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Third Cit. But this is something odd.

Sec. Cit. An 'twere to give again, but 'tis no matter. [Exeunt the three Citizens. go

Re-enter two other Citizens.

Cor. Pray you now, if it may stand with the tune of your voices that I may be consul, I have here the customary gown.

Fourth Cit. You have deserved nobly of your country, and you have not deserved nobly.

Cor. Your enigma?

Fourth Cit. You have been a scourge to her enemies, you have been a rod to her friends; you have not indeed loved the common people.

Cor. You should account me the more vir- 100 tuous that I have not been common in my love. I will, sir, flatter my sworn brother, the people, to earn a dearer estimation of them; 'tis a condition they account gentle: and since the wisdom of their choice is rather to have my hat than my heart, I will practise the insinuating nod and be off to them most counterfeitly; that is, sir, I will counterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man and give it bountiful to the desirers. Therefore, beseech you, I may be consul. Ix0 Fifth Cit. We hope to find you our friend; and therefore give you our voices heartily.

Fourth Cit. You have received many wounds for your country.

Cor. I will not seal your knowledge with showing them. I will make much of your voices, and so trouble you no farther.

102. sworn brother; an allusion to the mediæval institution 'fratres jurati'—comrades who

swore to share all fortunes, good and ill. Cf. Hen. V. ii. 1. 13 Rich. II. v. I. 20, etc.

Both Cit. The gods give you joy, sir, heartily!

Cor. Most sweet voices !

Better it is to die, better to starve,


Custom calls me to 't:

Than crave the hire which first we do deserve.
Why in this woolvish toge should I stand here,
To beg of Hob and Dick, that do appear,
Their needless vouches?
What custom wills, in all things should we do 't,
The dust on antique time would lie unswept,
And mountainous error be too highly heapt
For truth to o'er-peer. Rather than fool it so,
Let the high office and the honour go


To one that would do thus. I am half through; 130 The one part suffer'd, the other will I do.

Re-enter three Citizens more.

Here come moe voices.

Your voices for your voices I have fought;
Watch'd for your voices; for


voices bear Of wounds two dozen odd; battles thrice six

I have seen and heard of; for your voices have Done many things, some less, some more: your

voices :

Indeed, I would be consul.

Sixth Cit. He has done nobly, and cannot go without any honest man's voice.

Seventh Cit. Therefore let him be consul: the gods give him joy, and make him good friend to the people!

All Cit. Amen, amen. consul!

Cor. Worthy voices!

122. woolvish toge, probably with the suggestion that he is a sort of wolf in sheep's cloth

God save thee, noble [Exeunt.



ing,' a warrior in the sheepish
garment of peace.
124. vouches, votes.


Men. You have stood your limitation; and the tribunes

Endue you with the people's voice: remains
That, in the official marks invested, you

Anon do meet the senate.


Is this done?

Sic. The custom of request you have discharged:

The people do admit you, and are summon'd

To meet anon, upon your approbation.

Cor. Where? at the senate-house?

There, Coriolanus.

You may, sir.

Cor. May I change these garments ?

Cor. That I'll straight do; and, knowing

myself again,

Repair to the senate-house.

Men. I'll keep you company. Will you along? Bru. We stay here for the people.


Fare you well.

[Exeunt Coriolanus and Menenius.

He has it now, and by his looks methinks

'Tis warm at 's heart.

Bru. With a proud heart he wore his humble


Will you dismiss the people?

Re-enter Citizens.

Sic. How now, my masters! have you chose this man?

First Cit. He has our voices, sir.

Bru. We pray the gods he may deserve your loves.

Sec. Cit. Amen, sir: to my poor unworthy notice,






He mock'd us when he begg'd our voices.

Third Cit.

He flouted us downright.


First Cit. No, 'tis his kind of speech: he did

not mock us.

Sec. Cit. Not one amongst us, save yourself,

but says

He used us scornfully: he should have show'd us
His marks of merit, wounds received for 's country.
Sic. Why, so he did, I am sure.


No, no; no man saw 'em. Third Cit. He said he had wounds, which he

could show in private ;

And with his hat, thus waving it in scorn,
'I would be consul,' says he: 'aged custom,
But by your voices, will not so permit me;
Your voices therefore.' When we granted that,
Here was 'I thank you for your voices: thank


Your most sweet voices: now you have left your


I have no further with you.' Was not this


Sic. Why either were you ignorant to see 't, Or, seeing it, of such childish friendliness

To yield your voices?

Could you not have told him
As you were lesson'd, when he had no power,
But was a petty servant to the state,
He was your enemy; ever spake against
Your liberties and the charters that you bear
I' the body of the weal; and how, arriving
A place of potency and sway o' the state,
If he should still malignantly remain

Fast foe to the plebeii, your voices might

Be curses to yourselves? You should have said




That as his worthy deeds did claim no less
Than what he stood for, so his gracious nature
Would think upon you for your voices and
Translate his malice towards you into love,
Standing your friendly lord.

Thus to have said,
As you were fore-advised, had touch'd his spirit
And tried his inclination; from him pluck'd
Either his gracious promise, which you might,
As cause had call'd you up, have held him to;
Or else it would have gall'd his surly nature,
Which easily endures not article

Tying him to aught; so putting him to rage,

You should have ta'en the advantage of his choler
And pass'd him unelected.


Did you perceive He did solicit you in free contempt When he did need your loves; and do you think That his contempt shall not be bruising to you When he hath power to crush? Why, had your


No heart among you? or had you tongues to cry
Against the rectorship of judgement?


Have you,

Ere now, denied the asker? and now again

Of him that did not ask but mock, bestow

Your sued-for tongues?

Third Cit. He's not confirm'd; we may deny

him yet.

Sec. Cit. And will deny him:

I'll have five hundred voices of that sound.

First Cit. I twice five hundred and their friends

to piece 'em.

Bru. Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends,

199. touch'd, tested.




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