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Tall men had empty heads, 170.
oaks from little acorns grow, 459.
to reach the pole, so, 303.
Tally, score and, no books but, 94.
Tam was glorious, 451.
Tame, no charm can, 670.

the heyday in the blood is, 140.
the tongue no man can, 849.
villatic fowl, 242.

Tamer of the human breast, 382.
Tamie glowred amazed, 451.
Tangled web we weave, 490.
Tangles of Neera's hair, 247.
Taper cheers the vale, you, 402.
glows, while yet the, 805.
Tapers, answer ye evening, 636.
swim before my sight, 333.
to the sun, glimmering, 443.
Taper's light, hope like the, 399.
Tapestry, speech like to, 723.

Tar water is of a nature so mild, 312.
Tar's labour, cheers the, 555.
Tara's halls, harp through, 519.
Tardy as too slow, too swift as, 107.
Tarnished gold, black with, 456.
Tarry at Jericho, 815.
Tarsus, ship of, 242.

Task, common, trivial round, 569.
delightful, 355.

is smoothly done, now my, 246.
whose sore, 126.

Tasks, most difficult of, 480.
Task-master's eye, in my great, 252.
Tassels, the larch has hung his, 571.
Taste, choice of Attic, 252.

last. of sweets is sweetest last, 81.
man's hand is not able to, 58.
never, who always drink, 287.
not handle not, 847.

of death but once, the valiant, 112.
of sweetness, loathe the, 86,
of your quality, give us a, 134.
sans, sans everything, 69
the whole of it, let me, 650.
with a little more, 800.

whose mortal, brought death, 223.
Tastes of men, various are the, 391.
Tasted, some books to be, 168.
Tattered clothes, through, 148.

ensign down, tear her, 635.
Tatters, tear a passion to, 137.
Taught, afterward he, 2.

being, return to plague, 118.
but first he folwed it, 2.
by that power, 402.

by time, 346,

following what we are, 744.
happy is he born or, 174.
her dazzling fence, 246.
highly fed and lowly, 73.
him shame, love, 273.

me at last to forget thee, 682.

me, folly 's all they, 522.

men must be, 325.

mind what I am, 535.

saints who, 313.

the wheedling arts, 348.

to stray, science never, 315.

[blocks in formation]

or inn, a good, 372.

Tawny lion, half appeared the, 236.
Tax for being eminent, 291.

not you you elements, 146.
Taxes, death and, 361.
Taxation, pressure of, 462.
Taxed horse and bridle, 462.

top, whips his, 462.

Tea, glad I was not born before, 461.
some sipping, 468.
sometime. take, 326.

thank God for, 461.

what would the world do without, 461.
without a stratagem, take her, 311.

Teach bloody instructions, 118.

gladly would he learn and, 2.
him how to live, 425.

him how to tell my story, 151.
in song, what they, 566.

me to feel another's woe, 334.
men to die, 774.

men to live, 774.

souls to souls can never, 653.

the rest to sneer, 327.

the young idea how to shoot, 355.
thee safety, ladyship is by to, 79.
us to number our days, 822.
Teacher, let nature be your, 466.
Teachers, more understanding than my,

Teacher's doctrine sanctified, 483.
Teaching by examples, philosophy, 304.
Teachings, list to nature's, 572.
Team of little atomies, 104.

of sparrows, 31.
Teapot, tempest in a, 767.
Tear a passion to tatters, 137.
be duly shed for thee, 390.
betwixt a smile and, 546.
cost a sigh a, 433.
drop a, 259.

drop a, and bid adieu, 671.

drying up a single, 559.

each others' eyes, 302.

every woe can claim a, 548.

falling of a, 497.

followed perhaps by a smile, 416.

for pity, he hath a, 90.

forgot as soon as shed, 381.

gave to misery all he had a, 386.

her tattered ensign down, 635.
homage of a, 541.

in her eye, 489.

law which moulds a, 456.

man without 2, 516.

meed of some melodious, 247.

one particular, 163.

passage of an angel's, 576.

perhaps 't will cost a sigh a, 433.
recording angel dropped a, 379.
stain it with hypocritic, 571.
stands trembling in her eye, 343.
sympathetic, the, 387.

Tear that flows for others' woes, 424.
that we shed, 519.

the groan the knell, 562.
vapour melting in a, 346.

wiped with a little address, 416.
Tears, accept these grateful, 340.
all her sorrow all her, 508.
all in vain, 668.

and laughter, 620.

and love for the gray, 668.
and smiles, kisses, 474.
beauty smiling in her, 513.
beguile her of her, 150.

behold their, hear their cries, 804.
big round, in piteous chase, 67.
child of misery baptized in, 427.
crocodile, 38, 191.

dim with childish, 471.

dip their wings in, 632.
down Pluto's cheek, 250.

drop fast as the Arabian trees, 157.
due to human suffering, 482.
flattered to, 575.

for the blue, love and, 668.
fountain of sweet, 409.

from some divine despair, G30.
hence these, 702.

her humblest mirth and, 468.
her income, 204.

idle tears, 630.

if you have, prepare to shed them
now, 113.

in secret in silence and, 682.

leaves millions in, 655.

like Niobe all, 128.

love embalmed in, 491.

must stop for every drop, 585.

no, dim the sweet look, 613.

nor all your, wash out a word, 768.
nothing is here for, 242.

of bearded men, 489.

of boyhood's years, 523.

of the sky for loss of the sun, 353.
of woe, smiles of joy, 524.
parted in silence and, 539.
resolves the moon into salt, 109.
shall drown the wind, 118.
she stood in, 575.

so weary of toil and of, 668.
some natural, they dropped, 240.
source of sympathetic, 382.
such as angels weep, 225.
that speak, 262.

thoughts too deep for, 478.
to raise the dead with, 697.
vale of, beyond this, 497.
wept away in transient, 679.
wept each other's, 611.
wet with unseen, 497.
wronged orphans', 194.
Teche, and gladly, 2.
Techstone, war's red, 660.
Tedious as a king, 52.

as a twice-told tale, 79, 345.
as go o'er, returning as, 123.
as to work, to sport as, 83.
thinking his prattle to be, 82.
Teeth are set on edge, the children's, 835.

Teeth, drunkard clasp his, 34.

of time, give lettered pomp to, 618.
sans eyes sans taste sans, 69.
skin of my, escaped with the, 817.
spite of his, 8.

Tell a hundred, might, 129.

all my bones, I may, 819.

how the truth may be, I cannot, 487.

it not in Gath, 814,

me not in mournful numbers, 612.
me the tales, 581.

me where, gentle shepherd, 672.
them they are meu, 381.

who can, save he, 550.

Tellen his tale untrewe, 2.
Tell-tale women, hear these, 97.
Temper, blest with, 321.

justice with mercy, 239.
man of such a teeble, 110.
thy steady, 297.

touch of celestial, 234.

which bears the better, 93.
whose unclouded ray, 321.
Tempers the wind, God, 379.

Temperance more difficult than absti
nence, 375.

that may give it smoothness, 137.
Temperate and furious in a moment, 120.
will, the reason firm the, 475.

Tempest, description of a, 767.

in a teapot. 767.

itself lags behind, 416.

such calms after every, 151.
tracts of calm from, 634.
Tempests, glasses itself in, 547.

roar, billows never break nor, 295.
Tempest's breath prevail, the, 542.
Tempestuous petticoat, 201.

Temple, better than in the, lost, 768.
built to Ged, 206
Fame's proud, 428.
hangs on Dian's, 103.

Lord's anointed, 120.

nothing ill can dwell in such a, 43.
of Diana, burnt the, 219.

of silence and reconciliation, 592.
where God hath a, 192.
Temples bare, my, 501.

dedicated to God, 529.

groves were God's first, 573.

like gold nails in, 658.

of his god, 593.

[blocks in formation]

Tenable in your silence, 129.
Tenautless, graves stood, 126.
save to the wind, 543.
Tend, to thee we, 367.
Tendance spend, in so long, 30.
touched by her fair, 237.
Tender and so true, 380.

and true, Douglas, 38.
for another's pain, 381.
Tenderest, the bravest are the, 666.

touch, we feel the, 274.
Tender-hearted stroke a nettle, 313.
Tenderly, take her up. 586.
Tendrils strong, with, 477.
Tenement of clay, 267.

Teneriff or Atlas unremoved, 234.
Tenets, his faith in some nice, 260.
turn with books, 321.
Tenor of his way, 425.

of their way, noiseless, 385.
Tent, nightly pitch my moving, 497.

that searches to the bottom, 102.
Tents, fold their, like the Arabs, 614.
how goodly are thy, 813.

of wickedness, 821.

their silent, are spread, 681.
Tented field, action in the, 150.

Tenth transmitter of a foolish face, 354.
Tenui musam meditamur avena, 460.
Termigant, o'er-doing, 137.
Term, good set, 68.

in plain, 62.

litigious, 253.

Terrace walk, a, 289.

Terrible as an army with banners, 832.
as hell, fierce as ten furies, 228.
he rode alone, 811.

man with a terrible name, 507.
Territories, no slave, 619.

Terror, death armed with a new, 528.
in your threats, there is no, 114.
shadows have struck more, 97.
so spake the grisly, 229.
Terrors, king of, 817.
Test, bring me to the, 141.

of ridicule, truth the, 444.
of truth, ridicule the, 578.
Testament as worldlings, a, 67.
blessing of the old, 164.

of bleeding war, open the purple, 82.
Tester I'll have in pouch, 45.

Testimonies, thy, are my meditations,


Testimony, law and the, 833.
Testy pleasant fellow, 300.
Testyment, no furder than my, 658.
Tetchy and wayward, 97.
Tether time or tide, 451.
Text. God takes a, 205.

many a holy, she strews, 385.
neat rivulet of, 442.

Thais sits beside thee, lovely, 272.
Thames, with no allaying, 259.
Thane, your face my, 117.

Thank God you are rid of a knave, 52.
heaven fasting, 70.

me no thanks, 108.

the Eternal Power, 380.

Thank thee Jew for teaching me that

word, 65.

you for nothing, 786.
you for your voices, 103.
you I owe you one, 454.
Thinks and use, both, 46.
even poor in, 134.
evermore, 81.

for this relief much, 126.
of millions yet to be, 562.
taken with equal, 137.

the exchequer of the poor, 81.
words are but empty, 296.
Thanked, when I'm not, at all, 362.
Thankful, rest and be, 859.
Thankless arrant, 25.

child, to have a, 146.
inconsistent man, 307.
muse, meditate the, 247.
That and a' that, 447.
ever I was born, 133.
has been and may be, 473.
is flat, 55.

it should come to this, 128.
that is is, 77.

without or this or, 332.

Thatched cottage, my lowly, 568.

Thaw and resolve itself into a dew, 127.

Theatre, as in a, 82.

universe as a, 777.

world's a, the earth a stage, 194.

Theban, this same learned, 147.

Thebes or Pelops' line, 250.

Thebes's streets, walked about in, 517.

Thee, there's no living with, 300.
Theirs but to do and die, 628.

not to make reply, 628.
not to reason why, 628.

Theme, example as it is my, 257.
fools are my, 539.

glad diviner's, 268.

if on my, I rightly think, 793.
imperial, of the, 116.

Themes, our wonted, 264.
Theoric, bookish, 149.
Theory, condition not a, 669.
There is no death, 615.

neither here nor, 156.
Thereby hangs a tale, 68, 73.
Thermopylae, to make a new, 557.
These are thy glorious works, 235.
Thespis professor of our art, 274.
Thetis, sun in the lap of, 213.
They conquer love that run away, 200.
were they are they yet shall be, 496.
Thick and thin, through, 28, 269, 784,

as autumnal leaves, 224.
muddy ill-seeming, 73.
Thick-coming fancies, 125.
Thick-ribbed ice, region of, 48.
Thick-warbled notes, 241.

Thief, apparel fits your, 49.

doth fear each bush an officer, 95.
each thing's a, 109.

earth's a, 109.

in the sworn twelve, 47.
moon's an arrant, 109.

Thief of time, procrastination is the, 307. | Thing, so frail a, is man, GST.

steals something from the, 151.
sun's a, the sea's a, 109.

to catch a thief, 730.

to the gallows, more followers than a,

which the justice which the, 148.
yond justice rails upon yond, 148.
Thievery, I'll example you with, 109.
Thieves, beauty provoketh, GG.

rifled by the gusty, 585.
Thigh, smote them hip and, 814.
Thighs, cuisses on his, 86.
Thin air, melted into, 43.
partitions, 267.
red line, 860.

spun life, slits the, 247.
through thick and, 28, 269.
too, and bare, 101.
Thine enemy hunger, if, 844.
Thing, acting of a dreadful, 111.

any good, out of Nazareth, 842.
as steadfast as the scene, 468.
became a trumpet, the, 485.
but one, is needful, 842.
dearest, he owed, 117.
devised by the enemy, 98.

each, his turn doth hold, 203.

each, is a thief, 109.
earth's noblest, 656.
enskyed and sainted, 47.
excellent, in woman, 149.

explain a, till all men doubt, 332.
fearful, to see, 552.

finds good in every, 67.
finished, the one, 661.
free and fetterless, 680.
highest, is truth, 4.
holiest, alive, 502.
how bitter a, it is, 71.

how sublime a, it is, 613.

how sweet a, to wear a crown, 94.

I am, I do beguile the, 151.

if they have a good, 88.
ill-favoured, but mine own, 72.
in awe of such a, 110.
laugh at any mortal, 558.

lion among ladies is a dreadful, 58.
little, a cup of water, 577.

little learning is a dangerous, 323.
look to the essence of a, 755.
lovely and a fearful, 557.
meanest, that feels, 472.
never says a foolish, 279.

no evil, that walks by night, 244.
no great, created suddenly, 743.
no new, under the sun, 830.
nothing like being used to a, 441.
of beauty is a joy forever, 574.
of custom, 122.

of fortune, mot dejected, 148.
of life, like a, 550.

of sea or land, 242.

of sin and guilt, 245.
order gave each, view, 98.
palsy-stricken churchyard, 575.
play's the, 135.

show us how divine a, 475.

sovereign'st, on earth, 83.
started like a guilty, 125.
sweetest, that ever grew, 472.
that I was born to do, 39.
that 's quite another, 351.
the genteel, 401.

there's no such, in nature, 279.
to one, constant never, 51, 405.
too much of a good, 71, 785.
tremble like a guilty, 478.
truth is the highest, 4.
two-legged, a son, 267.

undisputed, thou say'st an, 635.
was not done in a corner, this, 844.
we like, we figure the, 594.

we long for that we are, 657.
when two do the same, 710.
which that shineth, 5.
who dares think one, 338.
winsome wee, 450.

Things above, affections on, 847.
all, are now as they were, 755.
all, are the same, 755.

all other, give place, 349.
all, that are, 62.

all thinking, 467.

all, to all men, 845.

all, work together for good, 844.

are great to little man, 394.

are honest, whatsoever, 847.

are in the saddle, 599.

are just, whatsoever, 847.

are lovely, whatsoever, 847.

are not what they seem, 612, 716.

are of good report, whatsoever, 847.

are pure, whatsoever, 847.

are the sons of heaven, 368.

are true, whatsoever, 847.

bad begun make strong themselves,
by ill, 121.

because they are common, 720.
beyond all use, 112.

by season seasoned are, 66.

by their right names, call, 457.
can such, be, 122.

cannot but remember such, 124.
cloy, the best of, 339.

compare great, with small, 230.
day of small, 836.

differ though all agree, 333.
done at the Mermaid, 196.

done decently and in order, 846.

else about her drawn, 474.

equal to all, for all things unfit, 399.
evil, there is some goodness in, 92.
facts are stubborn, 392, 800.
feast of fat, 834.

fond of humble, 671.
former, grow old, 203.

frequently happen which you do not
hope, 701.

friendship is constant in all other, 51.
from out the bitterness of, 484.
God's sons are, 368.

good, will strive to dwell with it, 43.
great contests from trivial, 325.
great head of, 717.

Things, great lord of all, 317.
greatest vicissitudes of, 168.
hid, wherefore are these, 74.
hoped for, substance of, 848.
I do not need, many, 759.
I ought, to do the, 535.

ill got had ever bad success, 95.
into the light of, 466.
leave all meaner, 314.
left undone those, 850.
long past, more than, 81.
looked unutterable, 356.
loose type of, 473.

loveliest of lovely, 573.

man's best, are nearest him, 634.
men ought not to investigate, 759.
mighty above all, 836.

more, in heaven and earth, 133.

nature of the universe is the nature
of, 755.

not made for words, 759.

not seen, evidence of, 848.
past, remembrance of, 161.
possessing all, 846.

present seem worst, 89.

proper to man, to do the, 755.
prove all, 847.

remembering happier, 626.
rolls through all, 467.
sad vicissitude of, 379.

sad vicissitudes of, 393.

sanctioned by custom, 704.

secret, belong unto the Lord, 814.
sense and outward, 478.

shews of, 169.

sum of human, 437.

that are and have been, 740.

that are have kinship, 755.

that are made for our general uses,

that belong to adversity, 164.

that have a common quality, 755.
that nature wills, 755.

that ne'er were nor are, 257.
that no gross ear can hear, 245.
that were, dream of, 541.
they ought not, speaking, 848.
think on these, 847.

those who want fewest, 759.
though all, differ all agree, 333.
through the dream of, 541.
through words and, 465.
time ordains for other, 252.
to come, giant mass of, 102.
to do two, at once, 708.

to write well in laudable, 253.
translunary, 40.

true and evident, 746.
unattempted, 223.

unfit for all, 399,

[blocks in formation]

Things which belong to prosperity, 164.
which men confess with ease, 746.
without all remedy, 121.

words are, 558.

Think, comedy to those that, 389.
him so because I think him so, 44.
how Bacon shined, 319.

how many never, 534.
makes millions, 558.

may sigh to, 379.

naught a trifle, 311.

not disdainfully of death, 755.

of that Master Brook, 46.

of your ancestors, 747.

of your forefathers, 458.
of your posterity, 458, 747.
on, pleasant to, 256.
on these things, 847.
one thing, who dares, 338.
only what concerns thee, 237.
shock which makes us, 609.
talk and never, 180.

that day lost, 688.

the great unhappy, none, 310.
they talk who never, 287.
those that, must govern, 395.
those who greatly, 335.
to-morrow will repay, 276.

too little and talk too much, 268.
what you and other men, 110.
Thinketh in his heart, as he, 828.
let him that, he standeth, 845.

Thinking being, man a, 534.

few, how few think justly of the, 534.
is an idle waste of thought, 517.
makes it so, 134.

of the days that are no more, 630.
on fantastic summer's heat, 81.
on the frosty Caucasus, 81.

plain living and high, 472.

reed, man is but a, 798.

souls, thought of, 579.

their own kisses sin, 108.

things, impels all, 467.
with too much, 321.

Thinkings, speak to me as to thy, 153.
Thinks like a sage, C07.

most acts the best, who, 65.
shows what he, 102.

too much, he, 111.

what ne'er was, 323.
who, must mourn, 289.
Thin-spun life, slits the, 247.
Thirst amidst a sea of waves, 345.
if he, give him drink, 844.
of praise, 414.

Thirsty earth soaks up the rain, 260.
fly, busy curious, 671.

soul, cold waters to a, 828.

Thirteen, maids of, 78.

Thirty days hath September, 684.

man a fool at, 307.

on the wrong side of, 292.

This above all, 130.

is a cock, 788.

or that, without or, 322.

that it should come to, 128.

was a man, say to all the world, 115.

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