Page images

Light, dry, 722.

fantastic toe, 248.
feasting presence full of, 109.
for after times, 507.
form of life and, 549.
from grave to, 273, 799.
from heaven, 447, 549.
gains make heavy purses, 37.
gleaming tapers, 399.
glides in, 577.
hail holy, 230.

halls of dazzling, 678.
hate the day it lendeth, 30.
have neither heat nor, 180.
Hebrew knelt in the dying, 589.
his sleep was aery, 234.

in heaven's own, 496.

in liquid, 678.

is as the shining, 825.
is sweet, truly the, 831.
lady garmented in, 567.
let there be, 812.
lets in new, 221.

like a shaft of, 625.
mellowed to that tender, 551.
men of inward, 214.
merely to officiate, 237.

no, but darkness visible, 225.
of a dark eye in woman, 544.
of a pleasant eye, 653.

of a whole life, 669.
of common day, 478.

of day, rival in the, 482.

of heaven restore, 340.
of hope, leave the, 514.

of it, they made, 840.

of jurisprudence, gladsome, 24.

of light beguile, 54.

of love, 550.

of love, purple, 382.

of morn, golden, 584.

of other days, 523, 561.

of setting suns, 467.

of the body is the eye, 838.

of the heaven she 's gone to, 657.

of the Monian star, 325.

of the morning gild it, 529.
of the world, ye are the, 838.

of things, come forth into the, 466.
of thy countenance, 818, 851.
of truth, in the, 475.

out of hell leads up to, 227.
possessed with inward, 503.
presence full of, 109.
put out the, 156.
quivering aspen, 490.
relume, that thy, 156.

remnant of uneasy, 474.

restore, thy former, 156.

rule of streaming, 244.

scorns the eye of vulgar, 520.
seeking light, 54.

she fled in, away, 447.

silver, on tower and tree, 673.

sounds possessed with inward, 503.
sprinkled with rosy, 338.
stand in your own, 17.
streakings of the morning, 574.

Light, such a dawn of. 563.
sweetness and, 291.
swift-winged arrows of, 416.
that led astray, 447.

that lies in woman's eyes, 522.
that never was on sea, 475.
that visits these sad eyes, 383.
the one true, 768.

the true, which lighteth, 842.
through chinks, lets in new, 221.
through yonder window, 105.
to counterfeit a gloom, 250.
to guide rod to check, 475.
truth and noonday, 654.
unbarred the gates of, 235.
unrefected, 594.
unto my path, 23.

unveiled her peerless, 233.
walk while ye have the, 843.
we seek it ere it come to, 424.

which beats upon a throne, 629.

which heaven sheds, 522.

which once he wore, 618.

will repay the wrongs of night, 203.
windows that exclude the, 356.
within his own breast, 244.

Lights are fled whose garlands dead, 523.
as vain as pleasures, 492.

earthly godfathers of heaven's, 54.
every room blazed with, 109.
let your, be burning, 842.

of mild philosophy, 297.

of the world, 414.

shifting fancies and celestial, 621.
that do mislead the morn, 49.
truth may bear all, 578.
without a name, 256.

Lightens, ere one can say it, 106.
Lighter than vanity, 265.

Lighthouse looked lovely as hope, 528.
Lightly draws its breath, 466.

from fair to fair he flew, 489.

like a flower, 634.

turns to thoughts of love, 625.
Lightning and the gale, 635.
as quick as, 214.

defence against, 713.

does the will of God, as, 538.
done like, 178.

flash of the, 561.

in the collied night, brief as the, 57.
or in rain, in thunder, 115.
quick as, 214.

too like the, 106.

vanish like, 594.

Lightnings may flash, the, 666.
of his song, veiling the, 565.
Like as eggs, 77.

as one pease is to another, 33.
but oh how different, 476.
endure the, himself, 53.
following life, 320.

my father, no more, 128.
not look upon his, again, 128.
one who treads alone, 523.
to a little kingdom, 111.
will to like, 11.

Liked it not, and died, 175.

Likelihood, fellow of no, 86.
Likeness of a kingly crown, 228.
Likewise, go and do thou, 842.
Lilies of all kinds, 78.

of the field, consider the, 838.
roses and white, 685.
twisted braids of, 246.
Lily, a most unspotted, 101.

fresh, thou becomest thy bed, 159.
hand, waved her, 348.

how sweet the, grows, 535.
to paint the, 79.

Lima, traveller from, 592.
Limb, feels its life in every, 466.

flowing, in pleasure drowns, 357.
vigour from the, 542.

Limbs, decent, composed, 335.

her gentle, did she undress, 499.
on those recreant, 79.

whose trembling, 433.

will quiver after the soul is gone, 375. young in, 62.

Limed soul, 139.

Lime-twigs of his spells, 245.
Limit of becoming mirth, 55.

of the world, quiet, 625.
to the giant's strength, 572.
Limits of a vulgar fate, 382.

stony, cannot hold love out, 105. Limitless billows, swelling and, 503. Limns on water, 170.

Line, cancel half a, 768.

creep in one dull, 324.
fight it out on this, 664.
full resounding, 329.

harsh cadence of a rugged, 270.
in the very first, 399.
lives along the, 316.
longest kingly, 494.
Marlowe's mighty, 179.
marred the lofty, 489.
not one, to blot, 377.

stretch out to the crack of doom, 123.
too labours, the, 324.
upon line, 834.

we carved not a, 563.

Lines accords, soul unto the, 205.
desert of a thousand, 329.
in pleasant places, 818.

let a lord once own the, 324.
mottoes of the heart, 514.
reading between the, 803.
see two dull, 311.

where beauty lingers, 548.
where go the poet's, 636.

Lineaments, in my, they trace, 552.
of gospel-books, 23.
Linen, dirty, to wash, 800.

old, wash whitest, 181. you're wearing out, not, 585. Linger, do not live but, 188.

sound which makes us, 548. Lingering look behind, 385.

winter, chills the lap of May, 394.
Lingers, lines where beauty, 548.
Lining, silver, on the night, 243.
L'injure se grave en métal, 100.
Link, last, is broken, 682.

Link, silver, silken tie, 488.
Links, pain to break its, 520.
Linked sweetness, 249.

with one virtue, 551.
Linnets, pipe but as the, 632.
Lion among ladies, 58.
as a roaring, 849.

better than a dead, 831.
blood more stirs to rouse a, 84.
bold as a, 829.

breakfast on the lip of a, 91.
from his lair, rouse the, 495.
half appeared the tawny, 236.
heart and eagle eye, 392.

hungry, give a grievous roar, 388.
in his den, beard the, 490.
in the lobby roar, 352.

in the way, there is a, 828.
is in the streets, 828.
like a bear or, 158.
mated by the hind, 73.

not so fierce as painted, 206, 222. pawing to get free, 236. righteous are bold as a, 829. wooes his brides as the, 392. Lions growl and fight, 301.

talks familiarly of, 78. Lion's hide, thou wear a, 79.

mane, dew-drop from the, 102.
nerve, the Nemean, 131.
skin will not reach, 734.
Lip, between the cup and the, 190.
contempt and anger of his, 76.
coral of his, admires, 200.
nectar on a, 442.

of a lion, eat breakfast on the, 91.
vermeil-tinctured, 246.

Lips are now forbid to speak, 581.
beauty's ensign crimson in thy, 109
divine persuasion flows from his, 338.
drop gentle words, 692.
fevered, 577.

from speaking guile, 819.
had language, O that those, 423.
heart on her, 554.

here hung those, 144.

immortal blessing from her, 108.
in poverty to the very, 155.

let no dog bark when I ope my, 60.
man of unclean, 833.

no sign save whitening, 636.
of Julia, 201.

of those that are asleep, 832.
poisoned chalice to our, 118.
reproof on her, 582.

she dasht her on the, 38.
smile on her, 489.
amily round the, 659.
soft were those, 38.
soul through my, 623.
steal blessing from her, 108.
steeped to the, in misery, 614.
suck forth my soul, her, 41.
take those, away, 49.

talk of the, 826.

that are for others, 630.

that he has prest, 635.
that I have kissed, 144.

Lips that were forsworn, 49.
to speak, causing the, 832.
tremble, see my, 333.

truth from his, prevailed, 397.
we are near, make love to the, 521.
we love, far from the, 521.

were four red roses on a stalk, 97.
were red and one was thin, 256.
whispering with white, 543.
Liquid dew of youth, 129.

fire, glass of, 457.

lapse of murmuring streams, 237.
light, sparkling and bright in, 678.
notes, 251.

Liquors, hot and rebellious, 67.
Lisped in numbers, 327.

List list O list, 131.

of friends, enter on my, 422.
ye landsmen all to me, 672.
Listen when she speaks, angels, 279.
where thou art sitting, 246.
with credulity, ye who, 367.
Listens like a three years' child, 498.
Listened to a lute, 589.
Listening ear of night, 640.

earth, nightly to the, 300.
mood, in, 490.

still they seemed to hear, 345.

Listeth, wind bloweth where it, 842.
Litel gold in cofre, 1.

on the Bible, his studie was, 2.

Literary men are a perpetual priesthood,


men, parole of, 374.

Literature consoles sorrow, 590.
failed in, and art, 609.

grazed the common of, 376.
on a little oatmeal, 460.
Litigious terms, 253.
Little added to a little, 739.

and the great, between the, 424.
better than one of the wicked, 83.
boats should keep near shore, 360.
can a moment show, 486.
contented with, 451.
deeds of kindness, 642.
drops of water, 642.

earth for charity, 100.
employment, hand of, 143.

finger, more goodness in her, 293.

fire kindleth, 849.

folding of the hands, 825.

for the bottle, 436.

foxes that spoil the vines, 832.
gold in coffer, 1.

grave, my kingdom for a, 82.

hands were never made to tear each

[blocks in formation]

Little, leaven leaveneth, 846.
love me, love me long, 16, 41, 202.
lower than the angels, 818.
man, there was a, 519.

man wants but, 308, 402.
month, a, 128.

more than a little is too much, 86.
more than kin, 127.

needed to make a happy life, 754.
of this great world can I speak, 150.
one become a thousand, 834.
one's chair, sits in my, 657.
one's cradle, lies in my, 657.
said is soonest mended, 200, 787.
shall I grace my cause, 150.
sleep a little slumber, 825.
soul let us try, 519.


talk too much and think too, 268.
things are great to little man, 394.
too wise never live long, 172.
valiant great in villany, 79.
we see in nature that is ours,
wise the best of fools, 177.
Live all the days of your life, 293.
alone, why should we fear to, 569.
alway, I would not, 678, 816.
and learn, 790.

but linger, do not, 188.

by bread alone, man shall not, 838.
by bread only, man doth not, 813.
by one man's will, 31.

cleanly, leave sack and, 88.
dare to die bear to, 318.

disgraced, better not to live than, 697.

good men eat to, 738.

good world to, in, 279.

in brass, men's evil manners, 100.

in deeds not years, 654.

in hearts we leave behind, 516.

in peace, adieu, 334.

in pleasure when I live to thee, 359.
in snuff, rather than, 26.

it matters not how long you, 713.
means to, 43.

means whereby I, 65.

more virtue than doth, 178.

not in myself, I, 543.

one day asunder, 279.

or die sink or swim, 530.

past years again, none would, 276.
peaceably with all men, 844.

so may'st thou, 240.

so wise so young never, long, 97.
taught us how to, 313.

teach him how to, 425, 774.

thus let me, 334.

till I were married, 51.

till to-morrow, 423.

to be in awe of such a thing, 110.
to be the show and gaze, 126.

to eat, bad men, 738.

to fight another day, 216, 403.

to, is Christ, 847.

to please must please to live, 366.
true as I, 173.

unblemished let me, 333.

unseen unknown, let me, 334.
we must eat to, 363.

Live, we never live but hope to, 799.
well what thou liv'st, 240.
while ye may happy pair, 233.
while you live, 359.

with me and be my love, 40.
with the gods, 753.

with thee and be thy love, 25.
with them less sweet, 521.
without thee I cannot, 569,
Lives a prayer, making their, 618.
all that, must die, 127.
along the line, 316.

and dies in single blessedness, 57.
and sacred honour, 434.

as he ought to do, 184.
buying men's, 493.
contentedly, 424.

had all his hairs been, 156.
how a man, 371.

join, oft a scar two, 648.

longer, competency, 60.
may last but never, 672.

most who thinks most, C54.
nine, like a cat, 16.

of great men all remind us, 612.
other heights in other, 645.
pleasant in their, 815.
sublime, make our, 612.
to build not boast, he, 354.
Lived and loved, I've, 504.

and loved together, we have, G11.
in Settle's numbers, 331.
in the eye of nature, 468.
in the tide of times, 113.
to-day, I have, 273.

unknown, she, 469.
without him, tried to, 175.

Livelier iris, 625.

plaything, some, 318. Live-long day, 110.

Lively sense of future favours, 304. to severe, grave to gay, 320. Liveried angels, a thousand, 245. Livers in content, with humble, 98. Livery of heaven, stole the, 588.

of hell, the cunning, 48. shadowed, of the burnished sun, 62. twilight gray in her sober, 233. Living, art of, 754.

as though no God there were, 645.
dead man, 50.

dog better than dead lion, 831.
high hopes of, 254.

house appointed for all, 817.
land of the, 817.

might exceed the dead, the, 219.
mother of all, 812.

plain, and high thinking, 472.
will it not live with the, 87.

with thee nor without thee, no, 300. Llewellyn's lay, 383.

Lo the poor Indian, 315.

Load a falling man, a cruelty to, 101.

ass will not carry his, 792.
life thou art a galling, 448.
of infamy, any, 462.

of sorrow, wring under the, 53.
would sink a navy, a, 99.

Loads of learned lumber, 325.
Loaf, half a, is better than no bread, 15.
to steal a shive of a cut, 104.
Loan oft loses itself and friend, 130.
Loathe the taste of sweetness, 86.
Loathed worldly life, 49.
Loaves, half-penny, 94.

Lobby, hear a lion in the, 352.
Lobster boiled, like a, 213.

Local habitation and a name, 59.
Lochaber, farewell to, 671.
Lochow, far cry to, 857.

Lock, cryin' at the, 679.

such rascal counters, 114.

Locks, familiar with his hoary, 588. hyacinthine, 232.

in the golden story, 104.

invincible, 254.

knotted and combined, 131.

left you are gray, the few, 506.

never shake thy gory, 122.

nor doors nor, 538.

pluck up drowned honour by the, 84

so aptly twined, 191.

time his golden, 24.

were like the raven, 449.
whoever knocks open, 123.
ye auburn, 636.
Locked lettered collar, 447.
up from mortal eye, 258.
up in steel, naked though, 94.
Locusts, luscious as, 151.
Lodge a friend, house to, 289.

in a garden of cucumbers, 832.
oh for a, 418.

thee by Chaucer, 179.

where thou lodgest I will, 814. Lodges, where care, 106.

Lodging-place of wayfaring men, 835. Lodgings in a head unfurnished, 210. Lodore, this way the water comes down at, 506.

Loftiness of thought, 270.

Lofty and sour, 101.

designs must close in like effects, 646. rhyme, build the, 246.

scene, this our, 112.

Log, tough wedge for a tough, 712.
Logic and rhetoric, 168.

Loin, the ungirt, 646.

Loins be girded, let your, 842.
Loiterers and malcontents, 55.

Loke who that is most vertuous, 4.
London bridge, arch of, 591.

habitation of bitterns, 592.

has all that life can afford, 373.
monster, 261.

London's column pointing, 322.
lasting shame, 383.

Lonely, I am very, now Mary, 611. so, it was, 499.

want retired to die, 366. Lonesome road, like one on a, 499. Long after it was heard no more, 473. be the day never so, 19. choosing and beginning late, 238. dull and old, 454.

has it waved on high, C35.

Long home, man goeth to his, 831.
in populous city pent, 259.
is the way and hard, 227.

it sha'n't be, 353.

lank and brown, 498.
live our noble king, 285.

live the king, 417, 860.

long ago, 581.

love me little love me, 16, 41, 202.

may it wave, 517.

merry as the day is, 50.

short and the, of it, 45.
that life is, 309.

time ago, 596.
Long-drawn aisle, 384.

out, linked sweetness, 249.
Longest kingly line, 494.

Longing after immortality, 298.
feeling of sadness and, 614.
lingering look behind, 385.
more wavering, 75.
why thus, 680.

yet afraid to die, 614.

Longings, immortal, 159.

Long-lasht eyes abased, her, 512.

Long-levelled rule, 244.

Long-tailed words, 462.

Look a giit horse in the mouth, 11, 211.

amaist as weel 's the new, 447.

before and after, we, 565.

before you ere you leap, 214, 789.
beneath the surface, 753.

brighter when we come, 556.
drew audience, his, 227.

ere thou leap, 9.

forward not back, 681.

give me a, give me a face, 178.

here upon this picture, 140.

in the chronicles, 72.

into happiness through another man's
eyes, 71.

into the seeds of time, 116.
into thy heart, 34, 612.

lean and hungry, 111.

like the innocent flower, 117.
longing lingering, 385.

men met with erected, 269.

not thou upon the wine, 828.

on her face and you'll forget, 325.
on it lift it bear it, 641.

on sech a blessed cretur, 659.

out and not in, 681.

proudly to heaven, 514.

round the habitable world, 274.

so dull so dead in, 88.

that nature wears, 613.
that threatened insult, 410.
through a milstone, 33.
to have, I must not, 124.

to the essence of a thing, 755.
up and not down, 681.

upon his like again, 128.
with thine ears, 148.
your last, 109.

Looks a queen, she, 337.

around in fear and doubt, 522.
clear your, 466.

commercing with the skies, 249.

Looks, fairest garden in her, 261.
full assurance given by, 23.
in the clouds, 111.
invites you by his, 415.
meagre were his, 108.
of love, sidelong, 396.

only books were woman's, 522.
praising God with sweetest, 584.
profound, statesmen with, 397.
puts on his pretty, 79.

quite through the deeds of men, 111.
sadly upon him, 98.

the cottage might adorn, 398.

through nature, 320.

up friend and clear your, 466.

were foud and words were few, 537.
with despatchful, 235.

Looked, no sooner, but loved, 71.

on better days, if ever you have, 68.
sighed and, 272.

unutterable things, 356.

Looker-on here in Vienna, 49.

Lookes, full assurance given by, 23.

Looking before and after, 142.

ill prevail, 256.

well can't move her, 256.

Looking-glass, court an amorous, 95.
Looming bastion, 631.

Loop, no, nor hinge, 154.

Looped and windowed raggedness, 147.

Loophole, cabined, 243.

Loopholes of retreat, 420.

Looe, all hell broke, 234.

fast and, 55.

his beard, 383.

Lord above, the eagle was, 474.
among wits, 369.

be thanked, let the, 452.
beloved, when Israel of the, 493.
descended from above, 23.
directeth his steps, 826.

dismiss us with thy blessing, 674.
Fanny spins a thousand such. 328.
gave and hath taken away, 816.
help 'em how I pities them, 510.
how it talked, 197.

knows where, Zembla or the, 318.
knows who, parents were the, 286.
lendeth unto the, 827.

my bosom's, 108.

my pasture shall prepare, 300.

of all the works of nature, 30.

of all things great, 317.

of folded arms, 55.

of himself that heritage of woe, 551.

of himself though not of lands, 174.

of humankind, 277.

of the lion heart, 392.

of the valley, 520.

of thy presence no land beside, 78.
once own the happy lines, let a, 324.
precious in the sight of the, 823.
present with the, 508.

secret things belong to the, 814.
shall hiss for the fly, 833.
Stafford mines for coal, 563.

till his, is crucified, 657.

vicar of the almightie, 6.

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