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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-, a man in, 166.



that deliberates is lost,

scorned, no fury like a,

is at heart a rake, 159.
's at best a contradiction,

will or won't, 182.

-'s will, to turn the current

of a, 182.

of a,

stem the torrent

stoops to folly, 206.
nobly planned, 231.
how divine, may be

made, 234.

in our hours of ease, 253.
light of a dark eye in,


or an epitaph, false, 268.
Womanhood and childhood fleet,


accept a miracle instead of, Womankind, faith in, 281.

too proud for a, 205.
Withers are unwrung, 83.
Witty, only in myself, 57.
Wits end, at their, 6.

Woman's reason, none but a, 27.
Women, passing the love of, 3.
-'s weapons, water-drops


hear these telltale, 61.

Women wish to be who love their | World, start of the majestic, 65.

lords, 200.

Won, showed how fields were,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

uses of this, 76.
thus runs the, 83.

lash the rascal naked

through the, 90.



give the, the lie, 94.
was all before them, 119.
look round the habitable,

forgetting, by the world

forgot, 166.

so stands the statue that
enchants the, 184.


with its motley rout, 215.
-, unintelligible, 233.

[ocr errors]

fever of the, 233.

too much with us, 235.
was sad, 249.

peace to be found in the,

is all a fleeting show, 256.
I have not loved the, 261.
falls, when Rome falls, 262.
knows nothing of its great-
est men, 282.

's wide enough for thee and
me, 299.
World's dread laugh, 84, 233.
Worlds, mine arm should conquer
twenty, 100.

wreck of matter and the

crush of, 150.

exhausted, and imagined

new, 187.

allured to brighter, 203.
Worm dieth not, 18.

in the bud, 29.

[blocks in formation]

for wear, 214.
Worship God, he says, 224.
Worth, conscience of her, 118.

what is, in any thing, 133.
by poverty depressed, 188.
makes the man, 157.

sad relic of departed, 260.
Would I were dead now, 276.
Wound, he jests at scars that
never felt
a, 72.
Wrack, blow wind, come, 52.

Wrath, soft answer turneth away, | Years, dim with the mist of, 259.

[blocks in formation]

live in deeds, not, 282.

Yesterdays have lighted fools, 52.

[ocr errors]

cheerful, 240.
Yoke, part of Flanders hath re-
ceived our, 168.

Yorick! alas poor, 85.
York, this sun of, 60.
Young, and now am old, 5.

when my bosom was, 250.
and both were, 267.

Yours, as if her merit lessened,

[blocks in formation]


Action and counteraction, 369.
Acts our angels, 333.
Adam's fall we sinned all, 378.
Adder, like the deaf, 313.
Age, in a good old, 311.

master spirits of this, 327.
Ages, once in the flight of, 357.
All men have their price, 369.
Amen stuck in my throat, 324.
Angels, our acts are, 333.
Another and the same, 354.
Apollo's lute, musical as, 122.
Apollos watered, 21.

Apples of gold, 314.

Begone, dull care, 377.
Beneath the good how far, 348.
Bermoothes, still vexed, 318.
Berries, come to pluck your, 336.
Best administered, whate'er is,

Bibles laid open, 333.

Birth nothing but our death, 345.
Biscuit, remainder, 322. [350.
Bliss, which centres in the mind,
Blue, deeply beautifully, 363.
Bold bad man, 332.

Book and heart must never part,

April day, uncertain glory of an, Books, spectacles of, 337.


Arabia, perfumes of, 325.

Architect of his own fortunes, 375.
Armorers accomplishing


Bosoms, come home to men's, 366.
Boys, go a wooing in my, 377.
Brain, paper bullets of the, 320.

-, memory,warder of the, 324.
too finely wrought, 351.
Brains, cudgel thy, 330.

with curious, the brain, too Bread eaten in secret, 313.

knights, 340,

Art of God, 346.

finely wrought, 351.

Arts which I loved, 334.

[blocks in formation]


only, man doth not live by,

Bulwark, floating, 368.
Burglary, flat, 320.

Burden and heat of the day, 317.
Butter in a lordly dish, 312.
Cadmean victory, 374.

Cæsar's wife should be above sus-
picion, 375.

Cambuscan bold, story of, 336.
Castle, a man's house is his, 367.
Catastrophe, I'll tickle your, 325.
Cap, riband in the, 330.
Chaos of thought, 341.
Charmers, charming never SO
wisely, 313.

[blocks in formation]

Church without a bishop, 373.
Clear as a whistle, 172.
Clink of hammers, closing rivets
up, 340.

Cloud of witnesses, 317.
Coigne of vantage, 324.
Company, dog shall bear him, 341.
Concatenation accordingly, 349.
Condemn the fault, 320.
Constant as the northern star, 327.
Convolutions of a smooth-lipped
shell, 240.

Corn, two ears of, 341.
Country, left our, for our coun-
try's good, 378.

Cradle stands in the grave, 345.
Cradles rock us, 345.

Creature 's at his dirty work, 343.
Cricket on the hearth, 336.
Cromwell damned to fame, 157.
Crown of sorrow, 364.
Cudgel thy brains, 330.
Cunning in fence, 319.
Curst be the verse, 343.
Custom always of the afternoon,

Dagger of the mind, 324.
Daggers, speak, 330.
Damned, seen him, ere I chal-
lenged him, 319.

Daughter of my father's house,


Day, burden and heat of, 317.
Day lost, think that, 377
Days swifter than a weaver's
shuttle, 312.
Dazzles to blind, 351.

Dear as the ruddy drops, 348.
Death by slanderous tongues, 320.
borders on our birth, 345.
has all seasons, 362.
Debtor to his profession, 366.
Desdemona seriously incline, 331.

Desert blossom as the rose, 316.
Devil, wonder how the, they got
there, 164.

Devotion's visage, 330.
Die of a rose, 154.
Discourse, such large, 320.
Doctrines clear, what makes, 337.
Dotes yet doubts, 331.
Drunk, hasten to be, 338.
Drunkard clasp his teeth, 338.
Dry as the remainder biscuit, 322.
Dyer's hand, like the, 331.
Earth, giants in the, 311.

-, way of all the, 312.
forgat, all heaven around

us, 360.

first flower of the, 361.
has no sorrow Heaven can-
not heal, 361.

Earth's noblest thing. 365.
Eat, drink, and be merry, 315.
End must justify the means, 339.
Enemy, thing devised by the, 326.
Ephesian dome, 340.

Ere sin could blight, 245.
Eternities, two, 359.

Eternity, opes the palace of, 335.
Ever since the conquest, 143.
Evil, do, that good may come, 317.
Exhalations, golden, 246.
Expectation makes a blessing dear,

Explain a thing till all men doubt
it, 344.

Eye not satisfied with seeing, 314.
twinkling of an, 317.
pupil of the human, 361.
Eyeballs roll, 344.
Eyes make pictures, 355.

light in woman's, 360.
Fail, no such word as, 365.
Faint heart ne'er won fair lady,


Faith of many made for one, 342.
herself is half confounded,

Falsehood hath a goodly outside,


Fate, struggling in the storms of,


Father of all, in every age, 163.
Fault, condemn the, 320.

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