Remember Thee. Wert thou all that I wish thee, great, glorious, and free, First flower of the earth, and first gem of the sea. Rich and Rare. Rich and rare were the gems she wore. JUVENILE POEMS. Anacreontic. Weep on; and as thy sorrows flow, Come, ye Disconsolate. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Preface to Corruption and Intolerance. The minds of some of our statesmen, like the pupil of the human eye, contract themselves the more, the stronger light there is shed upon them. FELICIA HEMANS. 1793-1835. The Hour of Death. Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the North-wind's breath, And stars to set; - but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death! LORD BYRON. 1788-1824. The Giaour. Line 90. Such is the aspect of this shore; Line 1127. She was a form of life and light, Beppo. St. 34. His heart was one of those which most enamor us, Wax to receive, and marble to retain. Don Juan. Canto i. Stanza 123. "T is sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest bark Bay deep-mouthed welcome as we draw near home. Canto iii. Stanza 3. In her first passion, woman loves her lover: Stanza 86. The isles of Greece! the isles of Greece! Eternal summer gilds them yet, Canto iv. Stanza 110. O"darkly, deeply, beautifully blue," As some one somewhere says about the sky. * "Dans les premières passions les femmes aiment l'amant; et dans les autres elles aiment l'amour."- LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, Maxim 494. ALFRED TENNYSON. Locksley Hall. This is truth the poet sings, That a sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things.* PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. 1792-1822. Poems Written in 1821. To The desire of the moth for the star, The devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow ! Julian and Maddalo. Most wretched men Are cradled into poetry by wrong; They learn in suffering what they teach in song. They love their land, because it is their own, JAMES R. LOWELL. Sonnet XXV. To win the secret of a weed's plain heart. Irenè. Earth's noblest thing, a woman perfected. The Present Crisis. Truth for ever on the scaffold, Wrong for ever on the throne. The Capture. Before man made us citizens, great Nature made us men. |