JUL. Nay, that I will not. Luc. Then never dream on infamy, but go. JUL. That is the least, Lucetta, of my fear: Luc. All these are fervants to deceitful meri. But truer stars did govern Proteus' birth: Luc. Pray heaven, he prove so, when you come to him! JUL. Now, as thou lov'st me, do him not that wrong, To bear a hard opinion of his truth: 3 2 as infinite] Old edit. - of infinite. JOHNSON. The emendation was made by the editor of the second folio. 3 MALONE. my longing journey. Dr. Grey observes, that longing is a participle active, with a paffive fignification; for longed, wifred, or defired. Mr. M. Mason supposes Julia to mean a journey which she shall pass in longing. STEEVENS. VOL. IV. My goods, my lands, my reputation; ACT III. SCENE I. [Exeunt. Milan, An Anti-room in the Duke's Palace. Enter DUKE, THURIO, and PROTEUS. DUKE. Sir Thurio, give us leave, I pray, a while; We have fome fecrets to confer about. Exit THURIO. Now, tell me, Proteus, what's your will with me? PRO. My gracious lord, that which I would dif cover, The law of friendship bids me to conceal: But, when I call to mind your gracious favours My duty pricks me on to utter that Which elfe no worldly good should draw from me. DUKE. Proteus, I thank thee for thine honeft care; 4 Which to requite, command me while I live. PRO. Know, noble lord, they have devis'd a mean 4 --jealous aim--] Aim is guess, in this instance, as in the following. So, in Romeo and Juliet : 5 " I aim'd fo near when I suppos'd you lov'd." STEEVENS. JOHNSON. Pretence is design. So, in K. Lear: "- to feel my affe&ion to your honour, and no other pretence of danger." Again, in the same play: "- pretence and purpose of unkindnefs." STEEVENS. DUKE. Upon mine honour, he shall never know That I had any light from thee of this. PRO. Adieu, my lord; fir Valentine is coming. [Exit. Enter VALENTINE. DUKE. Sir Valentine, whither away fo fast? That stays to bear my letters to my friends, DUKE. Be thy of much import? VAL. The tenor of them doth but fignify My health, and happy being at your court. DUKE. Nay, then no matter: stay with me a while; I am to break with thee of fome affairs, That touch me near, wherein thou must be fecrèt. 'Tis not unknown to thee, that I have fought To match my friend, fir Thurio, to my daughter. VAL. I know it well, my lord; and, fure, the match Were rich and honourable; befides, the gentleman Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and qualities Befeeming fuch a wife as your fair daughter: Cannot your grace win her to fancy him? DUKE. No, trustme; she is peevish, fullen, froward, Proud, difobedient, stubborn, lacking duty; Neither regarding that she is my child, Nor fearing me as if I were her father: And, may I say to thee, this pride of hers, Upon advice, hath drawn my love from her; And, where I thought the remnant of mine age Should have been cherish'd by her child-like duty, 6 And, where) Where, in this instance, has the power of whereas. So, in Pericles, Act I. fc.i: "Where now you're both a father and a fon." STEEVENS. I now am full resolv'd to take a wife, this? DUKE. There is a lady, fir, in Milan, here," VAL. Win her with gifts, if the respect not words; Dumb jewels often, in their filent kind, More than quick words, do move a woman's mind, 9 7-fir, in Milan, here,] It ought to be thus, instead of -in Verona, here for the scene apparently is in Milan, as is crear from several paffages in the first act, and in the beginning of the first scene of the fourth act. A like mistake has crept into the eighth scene of Act II. where Speed bids his fellow-fervant Launce wel. come to Padua. POPE. 8 --the fashion of the time - The modes of courtship, the ads by which men recommended themselves to ladies. JOHNSON. 9 Win her with gifts, if she respect not words; Dumb jewels often, in their filent kind, More than quick words, do move a woman's mind.] So, in our author's Paffionate Pilgrim: "Spare not to fpend, The strongest calle, tower, and town, " The golden bullet beats it down." A line of this stanza, " The strongest caftle, tower, and town," and two in a fucceeding fłtanza, "What though the firive to try her strength, " And ban and brawl, and say thee nay," remind us of the following verses in The Historie of Grounde Amoure, |