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Earth, truth crushed to, 285.
proudly wears the Parthe-
non, 285.

to smell a turf of fresh, 297.
Earthy, of the earth, 22.
Ease in mine inn, 56.

he did with so much, 138.
and alternate labor, 183.
Eat, drink, and be merry, 18.
Eaten me out of house and home,


Echo, applaud thee to the very,


Eclipse, built in the, 123.
Ecstacy of love, 79.
Education forms the mind, 158.
virtuous and noble, 128.
Either, happy could I be with

Elegant sufficiency, 183.
Elephants, place, for want of
towns, 152.



Elements so mixed in him, 69.
Elms, immemorial, 280.
Eloquence, heavenly, 140.
Eloquent, old man, 126.
Elves, criticizing, 209.
Elysium, lap it in, 121.
Eminence, that bad, 112.
Empire, the course of, 172.
the rod of, 196.
Employment, wishing the worst,
how various his, 212.
Enchantment, distance lends, 248.
End, attempt the, 104.
Ends, thy country's, 63.
Endure, then pity, then embrace,
Endured, not to be, 33.
Enemies, his, shall lick the dust, 5.
---。 naked to mine, 63.
Enemy, feed thine, 21.
Engineer, hoist with his own pe-
tar, 85.
England, with all thy faults, I
love thee still, 211.

- ye gentlemen of, 304.
Enterprises, impediments to great,


Envy withers at another's joy,


Epitaph, believe a woman or an,


Epitome, all mankind's, 140.
Equal to all things, 205.
Err, to, is human, 162.
Error writhes with pain, 285.
Errors like straws upon the sur-
face, 141.

-, female, 163.
Eruption, bodes some strange, 75.
Estate, fallen from his high, 137.
Eternal sunshine, 203.

Eternity to man, 150.

mourns, 282.

Ethiopian, can the, change his
skin, 11.

Etrurian shades, 111.

Eve, from noon to dewy, 112.

fairest of her daughters, 115.
Evening, welcome peaceful, 212.
, now came still, 116.
Events, coming, 250.

spirits of great, 246.
Ever charming, ever new, 186.
Every thing by starts, 140.
Evidence of things not seen, 24.
Evil, sufficient unto the day is
the, 14.

be not overcome of, 21.

good manners, 22.


report and good report, 23.
-, money is the root of all, 24.
that men do lives after them,

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Fantasies throng into my mem-
ory, 121.

Fare thee well! and if forever, 269.
Farewell to all my greatness, 63.
happy fields, 111.
hope, fear, remorse, 115.
that fatal word, 266.
Farmers embattled stood, 285.
Fat, who drives fat oxen should
himself, 190.

Fashion passeth away, 22.

--, glass of, 82.

Fast and furious, 221.

Fat, let me have men that are,

Fate, take a bond of, 50.

fixed, 113.

fears his, 109.


[blocks in formation]

Fears, saucy doubts and, 48.
make us traitors, 50.

our hopes belied our, 273.
Feast, bare imagination of a, 54.
of nectared sweets, 122.
of reason, 165.

Feather, of his own, espied a, 109
a wit's a, 157.

to waft a, 174.
Feature, cheated of, 61.
Feel, would make us, must feel
themselves, 209.

Feelings, great, came to them, 278
Feels, meanest thing that, 232.
Feet beneath her petticoat, 103.

like snails did creep, 104.
standing with reluctant, 288.
Felicity, we make or find our
own, 188.

Fell, I do not like thee, Doctor,


Fellow that hath had losses, 33.
of infinite jest, 85.
Fellow-feeling makes us kind, 193.
Female, one, lost the devil half
the kind, 142.

errors fall, 163.
Fens, bogs, dens, etc., 113.
Fever, after life's fitful, 48.
Few are chosen, 17.

know their own good, 141.
Fibs, ask me no questions and
I'll tell no, 205.
Fiction, fairy, drest, 195.

truth stranger than, 270.

Field, lilies of the, 14.

[blocks in formation]

Fiery soul working out its way, Fontarabian echoes, 253.

[blocks in formation]

Flow of soul, 165.

Food, minds not ever craving for,

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leads on to, 68.

Flower when offered in the bud, Fortune's power, I am not now

[blocks in formation]

in, 132.

Forty pounds a year,


rich with,

[blocks in formation]

Freedom's battle once begun, 264. | Gentleman, where was then the

Freeman, whom the truth makes

free, 213.

Frenchman, the brilliant, never
knew, 210.

Freewill, foreknowledge absolute,

Friend, a handsome house to
lodge a, 152.

-, knolling a departing, 57.
Friends, call you that backing of
your, 55.

thou hast and their adop-
tion tried, 77.


her dear five hundred, 212.
I would not on my list of,

Friendship constant, save in love
affairs, 32.


ne'er knew joy but,

Frolic, a youth of, 159.
Front, his fair large, 115.
Frosty but kindly, 40.
Fruit, known by his, 15.

the ripest, first falls, 54.
Fuel to the flame, 120.
Full, without o'erflowing, 107.
Funeral baked meats, 76.
Furious, fun grew fast and, 221.
Furnace, sighing like, 41.
Fury, full of sound and, 52.

[blocks in formation]


Gentlemen who write with ease,

Ghost, there needs no, 79.
like an ill-used, 173.

Giant dies, 31-172.
Giant's strength, excellent to have
a, 30.

Gibes, where be your, 85.
Gifte gie us, O wad some power
the, 222.

Gilead, is there no balm in, 11.
Girdle round about the earth, 34.
Glare, maidens are caught by, 259.
Glass darkly, through a, 22.

he was indeed the, 57.
Glory and vain pomp, 63.
obscured, 112.
peep, into, 136.
the paths of, 196.
trailing clouds of, 238.
who track the steps of,



rush to, 250.

set the stars of, 270.
Glory's morning gate, 283.
Glove, O that I were a, 72.
Glow-worm, her eyes the, lend
thee, 104.

Glow-worm's uneffectual fire, 79.
Gnat, strain at a, 17.

Go and do thou likewise, 18.
Soul, the body's guest, 94.
his halves, 294.
God and mammon, 14.

hath joined together, 16.
had I but served my, 63.
the first garden made, 107.
, just are the ways of, 120.
the noblest work of, 157.
or devil, 140.

save the king, 173.

the Father, God the Son, 180.
made the country, 211.
helps them that help them-
selves, 298.

tempers the wind, 300.
God's providence seeming es-
tranged, 274.

Godliness, cheerful, 231.
Going, stand not upon the order
of your, 49.

Gold, all that glisters is not, 37.

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