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Tomb, nature cries from the, 385.

no inscription on my, 675.

of him who would have made glad the
world, 589.

of the Capulets, 412.
stood upon Achilles', 558.
threefold fourfold, 179.
Tombs, hark from the, 303.
To-morrow and to-morrow, 125.
boast not thyself of, 829.
cheerful as to-day, 321.
defer not till, 295.
do thy worst, 273.

in to-day already walks, 504.

is falser than the former day, 276.
never leave that till, 360.

speed to-day to be put back, 29.
the darkest day live till, 423.
tints with prophetic ray, 550.
to fresh woods, 248.
we shall die, 833.

will be dying, 202.

will be the happiest time, 624.
will repay, think, 276.
To-morrows, confident, 481.

To-morrow's sun may never rise, 295.

Tone of languid nature, 417.

spirit ditties of no, 576.

voice of sweetest, 583.
with a peremptory, 415.

Tones, harp in divers, 631.

in its hollow, 562.
Tongs, shovel and, 583.
Tongue an unruly member, 849.

bear welcome in your, 117.
braggart with my, 124.

brings in a several tale, every, 97.
came mended from that, 333.
can no man tame, 849.

confuted by his conscience, 222.
dropped manna, 226.

fair words never hurt the, 38.
fool cannot hold his, 737.
from evil, keep thy, 819.

give it understanding but no, 129.
give thy thoughts no, 129.
hide it under his, 817.

his mother, 419.

in every wound of Cæsar, 114.

is an unruly evil, 849.

is known in every clime, one, 605.
is the pen of a ready writer, 820.
law of kindness in her, 829.
let a fool hold his, 713.
let the candied, 137.

man that hath a, 44.

moderate the rancour of your, 681.
murder though it have no, 135.
music's golden, 575.

never eare did heare that, 23.
never repented that he held his, 735.
nor heart cannot conceive, 120.
nor speak with double, 600.

not she denied him with unholy, 676.
of dog, wool of bat and, 123.

of him that makes a jest, 56.

of midnight hath told twelve, 59.

of the mind, pen is the, 789.

Tongue outvenoms all the worms of Nile,


persuasion tips his, 297.

ran on, still his, 215.

restreine and kepen wel thy, 5.
sad words of, 619.
slanderous, 341.

so varied in discourse, 511.
soul lends the, vows, 130.
sounds as a sullen bell, 88.
stopped his tuneful, 335.
such a, glad I have not, 146.
sweet morsel under his, 283.
that Shakespeare spake, 472.
the speaking, 603.

through every land by every, 302.
tip of his subduing, 163.

to curse the slave, O for a, 526.
to persuade, 255.

to wound us, no, 522.
treasure of our, 39.

truth in every shepherd's, 25.
use of my oracular, 440.

win a woman with his, 44.

windy satisfaction of the, 343.

Tongues, airy, 243.

aspic's, for 't is of, 155.

called fools in all, 71.

conscience hath a thousand several, 97.

evil days and evil, 236.

hearts in love use their own, 51.

in trees books in the running brooks,

interest speaks all sorts of, 794.
lovers', by night, 106.

nations kindreds and, 849.

of dying men, 81.

of men, speak with the, 845.
shall rehearse, 162.
silence envious, 100.
slanderous, done to death by, 54.
strife of, $19.

that syllable men's names, 243.
to allure him, thousand, 407.
whispering, 500.

Tongue-tied by authority, 162.
Too civil by half, 440.

late I stayed, 464.
low they build, 309.
much thinking, 321.
thin, 101.

Tool of iron, nor any, 815.
Tools, always work and, 656.

no jesting with edge, 198.
nothing but to name his, 210.
of working our salvation, 215.
sin has many, 637.

to him that can handle them, 579.
Tooth and nail, 781.

for tooth, eye for eye, 813.
of time, 49, 311.

poison for the age's, 78.
sharper than a serpent's, 146.
Tooth-ache, endure the, 53.
Toothpicks, supply of, 597.
Top, die at the, 294.

of judgment, 47.

of my bent, fool me to the, 139.

Top to toe, dressed from, 683.

whips his taxed, 462.
Tops of the eastern pines, 81.
Topics, fashionable, 402.
Topless towers of Ilium, 41.
Topples round the west, 631.
Torches, as we do with, 46.

light my candle from their, 192.
Torments our elements, 227.
Torn from their destined page, 456.

me and I bleed, they have, 544.
Torpedo, pen becomes a, 369.
Torrent and whirlwind's roar, 394.
is heard, naught but the, 428.
of a downward age, 356.
of a woman's will, 313.
of his fate, 366.

roar, should like the, 324.

so the loud, 394.
Torrents, motionless, 501.
Torrent's smoothness, 516.
Torrid tracts, through, 398.
Torture, boil in endless, 545.
hum of human cities is, 543.
of the mind, 121.

one poor word, 270.
Torturing hour, the, 226.
Toss him to my breast, 205.
Touch, beautiful beneath his, 514.
dares not put it to the, 257.
harmonious, whose, 367.
no state matters, 398.

not taste not, 847.

of a vanished hand, 627.

of celestial temper, 234.

of joy or woe, 389.

of Liberty's war, first, 525.

Towers, disparting, trembling, 358.
distant spires ye antique, 381.
elephants endorsed with, 240.
of Ilium, burnt the topless, 41.
of Julius, ye, 383.

old palaces and, 565.
the cloud-capped, 43.
trembling all precipitate, 358.
ye antique, 381.
Towered citadel, 158.

cities please us then, 249.
Towering falcons, hopes like, 287.
in his pride of place, 120.

in the confidence of twenty-one, 376.
passion, put me into a, 145.

Town, axis of the earth in every,
callen daisies in our, 6.

gaze with all the, 677.

inan made the, 417.

Towns, elephants for want of, 289.
Toys, fantastic, 391.


of age, beads and prayer books, 318.
of simulated stature, 621.
to the great children, 357.
we spent them not in, 260.
Track, drive on your own, 729.

pursue, each other's, 275.
Tract behind, leaving no, 109.
Tracts, leaves no, 36.

of calm from tempest made, 634.
through torrid, 398.

Trade, doing good is not our, 417.
of lying, 774.

thou learned, love the little, 752.
two of a, can never agree, 349.
Trades, ugliest of, 597.

Trade's proud empire, 367.

of nature, one, makes the whole world Tradition, marrow of, 510.

kin, 102.

soiled by any outward, 253.
sprang up forever at a, 634.
that 's scarcely felt, 350.
the best, fear not to, 25.
them but rightly, 455.
us gently Time, 538.

we feel the tenderest, 274.
with chiselled, 769.
wound with a, 350.
Touches of sweet harmony, 65.
Touched by her fair tendance, 237.
nothing that he did not adorn, 367.
spirits are not finely, 46.

the highest point, I have, 99.
Toucheth pitch, he that, 837.
Touchstone, man's true, 197.
Touchy testy pleasant fellow, 300.
Tough is J. B., 652.

wedge for a tough log, 712.
world, rack of this, 149.
Tower, age shakes Athena's, 541.
and tree, light on, 673.
guardian on the, 655.
intending to build a, 842.

of strength, king's name is a, 97.
of strength, that, 628.

Towers above her sex, Marcia, 298.
along the steep, 514.
and battlements, 248.

Tragedie, go my little, 6.

Tragedies, Attic, 254.
Tragedy, gorgeous, 250.

of Hamlet with the prince left out, 494.
to those who feel, 389.

Trail of the serpent, 526.
Trailing clouds of glory, 477.
Train, a melancholy, 395.

a royal, believe me, 100.

at Coventry, waited for the, 626.
every motion of his starry, 485.
fear and bloodshed miserable, 476.
of night, last in the, 235.

of thy amber-dropping hair, 246.
starry, heaven her, 233.
up a child, 827.

when I am dead no pageant, 571.
woes love a, 308.

Traitor, arrant as any, 93.

love treason but hate the, 182.
Traitors, fears do make us, 123.
our doubts are, 47.
Traitorous kiss, 676.

Trammel up the consequence, 117.
Trample on my days, 263.
Tramplings of three conquests, 219.
Trance, no nightly, 251.

or breathed spell, no, 251.
unimaginable, stood in, 504.
Tranquil life, to lead a, 752.

Tranquil mind, farewell the, 154.
Tranquillity, heaven was all, 527.
of mind, 766.

thou better name, 501.
Transatlantic commentator, 592.
Transcend our wonted themes, 264.
Transcendent moment, one, 657.
Transcribed, what is, 369.
Transfigures its golden hair, 657.
Transforms old print, 419.
Transgressors, way of, 826.
Transient chaste, early bright, 308.
hour, catch the, 366.

sorrows simple wiles, 474.
Transition, what seems so is, 615.
Transitory, action is, 465.
Translated, thou art, 58.
Translucent wave, glassy cool, 246.
Transiumary things, 40.

Tran migration of the soul, 765.
Transmitter of a foolish face, 354.
Transmuted ill, sovereign o'er, 366.
Transmutes, subdues, 476.
Transport know, can ne'er a, 377.
Trappings and suits of woe, 127.

of a monarchy, 369.

Traps, Cupid kills some with, 51.

Trash, who steals my purse steals, 153.
Travail, labour for my, 101.

Travel is a part of education, 166.
on life's common way, 472.
thought the, long, 23.
twelve stout miles, 472.
Travels, contemplation of my, 70.

in divers paces, time, 70.
Travels' history, in my, 150.
Travelled in realms of gold, 576.
life's dull round, 379.
Traveller from Lima, 592.

from New Zealand, 591.
from the Zuyder Zee, 592.
lamp that lighted the, 522.
now spurs the lated, 121.

returns, bourne whence no, 136.
Travellers must be content, 67.
Travelleth, as one that, 825.

Travelling is to regulate imagination, 375.
Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 147.
Treacle, fly that sips, 348.

Tread a measure with you, 56.

again the scene, who would, 497.
each other's heel. 308.

in air, seem to, 339.

on classic ground, 299.
the globe, all that, 572.

upon another's heel, one woe, 143.
where angels fear to, 325.
where'er we, 541.
Treads alone some banquet-hall, 523.

so light the grass stoops not, 161.
Treason can but peep, 142.

corporations cannot commit, 24.
doth never prosper, 39.
flourished over us, bloody, 114.
has done his worst, 121.

if this be, make the most of it, 429.

like a deadly blight, 520.

none dare call it, 39.

Treasons, is fit for, 66.
Treasure is, where your, 838.
of his eyesight, 104.
of our tongue, 39.
rich the, 271.

unsunned heaps of miser's, 244.
what a, hadst thou, 134.
Treasures, Apollo's Pythian, 339.
hath he not always, 502.
heaven's best, 387.

in heaven, 838.

love light and calm thoughts, 502.
sea-born, fetched my, 598.

up a wrong, him who, 555.
Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 125.

Treble, turning again toward childish,

Tree, aye sticking in a, 495.

come to the sunset, 570.
die at the top like that, 294.
falleth, where the, 831.
friendship is a sheltering, 503.
fruit of that forbidden, 223.
garden of Liberty's, 516.
give me again my hollow, 328.
green leaves on a thick, 338.
hale green, 667.

I planted, thorns of the, 544.

in the wide waste, a, 552.

is inclined, as the twig is bent the,


is known by his fruit, 839.
leaf is on the, 611.

light on tower and, 673.
like a green bay, 819.
near his fav'rite, 386.
'neath yon crimson, 573.
of deepest root is found, 432.
of liberty, 804.

of life, the middle tree, 232.
spare the beechen, 516.
things done in a green, 842.
too happy happy, 576.
under a sycamore, 406.
under the greenwood, 67.
woodman spare that, 595.

Zaccheus he did climb the, 687.

Trees, blossoms in the, 316.

bosomed high in tufted, 248.
brotherhood of venerable, 474.
drop tears as Arabian, 157.
just hid with, 536,

like leaves on, 338.
promontory with, 158.
tall ancestral, 569.
tongues in, 67.

unto the root of the, 841.
Trelawney die, and shall, 687.
Tremble for my country, I, 436.

like a guilty thing, 478.

my firm nerves shall never, 122.
see my lips, 333.
thou wretch, 147.
when I wake, 418.
while they gaze, angels, 382.
Trembles, Satan, 422.

too, turning, 389.
Tremblers, boding, 397.

Trenchant blade, 211.

Trencherman, a very valiant, 50.
Tresses fair, insnare, 326.

like the morn, 246.

whitening lip and fading, 636.
Trial by juries, 435.

Triangular holes and persons, 461.
Tribe increase, may his, 536.

is the badge of all our, 61.
richer than all his, 157.

were God Almighty's gentlemen, 268.
Tribes, formed of two mighty, 560.
that slumber in its bosom, 572.
Tribute, laid all nature under, 457.
not one cent for, 673.

of a sigh, the passing, 385.
of a smile, vain, 487.

Trick of our English nation, 88.
of singularity, 76.

when in doubt win the, 861.

worth two of that, I know a, 84.
Tricks, his tenures and, 143.

in plain and simple faith, 114.
plays such fantastic, 48.
shaped for sportive, 95.

such, hath strong imagination, 59.
that are vain, 669.

Trident, flatter Neptune for his, 103.
Tried each art, 396.

little knowest that hast not, 29.
patient though sorely, 614.
save he whose heart hath, 550.
thou that hast not, 29.

to blame that has been, 350.
to live without him, 175.
without consent bin only, 193.
Tries, knows not till he, 713.
Trifle, as 't were a careless, 117.
think naught a, 311.

Trifles light as air, 154.

make life, 311.

make the sum of human things, 437.
seeks painted, 391.

snapper-up of unconsidered, 77.

win us with honest, 116.

Trim, dressed in all his, 163.

gardens, in, 249.

gilded vessel in gallant, 383.

he that shot so, 105.

meadows, 248.

reckoning, 87.

that shoots so, 405.

Trip it as you go, 248.

Trissotin, half, 593.

Triton blow his wreathed horn, 477.

of the minnows, hear you this, 103.
Triumph advances, chief in, 491.
in redeeming love, 674.

pedestaled in, 651.

pursue the, 320,

Triumphal arch, 516.

Triumphant death, 240.

faith, o'er our fears, 615.
Triumphed, Jehovah has, 524.
over time, 26.
Trivet, right as a, 676.
Trivial fond records, 132.

round the common task, 569.

Trivial things, contests rise from, 325.
Trod, proper men as ever, 110.
Trodden out, little fire is quickly, 95.
the wine-press alone, 834.
Trojans, the distant, 337.
Troop, farewell the plumed, 154.
Troops of error, charged the, 217.
of friends, love obedience, 124.
Trope, out there flew a, 210.
Trophies, need not raise, 258.
unto the enemies of truth, 217.
Tropic, under the, 220.
Troth, not break my, 54.

time tries the, in everything, 18.
Troubadour, gayly the, 581.
Trouble, double toil and, 123.
man is born unto, 816.

of few days and full of, 817.
our days begin with, 687.
present help in, 820.
remedy for every, 701.
war is toil and, 272.

why all this toil and, 466.
Troubles, against a sea of, 135.

of the brain, the written, 125.
peck of, 791.

Troubled air, meteor to the, 383.
let not your heart be, 843.
like a fountain, 73.
waters, fish in, 283.

with thick-coming fancies, 125.
Troublesome disguises, 234.
Troublest ine, thou, 97.

Troubling, wicked cease from, 816.
Trousers, steam-engine in, 461.
Trowel, laid on with a, 66.

Troy, Astyanax the hope of, 338.
divine, tale of, 250.
doubted, heard, 558.
fired another, 272.
half his, was burnt, 88.
heard, doubted, 558.
laid in ashes, 280.

[blocks in formation]

husband should return, 556.
Truckle-bed, honour's, 212.
Trudged along unknowing, 273.
True Amphitryon, 277.

and honourable wife, 112.
are you good men and, 51.
as fate, 182.

as steel, 58, 107.

as the dial to the sun, 215.

as the needle to the pole, 306.
battled for the, 632.
beginning of our end, 59.
blue, Presbyterian, 210.

dare to be, 205.

easy to be, 671.

good to be honest and, 450.
hearts lie withered, 521.
hope is swift, 97.

I have married her, 149.
if England to itself rest, 80.
like the needle, 389.

True love, course of, never did run | Truth, bright countenance of, 253.

[blocks in formation]

to the kindred points of heaven, 485.
to thine own self be, 130.
too good to be, 284.

use of speech, 403.
way to be deceived, 795,
whatsoever things are, 847.
True-fixed and resting quality, 112.
Truepenny, art thou there, 132.
Truly loved never forgets, 520.
Trump, shrill, 154.

Trumpery, with all their, 231.

Trumpet give an uncertain sound, 845.
moved more than with a, 34.
shifted his, 400.

sound the, beat the drums, 281.
sounds to horse, 296,

the thing became a, 485.

Trumpets, never heard the sound of, 734.

silver snarling, 575.

Trumpet-tongued, angels, 118.

Trumps, if dirt was, 510,

Truncheon, the marshal's, 47.

Trundle-tail, tike or, 148.

Trust all and be deceived, better, 641.

all power is a, 608.
government is a, 517.
in all things high, 630,
in God is our, 517.

in God, put your, 588.

in princes, put not your, 824.
in Providence, put your, 313.
magistracy is a great, 411.
no agent, 51.

no future howe'er pleasant, 612.
no man on his oath, 109.

no man without a conscience, 379.
old friends to, 171.
somehow good will be, 632.
soothed by an unfaltering, 572.
takes in, our youth, 26.

woman's faith and woman's, 494.

Trusts, offices are public, 529.
public, 859.

Trusted, let no such man be, 66.

Trustees, officers of government are, 517.
Trusty drouthy crony, 451.

Truth and daylight meet, 255.

and noonday light to thee, 654.

and pure delight, heirs of, 477.
and shame the devil, 85, 772.
and soberness, words of, 843.
authority and show of, 52.
basis of every, 409.
be in the field, so, 255.
born to inquire after, 778.

crushed to earth, 573.

denies all eloquence to woe, 551.

doubt, to be a liar, 133

enemies of, 217.

fiction lags after, 408.

forever on the scaffold, 657.
from his lips prevailed, 397.

from pole to pole, spread the, 300.
great is, and mighty, 836.
great ocean of, 278.

has such a face, 269.
hath a quiet breast, 80.

he ought to die for, 600,

her glorious precepts draw, 675.
his utmost skill, 174.

I will be harsh as, 605.
impossible to be soiled, 253.

in every shepherd's tongue, 25.
in masquerade, 500.
in the light of, 475.
in the strife of, 657.
in wine there is, 719.
increase to her, 378.

is always strange, 560.

is beauty beauty is truth, 576.
is its handmaid, 460.

is precious and divine, 213.

is the handmaid of justice, 460.

is the highest thing, 4.

is truth, 49.

lend her noblest fires, 540.
le which is half a, 628.
les deep down, 766.
lies like, 125.

makes free, whom the, 421.
man never harmed by, 754.
may be, tell how the, 487.

may bear all lights, 578.

mercy and, are met together, 821.
miscalled simplicity, 162.
mournful, 366.

nature is styled, 755.

not to be spoken at all times, 780.
nothing so powerful as, 534.
nothing so strange as, 534.
ocean of, all undiscovered, 278.

of a song, swear to the, 287.

of history, 724.

of truths is love, 654.

on the scaffold, 657.

one, is clear, 316.

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