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Aaron's serpent, 155.
Abdiel, the seraph, 117.
Abra was ready, 148.

Abundance, every one that hath,


Accidents by flood and field, 87.
Accoutred as I was, 65.
Aching void, 214.

Action, how like an angel, 80.
suit the, to the word, 82.

Actions of the just, 105.

like almanacs, 108.
Acts, little nameless, 233.
Ada, sole daughter of my house,


Adam, whipped the offending, 58. |
the goodliest man, 115.
dolve and Eve span, 305.
the son of, and of Eve, 147,
Adorn, touched nothing, he did
not, 190.

Adversary, that mine, had written
a book, 4.

Adversity, sweet the uses of, 39.
Adversity's sweet milk, 74.
Affection, entire, hateth nicer
hands, 95.

Affections mild, 166.

Affliction tries our virtue, 191.
Age, my, is as a lusty winter, 40.
be comfort to my, 39.
cannot wither her, 69.
he was not of an, 99.
for talking, 202.
of ease, 202.

-, you'd scarce expect one of
my, 227.

-, old, serene, and bright, 234.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

colors and forms an, 233.
Applaud thee to the very echo, 51.
Apple of his eye, 2.
Appliances and means to boot, 57.
Apollo's lute, musical as, 122.
Apollos watered, 21.
Apprehension, death is most in, 31.
of the good, 54.

April, June, and November, 303.
Arch of London bridge, 302.
Argue not against heaven, 127.
though vanquished, he
could, 203.

Argues yourselves unknown, 116.
Argument, staple of his, 35.
Ark, rolls of Noah's, 139.
Armor, his honest thought, 97.
Arms, take your last embrace, 74.
Army with banners, 10.
Arrows, Cupid kills with, 32.
Art, adorning thee with so much,

[blocks in formation]

Ask, and it shall be given you, 15. | Battles, fought his, o'er again, 137.

Asleep, the houses seem, 236.
Astronomer, undevout, 178.
Ass, write me down an, 33.
Assurance double sure, 50.
Atheism, the owlet, 243.
Athens, the eye of Greece, 120.
Atlantean shoulders, 113.
Attempt, and not the deed, con-
founds, 47.

the end, 104.

Attendance, to dance, 64.
Audience, and attention drew, 113.
fit, though few, 118.

Auld acquaintance, 223.
Authority, a little brief, 30.
Awake, arise, for ever fallen, 111.
Awe, in, of such a thing as I, 65.
Axe, laid to the root, 18.

Babe, bent o'er her, 216.
Babel, stir of the great, 212.
Bachelor, when I said I would die
a, 32.

Back, thumps upon your, 215.
and side go bare, 304.

Backing, a plague upon such, 55.
Bacon shined, think how, 157.
Badge of our tribe, 36.
Balance, dust of the, 10.
Balances, thou art weighed in the,


Ballad to his mistress' eyebrow,


Ballad-mongers, one of these same
metre, 56.
Ballads sung from a cart, 142.
of a nation, make the, 297.

Balloon, huge, 234.
Bane and antidote, 150.
Bank, I know a, 34.
Banner, star-spangled, 291.
Banners, an army with, 10.
hang out our, 52.
Banquet 's o'er, when the, 170.
Bark attendant sail, 158.
Barren, 't is all, 300.
Battalions, not single, but in, 85.
Battle, mighty fallen in, 2.

[blocks in formation]

Battle's magnificently-stern array,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

is truth, 271.

lines where, lingers, 263.
she walks in, 269.
a thing of, 271.

Beauty's chain, to sport with, 256.
Beaux, where none are, 191.
Bedfellows, strange, 26.
Bee, where sucks the, 27.

how doth the little busy, 180.
had stung it newly, 103.
Bees, innumerable, 281.
Beer, chronicle small, 88.
Beetle, that we tread upon, 31.
Beggar, dumb, may challenge
double pity, 94.

Beggarly account of empty boxes,


in the love, 69.
Bell, silence that dreadful, 88.
sullen, sounds as a, 57.
church-going, 214.

Belle, 't is vain to be a, 191.
Bells jangled, out of tune, 82.
Bent, fool me to the top of my, 84.
Better to have loved and lost, 280.
Bezonian? under which king, 58.
Bigness which you see, 143.
Billows, swelling and limitless,


Bird of the air, 12.

of dawning, 75.

Bird that shunn'st the noise of
folly, 124.

Birth is but a sleep, 238.
Biscuit, the remainder, 322.
Bitterness of things, 238.
Black spirits and white, 49.

to red began to turn, 133.
Blackberries, if reasons were as
plenty as, 55.

Blackbird to whistle, 130.
Bladder, blows a man up like a, 55.
Blessed, more, to give, 20.
Blessings wait on virtuous deeds,

and eternal praise, 237.
brighten as they take

their flight, 176.

on him who invented

[blocks in formation]

Bond, 't is not in the, 38.
Bondman, who would be a, 67.
Bondsmen hereditary, 260.
Bone and Skin, two millers thin,

Bones, full of dead men's, 17.
Bononcini, compared to, 171.
Booby, who'd give her for an-
other, 170.

Book, that mine adversary had
written a, 4.

your face is as a, 45.

as good kill a man as a, 128.
is the precious life blood, 129.
sighed to think I read a, 238.
of nature, short of leaves,

's a book, 268.
Books, making of, no end, 10.
in the running brooks, 59.
wiser grow without his,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

eternal in the human, 154.
Breastplate, what stronger, 60.
Breath can make them, 202.
-, weary of, 274.
Breathes there the man with soul
so dead, 252.

Brethren, pleasant to dwell to-
gether, 6.

Brevity is the soul of wit, 79.
Bribe, too poor for a, 197.
Bridge of Sighs, 261.

Briers, this working-day world is
full of, 39.

Brightest and best of the sons of
the morning, 257.
Bringer of unwelcome news, 57.
Britannia rules the waves, 185.

needs no bulwarks, 250.
Britons never will be slaves, 185.
Brook, noise like a hidden, 242.
Brooks, books in the running, 39.
Brotherhood, monastic, 239.
Brow, when pain and anguish
wring the, 253.
Bruised reed, 10.

Brutus is an honorable man, 67.
Bubbles, the earth hath, 44.
Bucket, as a drop of a, 10.

the old oaken, 259.

Buckets into empty wells, 212.
Bucks had dined, 208.

Bug, snug as a, 298.

Build, he lives to, 181.

Burden, the grasshopper a, 9.
bear his
own, 23.

Burning, one fire burns out an-
other's, 72.
Bush, good wine needs no, 42.
the thief doth fear each, 60.
Butterfly upon a wheel, 165.

Cabined, cribbed, confined, 48.
Cæsar, not that I loved, less, 67.
hath wept, 67.

[blocks in formation]

through the eye of a needle,

Can such things be, 49.
Candle throws his beam, 38.
out, brief, 52.

[ocr errors]

fit to hold a, 171.
hold, to the sun, 179.
Canon against self-slaughter, 76.
Canopied by the blue sky, 267.
Captain ill, 91.
Captive good, 91.

Carcass is, there will the eagles be,

Card, we must speak by the, 85.
Cards, old age of, 159.
Care adds a nail to our coffin, 216.
knits up the ravelled sleave
of, 47.

is an enemy to life, 28.
Cares fret thy soul with, 96.
beguiled by sports, 201.
nobler loves and nobler,

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