In the sweet pangs of it, remember me: Where Love is throned. Duke. Thou dost speak masterly: My life upon't, young though thou art, thine eye Hath it not, boy? Vio. A little, by your favour. Duke. What kind of woman is't? Vio. Of your comp、ion. Duke. She is not worth thee, then. What years, i' faith? Vio. About your years, my lord. Duke. Too old, by heaven: Let still the woman take An elder than herself; so wears she to him, So sways she level in her husband's heart. Vio. I think it well, my lord. Duke. Then let thy love be younger than thyself, Cr thy affection cannot hold the bent: For women are as roses; whose fair flower, Being once display'd, doth fall that very hour. To die, even when they to perfection grow! Re-enter CURIO and CLOWN. Duke. O fellow, come, the song we had last night :Mark it, Cesario; it is old, and plain : The spinsters and the knitters in the sun, And the free maids, that weave their thread with bones,† Do use to chant it; it is silly sooth, And dallies with the innocence of love, Like the old age.§ Clo. Are you ready, Sir? Music *Countenance. Simule truth. 1 Lace-makers. Not a flower, not a flower sweet, My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown: Lay me, O, where Sad true lover ne'er find my grave, Duke. There's for thy pains. Clo. No pains, sir; I take pleasure in singing, Sir. Clo. Truly, Sir, and pleasure will be paid, one time or another. Duke. Give me now leave to leave thee. Clo. Now, the melancholy god protect thee; and the tailor make thy doublet of changeable taffata, for thy mind is a very opal.*-I would have men of such constancy put to sea, that their business might be everything, and their intent everywhere; for that's it, that always makes a good voyage of nothing. -Farewell. [Exit CLOWN. Duke. Let all the rest give place. Once more, Cesario, [Exeunt CURIO and Attendants. Get thee to yon' same sovereign cruelty: The parts that fortune hath bestow'd upon her, Vio. 'Sooth, but you must. Say, that some lady, as, perhaps there is, Hath for your love as great a pang of heart As you have for Olivia: you cannot love her; You tell her so; must she not then be answer'd? Can bide the beating of so strong a passion Vio. Ay, but I know, Duke. What dost thou know? Vio. Too well what love women to men may owe: In faith, they are as true of heart as we. * A precious stone of all colours. + Decks My father had a daughter loved a man, As it might be, perhaps, were I a woman, Duke. And what's her history? Vio. A blank, my lord: She never told her love, Smiling at grief. Was not this love, indeed? Duke. But died thy sister of her love, my boy? Duke. Ay, that's the theme. To her in haste; give her this jewel; say, My love can give no place, bide no denay.* SCENE V-Olivia's Garden. [Exeunt. Enter SIR TOBY BELCH, SIR ANDREW AGUE-CHEEK, and FABIAN. Sir To. Come thy ways, Signior Fabian. Fab. Nay, I'll come; if I lose a scruple of this sport, let me be boiled to death with melancholy. Sir To. Wouldst thou not be glad to have the niggardly rascally sheep-biter come by some notable shame? Fab. I would exult, man: you know he brought me out of favour with my lady, about a bear-baiting here. Sir To. To anger him, we'll have the bear again; and we will fool him black and blue:-Shall we not, Sir Andrew? Sir And. An we do not, it is pity of our lives. Enter MARIA. Sir To. Here comes the little villain:-How now, my nettle of India ? Mar. Get ye all three into the box-tree: Malvolio's coming down this walk; he has been yonder i' the sun, practising behaviour to his own shadow, this half-hour; observe him, for the love of mockery; for, I know, this letter will make a contemplative idiot of him. Close, in the name of jesting! [The men hide themselves.] Lie thou there [throws down a letter]; for here comes the trout that must be caught with tickling. Enter MALVOLIO. [Exit MARIA. Mal. 'Tis but fortune; all is fortune. Maria once told me, she did affect me: and I have heard herself come thus near that, should she fancy, it should be one of my complexion. Besides, she uses me with a more exalted respect than any one else that follows her. What should I think on't? Sir To. Here's an over-weening rogue! Fab. O, peace! Contemplation makes a rare turkey-cock of him; how he jets* under his advanced plumes! Sir And. 'Slight, I could so beat the rogue : Sir To. Peace, I say. Mal. To be Count Malvolio; Sir To. Ah, rogue! Sir And. Pistol him, pistol him. Sir To. Peace, peace! Mal. There is example for't; the lady of the strachy married the yeoman of the wardrobe. Sir And. Fie on him, Jezebel ! Fab. O, peace! now he's deeply in; look, how imagination blows + him. Mal. Having been three months married to her, sitting in my state,‡ Sir To. O, for a stone-bow, to hit him in the eye! Mal. Calling my officers about me, in my branched velvet gown; having come from a day-bed,§ where I left Olivia sleep ing: Sir To. Fire and brimstone! Fab. O, peace, peace! Mal. And then to have the humour of state: and after a demure travel of regard,-telling them, I know my place, as I would they should do theirs,-to ask for my kinsman Toby: Sir To. Bolts and shackles ! Fab. O, peace, peace, peace! now, now. Mal. Seven of my people, with an obedient start, make out for him: I frown the while; and, perchance, wind up my watch, or play with some rich jewel. Toby approaches; court'sies there to me: Sir To. Shall this fellow live? Fab. Though our silence be drawn from us with ears, yet peace. Mal. I extend my hand to him thus, quenching my familiar smile with an austere regard of control:" Sir To. And does not Toby take you a blow o' the lips then? Mal. Saying, Cousin Toby, my fortunes having cast me on your niece, give me this prerogative of speech : Sir To. What, what? Mal. You must amend your drunkenness. Sir To. Out, scab ! Fab. Nay, patience, or we break the sinews of our plot. Mal. Besides, you waste the treasure of your time with a fool ish knight; Sir And. That's me, I warrant you. Mal. One Sir Andrew: Sir And. I knew 'twas I; for many do call me fool. Mal. What employment have we here? [Taking up the letter. * Struts. State chair. r Puffs him up. Couch. Fab. Now is the woodcock near the gin. Sir To. O, peace! and the spirit of humours intimate reading aloud to him! Mal. By my life, this is my lady's hand: these be her very C's, her U's, and her T's; and thus makes she her great P's. It is, in contempt of question, her hand. Sir And. Her C's, her U's, and her T's: Why that? Mal. [Reads] To the unknown beloved, this, and my good wishes: her very phrases!-By your leave, wax.- -Soft!-and the impressure her Lucrece, with which she uses to seal: 'tis my lady: To whom should this be? Fab. This wins him, liver and all. Lips do not move, No man must know. No man must know.-What follows? the numbers altered !-No man must know ;-If this should be thee, Malvolio? Sir To. Marry, hang thee, brock !* Mal. I may command, where I adore: But silence, like a Lucrece knife, With bloodless stroke my heart doth gore; M, O, A, I, doth sway my life. Fab. A fustian riddle! Sir To. Excellent wench, say I. Mal. M, O, A, I, doth sway my life.-Nay, but first, let me see, let me see,-let me see. Fab. What a dish of poison has she dressed him! Sir To. And with what wing the stannyel† checks‡ at it ! Mal. I may command where I adore. Why, she may command me; I serve her, she is my lady. Why, this is evident to any formal capacity. There is no obstruction in this ;-And the end, -What should that alphabetical position portend? if I could make that resemble something in me,-Softly !—M, O, A, I.— Sir To. O, ay! make up that:-he is now at a cold scent. Fab. Sowters will cry upon't, for all this, though it be as rank as a fox. Mal. M,-Malvolio;-M,-why, that begins my name Fab. Did not I say he would work it out? the cur is excellent at faults. Mal. M-But then there is no consonancy in the sequel; that suffers under probation: A should follow, but O does. Fab. And O shall end, I hope. Sir To. Ay, or I'll cudgel him, and make him cry, O. Fab. Ay, an you had any eye behind you, you might see more detraction at your heels, than fortunes before you. Mal. M, O, A, I;-This simulation is not as the former: and yet, to crush this a little, it would bow to me, for every one of these letters is in my name. Soft; here follows prose.-If * Badger. 1 Flies at it. 1 Hawk. Name of a hound. |