Daniel 911 the Writing Is on the WallLulu.com, 2005 M03 4 - 209 pages We see in the book of Daniel increasing intensification of detail, chapter after chapter and verse by verse. The reader will see that God has outlined various historical Empires; the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Empire, the events of WWI and WWII, and then finally down to the antichrist who will rule the whole earth. We shall see starting in Daniel chapter 11: 14-19 that the identifiable final two kings of the north and the south are Hitler and Mussolini and prior to the final two kings, one of these being the Antichrist. Then by moving backwards and forwards through Chapters 11 and 12, and using their lineage, we can establish who the rest of these mentioned kings of the north and the south were, and where the two "future kings" will come from. We will prove that the last king of the north is the antichrist, and also an Assyrian (German). By use of common historical knowledge we can identify whom these past kings were, since the reign of Alexander the Great. |
Section 1 | 4 |
Section 2 | 6 |
Section 3 | 7 |
Section 4 | 8 |
Section 5 | 9 |
Section 6 | 10 |
Section 7 | 11 |
Section 8 | 13 |
Section 20 | 76 |
Section 21 | 84 |
Section 22 | 86 |
Section 23 | 94 |
Section 24 | 98 |
Section 25 | 103 |
Section 26 | 104 |
Section 27 | 111 |
Section 9 | 14 |
Section 10 | 15 |
Section 11 | 17 |
Section 12 | 26 |
Section 13 | 27 |
Section 14 | 32 |
Section 15 | 39 |
Section 16 | 41 |
Section 17 | 43 |
Section 18 | 54 |
Section 19 | 59 |
Section 28 | 116 |
Section 29 | 122 |
Section 30 | 133 |
Section 31 | 134 |
Section 32 | 162 |
Section 33 | 167 |
Section 34 | 187 |
Section 35 | 192 |
Section 36 | 199 |
Section 37 | 209 |
Common terms and phrases
abomination of desolation angel anointed Antichrist Armageddon army Assyria Axis Empire Babylon behold Belshazzar Bible blessed book of Daniel captive chapter 11 conquered Cyrus Daniel 11 Daniel 9 Daniel chapter Darius the Mede destroy devour dominion dwell Egypt Ephraim everlasting Ezekiel false prophet fathers four horns Germany given unto God’s hand hath head of Revelation heaven Hitler holy covenant Holy Roman Empire horns which thou iron Italian Italy Jacob Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews Judah kingdom lake of fire land last king little horn lost ten tribes Manasseh means Medo-Persian Empire Messiah modern mouth Napoleonic Empire nations Nebuchadnezzar Persian Empire prince prophecy remnant return of Jesus Revelation 17 rule saints saith the LORD says scriptures seven seventy sixth head speaking Strong’s sword temple thee thou sawest threescore tribes of Israel tribulation trumpet verse vision whole earth woman word worship WWII Zechariah