the congregation of masses of persons fortuitously collected in the purlieus of our large cities, can scarcely be overrated. Something of this is apparent to the most indifferent observer, but he who has occasion to explore the lanes and allies of our suburbs, and to inquire into the habits of large portions of their inhabitants, has found sources of corruption of which no Christian can think without a shudder. Little do many who are about to leave the comparatively pure scenes of a country life, to breath the atmosphere of these thickly peopled districts There is naturally attendant on new under- of the city, know of that festering mass of vice takings a degree of anxiety, not merely in pro-and misery with which it is tainted. Many laportion to their magnitude, but also with refer-bouring persons, ingenuous youth or young men ence to their general bearing for good or for just setting out in life, are brought, by the exevil. When the publication of the Review was pectation of greater gains, or a desire to extend announced, the Editor, I trust, was not a stran- their acquaintance with the world, into our large ger to the fears which many entertained, that it towns. If not at once seduced into vicious might fail in this point, or in that-that it might courses, how many ultimately fall into the snares err on one hand or the other, and thus, not satis-set for them. How fathomless the abyss of

To the Editor.

misery which opens before such! Let any one | shall be confined to one form of evil that assails pass by the doors of those schools of iniquity, our the child when starting in his earliest scarch for theatres, and see the crowds of boys, of young employment; an evil mainly the result of social men, alas! of females also, who are taking their neglect, and remediable by the expenditure of nightly lessons in dissipation. How would many moderate trouble and still less money. a parent's heart sink within him, were he to follow the unhappy pupil in this dreadful school, through the lessons of a single night. How earnestly would he raise the warning voice when he saw a neighbour about to dismiss a son or a daughter from the domestic roof, whatever might be the privations of home, without having first provided a safe retreat in a religiously ordered family, and a faithful substitute in a Christian caretaker. To suffer young persons, from whatever station of life, to remove to one of our larger cities, without such provision, is to expose them to danger so imminent that no advantages ought to weigh a feather in the comparison. The corruption resulting from the causes I have adverted to, more especially as affecting the most neglected portions of society, have recently arrested public attention in England, and the ever active philanthropy of many individuals in some of her over-crowded towns, has been engaged in palliating evils which seem scarcely to admit of a remedy, short of the universal reception of Christian principles.

An article in a late English journal, contains an interesting notice of the evils which were to be met, and the means resorted to for their abatement. Its republication, omitting the more revolting details, may not be unappropriate at this moment, when the attention of many persons has been directed to the suffering existing in the southern suburbs of the city.

From the Quarterly Review,

"All our great cities and most towns, contain regular receptacles for the accommodation of poor travellers or temporary sojourners; caravansaries, generally speaking, of misery and sin, on their road to sustain old, or create new mischief. The country is daily sending up the inexperienced offspring of its hives, to seek a livelihood in the mighty capitals; the capitals, in return, send back their multiform gangs of practitioners, skilled in every device by which mankind may be deceived or plundered. These streams meet together in their course; but the feeble rill of simplicity is speedily lost in that Serbonian bog' of corruption where armies whole have sunk.' More of rustic innocence and honest purpose, both in males and females, has suffered shipwreck in these lodging-houses, than from any other perils that try the skill and courage of young adventurers. London is the city of the plague; for though evils of a similar character abound in Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, and every other place of like dimensions, yet the metropolis surpasses them all, not only in the number of these man-traps, but in the business-like employment of them.


"It may be true that all these receptacles are not equally abominable. Physically there may be some difference here and there; but morally the distinction is very fine-drawn. Mischief presides over them all; and the keeper of the establishment takes very good care to ask no questions, and impose no restraints that may check the flow of his nightly receipts. But putting aside the Corinthian specimens, which are, at best, few and far between,' we will keep to the mass of those hospitable mansions which hold out to every humble stranger in London, the promise of good entertainment.'

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"The astonishment and perplexities of a young person on his arrival here, full of good intentions to live honestly, would be almost ludicrous, were they not the prelude to such mournful results. He alights-and is instantly directed, for the best accommodation, to Duck Lane, St. Giles's, Saffron Hill, Spitalfields, or Whitechapel.

"In these days, though the ignorance of the people is largely discussed, and the necessity of extending education pretty generally admitted, it seems to be a prevalent dream that a few more schools, well-trained teachers, and an appropriate system, are to prove sufficient safeguards for the morals of the nation. Doubtless they are good, nay indispensable; but there are other things needful. The outside and the inside of the school are now in direct antagonism. The child may drink in, with reverent docility, the language and spirit of the Ten Commandments, but will see them broken hourly in every street and alley, and most of all perhaps in the very dwelling of "He enters the first, perhaps the largest, and its parents. The beer-house, the gin-palace, the finds it to consist of seven apartments of very dark and pestilential court, the narrow and nu-moderate dimensions. Here are stowed-besides merous tenements where all ages and both children-sixty adults, a goodly company of sexes are pressed together like a drum of Turkey males and females, of every profession of fraud figs, are skilful devices of the great enemy of and violence, with a very few poor and industrimankind to suck out the marrow from education. ous labourers. He turns to another hostel-the Here indeed to little purpose is the schoolmaster reader will not, we know, proceed without misabroad-it is a work of Sisyphus, the labour of givings-but we assure him our picture is drawn a month is undone in an hour. from real life. The parlour measures 18 feet by 10. Beds are arranged on each side of it, composed of straw, rags, and shavings, all in order, but not decently, according to the apostolic

"But should the stone be rolled to the summit of the hill, there are then new hazards to topple it over on the other side. Our present remarks

precept. Here he sees twenty-seven adults, and | his customers a gratis accommodation for that thirty-one children, with several dogs (for dogs, day, provided they have passed with him the the friends of man, do not forsake him in his other six. Some, though not pressed by the most abandoned condition,)—in all fifty-eight same force of biting want, practice a little human beings, in a contracted den, from which enonomy, and obtain for 1s. 6d. a-week (furnilight and air are systematically excluded. He ture included!) that which would cost a man in seeks the upper room, as more likely to remind comparative cleanliness and comfort from 4s. to him of his native hills: it measures 12 feet 5s. But others resort to them, as we to wateringby 10, and contains six beds, which in their places, for the charms and luxuries of society; turn contain thirty-two individuals. Disgusted gambling is carried on as keenly as at Spa or once more, he turns with hope to the tranquillity Wisbaden, joined or alternated with intoxication. of a smaller tenement. Here, groping his Tossing and cards, quarrels and fights, the recital way up an ascent more like a flue than a stair- of heroic deeds on the sneak or on the tramp,' case, he finds a nest of four tiny compartments hair-breadth escapes, and plans for fresh enter-and they are all full. It is, however, in vain prises of larceny, are the chief occupations. to search further. The evening has set in; the tenants are returned to their layers; the dirt, confusion, and obscenity baffle alike tongue, pen, or paint-brush; but if our bewildered novice would have for the night a roof over his head, he must share the floor with as many as it has space for.

"Having made acquaintances with his new associates, he will, should he have a statistical turn, reduce them under the following classifications --beggars, street-sweepers, hawkers, hay-makers, blind fiddlers, costermongers, dock-labourers, venders of lucifer-matches, actors in publichouses, navigators, brickmakers, cabmen. Here and there, as a kind of skirmishers to this heavy force, there are groups of thieves; high-fliers, that is writers of begging letters, a regular trade, profitable in its fruits, and jovial in the enjoyment of them; molbursers, which means boys, who dive their hands into ladies' pockets;' and decayed persons-forlorn nondescripts.


"These singular folks, for the most part, keep fashionable hours: they rise very late in what fine ladies call the morning-preferring, like owls, the night, or certainly the dusk, for their special avocations.


"In that admirable document, the Report on the appointment of a Constabulary Force, we find many curious pages given to this subject. The Commissioners begin by defining the evils of the lodging-house, and give us, like medical men, a diagnosis of the disorder :-'It is the receiving-house, they say, 'for stolen goods; it is the most extensively established school for juvenile delinquency. Here the common vagrants and trading-beggars assemble in great numbers at night-fall, or take up their quarters for very many days, making the lodging-house the cominon centre from which they issue in the morning, traverse their several beats, and return at night. Instances have been stated to us, where travelling mechanics have been seduced from their occupations into the career of mendicity from the temptations which it offers 'the very fate we apprehend for our country youth.

"Our readers will now have some notion of the system' which it has been the aim of the Labourer's Friend Society to attack.

"The first efforts were on a small scale, being simply experimental, and were limited to the adaptation of existing houses in the worst and most crying localities. The indispensable reFew of the adults ever wash either body or quirements were decency, cleanliness, and essenclothes. As for the children--we need only say, tial comfort-strict though considerate rules for hence the necessity for Ragged Schools! Yet, as the maintenance of order-prices the same as matters now stand, it can hardly be otherwise. those commonly paid-and lastly, that the whole The only water,' writes a missionary, that should be on the footing, not of eleemosynary can be had by the poor generally in my district shelter, but of a self-supporting and even profitais obtained from a publican, or his brother-in-ble institution. Our readers will observe with law, who keeps a chandler's shop; and I have approbation, that the object was to give the poor often heard both refuse applicants who have man fair play, not to make him the recipient of come to beg a kettle of water, telling them to get charity. That the schemes should turn out to water where they get their goods. Should the be profitable was, they will also agree on a mowater be obtained, it must be publicly used-ment's reflection, necessary to the purpose in there being but one common room for washing, cooking, and twenty other purposes.

"Some will be puzzled to guess what motives can lead mankind to seek out and colonize such haunts. Is it instinct, choice, or necessity? Actual poverty impels many. For 3d. a-night they obtain a shelter, such as it is, and save the expense of one night in seven-inasmuch as the proprietor, in a spirit of piety, munificence, or calculation, throws in the Sabbath, and allows

hand; not that the coffers of the Society might be enriched, but in order to the extension of its operations, and, above all, that builders and speculators might be induced by its example to invest capital in similar undertakings.

"The experiment has proved successful. It has in no part failed; and we earnestly hope that when the evil shall have become more universally known, and the remedy have been substantiated by a somewhat longer trial, we shall

see a multiplication of these efforts to drain and ventilate the morals of the people.

"The Society's first houses, those in King Street and Charles Street, Drury Lane, hold respectively 24 and 83 lodgers, in rooms of unequal size, containing from 3 to 11 beds. The locality could not have been better chosen; it is as bad as any in London, and in the immediate neighbourhood of many of those receptacles which it was most desirable to put out of countenance. Over each, a man and his wife are placed in charge; they are invested with full authority to receive payments, admit or reject applicants, and enforce order. They have the care of all the property of the establishment, and make periodical reports to the superintending Committee of the Society, which provides the additional check of a special Inspector. Each person on his entrance, like a letter by the post, is pre-paid.' He puts down 4d. for a night's lodging; and for that sum he is entitled not only to a single bed, and a clean one, in a room not densely crowded, but to a seat in a large well-warmed common apartment with benches and tables, until the stated hour of retiring to rest, and to his turn at the kitchen fire, to cook his dinner or his supper, as the case may be. He is provided, too, with ample means of washing, and even with a warm bath, if he is disposed to pay the extra charge of 1d.-which is frequently and joyfully done. The rules, moreover, of the house secure him from all insult or annoyance; no uproar is permitted, drinking is strictly forbidden, and though smoking may be indulged, it is only, as in clubs or the House of Commons, in rooms assigned for that purpose.

"That these efforts have already issued in a most happy change, is attested to us by many private gentlemen who have visited the houses; by the reports of the City Missionaries, and, we may add, by our own repeated observation Often have we heard these poor people speak with unrestrained thankfulness of the peace and decency they enjoy under those roofs, and seen them almost shudder when reflecting on the scenes they had left. The demand for admittance is endless were the accommodation tenfold, it would speedily be filled up. Disturbance is unknown; the lodgers, in most instances, all those indeed who are constant inmates, have established laws for their own social government, whereby any one guilty of offensive conduct or language would, as the phrase is, be consigned to Coventry;' the aid of the police is never required.

(To be continued.)


Mr. Staite is lecturing in England on his new mode of lighting by electricity. The Literary and Philosophical Society of Sunderland gave a public soiree last November, at which his mode

of lighting was the principal attraction. The Newcastle Guardian says:

"The light, which was of astonishing brilliancy and beauty, was placed under an air tight glass vase. When the gas was turned down it sufficiently lighted the spacious building, and bore the closest resemblance to the great orb of day of any light which we ever witnessed. The electric light was next exhibited in a vessel of water with equal success. Mr. S. stated it was the cheapest as well as the best for all practical purposes; and the marvellous invention was hailed with rapturous plaudits."

Its expense is not one-twentieth of the price now paid for gas, and he has taken out a second patent for the invention.-Jour. of Commerce.



We insert in the present number, some judicious the life and character of John Woolman. As this and appropriate observations of a correspondent, on devoted servant of the Most High was led in a path which was in some measure new, it is no cause of surprise, that his character and labours were more highly appreciated by those who have lived since his day, than they were by his cotemporaries; and we may perhaps reasonably question whether the depth of his views, and the purity of his principles of action, have even yet received the careful attention which their importance demands.

That a mind so tenderly alive to the sufferings endued with sensibility, should be early impressed of all creatures, which the creating Power has with the injustice of slavery, was naturally to be expected. But on this subject he was at least partially anticipated by others. Nearly fifty years before he was born, George Fox advised his friends in Barbadoes, to set their slaves free after certain years of servitude; and in 1715 Friends of Chester suggested to the Yearly Meeting, the propriety of advising their members to abstain from purchasing slaves in future. But the mind of John Woolman appears to have been early instructed, to look deeply and carefully into the principles and the tendency of his own actions: and seems to have been the first to embrace the idea, that the system of slavery was to be regarded as a whole; and that if he would keep himself clear of its encouragement and support, he must endeavour to withhold his custom from the market on which the system was erected. In accordance with this conclusion, we find him carefully abstaining, as far as circumstances would admit, from the use of such articles as were produced by the unrequited labour of slaves. When he was performing a religious visit to the southern sections of our country, he sometimes thought it

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