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the list of simple negative and rela- 3. Silence, negation of sounds. tive ideas.

4. Space vacuum, nothing emptiness, negation of matter, of resistance, &c.

Repose, negation of movement. Power, negation of those obstacles which often oppose themselves to the display of moral and physical strength.

The soul, on ceasing to experience any modification either agreeable or disagreeable, does not immediately 5. return to the same state in which it 6. found itself previous to that modification, but like a spring, which continues to oscillate after being compressed, it feels and is agitated sub- Our capacity of feeling, perceiving, sequent to the cause which occa- or representing, is not confined to sioned its sensations has ceased to act unity of impression or idea; many upon it: as for example, there al- ideas and impressions, either simple ways remains a degree of inquietude or complex, can exist simultaneously after pleasure and an agreeable senti- in the soul, and he who compares ment after pain. These modifica- them together will perceive the dif tions, or rather situations of the soul, ferent affinities which exist between absolutely positive, though resulting them; there are compound affinities from the cessation of those which which may be defined, as for exampreceded them, have always been ple,-I can very clearly define what I remarked and expressed by words, mean by the relations of father, huswhenever they were to us of any band, citizen, &c. but were I deimportance. The colours and re- nanded what I meant by the affinisistance of bodies, with which we are surrounded, constitute to us the two grand sources of pleasure and pain; the privation of colours and the cessation of resistance have therefore been considered as giving birth to two real situations of the soul: the former expressed by the word darkness; the latter by the

ties of priority, posteriority, &c. the
answer would be more difficult.
[To be continued.]

Account of a curious Disease preva
lent at Astracan. From a Foreign

pros, which they call the

HERE is at Astracan a sort of

words space, vacuum, nothing, emp- Disease of Crimea, and which attiness; and if they have not given tacks people of all ages, but princinames to all the rugatives of those pally the lower class, who live commodifications which individuality can experience, it is owing to our not having sufficiently expressed them, like those of colours, resistance, movement, &c.

The following enumeration of the negative roots of the French language are, I believe, all that can be discovered;

1. Darkness, negation of colours. 2. Insipidity, negation of taste.

monly upon bad fish and crude or salted provisions. It does not reach its height of malignity till towards the end of some years, and then it becomes mortal; so that what might have cured it at the commencement is no longer of any effect. The first symptoms by which it announces itself are a swelled and blueish face, red spots in different parts of the body, particularly at the extremities: these spots are not painful at first, It is owing to the not having but in the end they occasion itchings made these reflections, that so many and violent smartings. At the end metaphysicians have been embar of a couple of years the whole skin rassed to explain how they could de- becomes rough, hard, scaly, and asnominate the negations or privations sume a red colour approaching to of being. These are not precisely the brown; the face swells considerably, negations or privations which they and becomes absolutely deformed. have endeavoured to describe, but The glands, which are beneath the they are the different situations of the skin of the face, under the tongue, soul which result from them. I need those of the nose, and of all the exhardly warn my readers, that there tremities, become indurated and are differences of synonima between schirrous. The tumours open by these four words. degrees and degenerate (commonly

in the legs) into malignant ulcers, the Deity can know no spot; its pu-
which exhale a fœtid smell. Some rity must be above the consciousness
of these ulcers dry of themselves and of evil in itself, or it cannot be celes-
close, in which state they remain tial. Perhaps this passage may be
some time, but often they break out susceptible of some recondite inter-
afresh. The exulcerated buboes form pretation unknown to me, though I
a hideous scab, and when they dry, confess I can think of none. Bishop
the patient feels a dreadful itching. Newton says nothing upon it.
If any of the scabs should by accident would read with pleasure any appli-
be torn off, ulcers immediately form, cation of the line that could remove
which penetrate to the very bone, from Milton so heavy a charge.
and there have been examples where

the fingers or toes have falien off Oxford, June 30, 1807.
I remain, &c.
joint by joint. At last the disease
penetrates into the system, the
throat exulcerates, the nostrils close,


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of the following curious law, to WAS struck with the singularity

or are filled with matter. The tongue and the palate are excoriated, and often all the hair falls off. In this be found at p. 85 of the Leges Waldeplor: ble situation, the patient pre- lice. It is characteristic of a rude serves his appetite entire, and in ge- age, and I should think could hardly neral enjoys a tranquil sleep; the at any time be often complied with, perspiration is sometimes free and I know not how a modern lady would sometimes interrupted: some feel consent to such a form of adjuration, pains in the limbs, especially when I remain, Sir, your's, &c. there is any change in the atmosphere; London, July 14, 1807. G. D. others experience head-aches; the pulse is weak and quick, especially agere velit, et si vir factum pernegaSi mulier stuprata lege cum viro towards the night. It cannot be said verit, mulier, membro virili sinistra that this leprosy is contagious, though prehenso, et dextra reliquiis sanctorum it sometimes attacks whole families, imposita, juret super illas, quod is It appears, that this dreadful disease per vim se isto membro vitiaverit." must be ascribed to an extreme degree of corruption in the blood, and in the other humours of which it is formed, and that it may be regarded as the very last stage of a scorbutic affection.



Floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia libant,

omnia nos.



HIS elegant scholar was invited,

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of Winchester,

to meet a relative of Pope, who,

he was taught to believe N reading the Paradise Lost of from her connexion with the family,

I Milton, I have

the following lines:

"Evil into the mind of GOD, or man

nish him with much valuable and private information. Incited by all

"May come and go, so unapproved, and that eagerness which so strongly cha


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"No spot, or blame behind, &c."

B. v. I. 117.

racterised him, he on his introduction sat immediately close to the lady, and by enquiring her consanThat evil in the mind of man, un- guinity to Pope, entered at once approved, loses its name there is no on the subject; when the following reason to doubt; or were it not so, dialogue took place: "Pray, Sir, did what an awful reckoning would the not you write a book about my cousin purest bosom have to make! But Pope?" "Yes, Madam." the idea that evil can at all enter the tell me 'twas vastly clever. He wrote mind of the CREATOR, appears to a great many plays, did not he?" me so unequivocally impious, that "I have heard only of one attempt, I am at a loss to conceive how it could Madam.” "Oh no; I beg your ever come from the pen of Milton. pardon, that was Mr. Shakspeare; I The bright virtue that shadows round always confound them." This was

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trss brinsden, money to all. when you'll drink y burgundy with my furneze pray tell him j'll never forget his favours.

too much even for the Doctor's gallantry; he replied, "Certainly, Madam;" and, with a bow, changed his seat to the contrary side of the room, where he sat, to the amusement of a But dear john be so kind as to let large party, with such a mingled me know how does my lady Bolling countenance of archness and cha- brooke. as to my lord j left him so grin, such a struggle between his well j dont doubt he is so still. but taste for the ridiculous, and his na- jam very uneasie about my lady. if tural politeness, as could be pour- she might have as much health as she trayed only by his speaking and expres- has Spirit and witt, Sure She would sive countenance. In a few minutes be the Strangest body in england. he quitted the company, but not pray dear s write me Something of without taking leave of the lady her, of my lord; and of you. direct in the most polite and unaffected y' letter by the penny post at m' Cavalier, Belitery Square by the R. exchange j am sincerely and heartily y most humble most obedient rambling friend VOLTAIRE.



Langhorne, knowing that Collins was buried at Chichester, travelled thither to visit the grave of his fa, vorite poet. On enquiry, he found that Mr. Collins was interred in a sort of garden, surrounded by the cloyster of the cathedral, which is


john Brinsden, esq.
durham's yard

by charing cross.

called the Paradise, and into this On the Genius of SCHILLER and the

burial ground he was admitted by the sexton. In the evening he supped with an inhabitant of the town, and describing to him the spot sacred to



the writings of Schiller with par

AM one of those who consider

his sorrow, he was told, that his ticular enthusiasm; they contain a etrusions of feeling had not been grandeur, a sublimity of language misapplied, for he had been lament- and idea, that can be known and felt ing a very honest man, and a very only by those who are capable of useful member of society, Mr. Col- reading them in the original. The lins the taylor!


translations we have of him convey no more idea of his merit, than the rude copy of a sign painter would of the colouring of Raffael. His mode

So egregiously lazy was this poet, that he has been seen standing at a peach-tree, with both hands in his of expression, his language, his thoughts are often so peculiar, that pockets, eating the fruit as it grew; it is not always possible to find synoand it is recorded of him by Dr. Johnson, that, being once discovered in bed at a very late hour of the day, when he was asked why he did not rise, his answer was, "Troth mon,

I hae nae motive."


nima to express them, at least not without considerable pains and reflection; therefore, when it is considered that all the translations which have yet appeared, have been the production of haste and often of ignorance, it will not appear surprising that all his beauties have evaporated. Nor are grandeur and sublimity his only characteristics; in pathos he is indeed mighty; there are some scenes in the Robbers so highly wrought, SIR, that they are almost too powerful; jwish you good health, a quick they rend the heart with agony. Í sale of y burgundy, much latin and cannot help considering this play as greek to one of y' Children, much his master-piece upon the whole. It Law, much of cooke, and littleton, was his first production, when his to the other. quiet and joy to mis- youthful mind soared on the wings of

[The following is copied literally from the autograph of Voltaire, now in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Sim, editor of a late edition of Mickle's Poems.]

"smite with steel

"The shuddering thoughts, or wind "them on the wheel."

Pleasures of Hope.

rapt enthusiasm; and by forgetting "Turn from his dying words, that the dull realities of existence, he has grouped such an awful yet commanding picture as perhaps never was equalled. The character of Karl (Charles) is dangerously lovely; invested as he is with such high endow ments, with such magnanimity, such generosity, such benevolence, love, and filial piety; you forget that he is a robber and a niurderer. How great he appears in the scene with the Commissary in the second act; and what pen ever traced a more affecting spectacle than the second scene of the third act presents, when on the banks of the Danube? What a conflict between the native dignity of a high mind and the compunctions of remorse! How natural the excla


"Es war eine zeit, wo ich nicht schlafen konnte, wenn ich mein nachtgebeth vergessen hatte." There was a time when I could not sleep if I forgot my nightly prayer.

It never surprised me, after I read this play in the original, that its effect in Germany was what has been reported.-that many young noblemen of character, infatuated with the seductive character of Charles, formed themselves into a band of robbers. At the time I first read it, I was myself so heated with the noble charac ter of Charles, that in the fervor of the moment I could have forsaken society, and leagued myself with a Roller, a Kosinsky, &c.

In this play, every character is so distinctly marked, that each i perfect in itself; what is said by them, can be said by no other. This is the perfection of dramatic writing.Amelia, Francis, and Count Moor, are drawn so accurately, that they fill the mind without confusion; every In the scene with Amelia and the one of the robbers too possesses ap Robbers, after the death of his fa- propriate qualities. This is an excelther, and where at length he kills lence in which Schiller approaches to her, he appears truly great. The Shakspeare; and Shakspeare alone in whole of this is worked up with un- in his plays, we rarely have more our country has attained it. Except common skill, and abundantly proves than two principal and marked chamy assertion, that Schiller was emi

nent in pathos. A modern poet of racters; sometimes only one; and great excellence has alluded to this the rest of the Dramatis Personæ are part of the play in the following lines:

[blocks in formation]

every thing that can distinguish them mere nominal beings divested of from the million. Otway is next to Shakspeare in this power, as he is in many others. In Venice Preserved there are three leading and tinely drawn characters, and in the Orphan there are four or five.

The Robbers is perhaps of all Schiller's plays the most difficult to translate. Nay, there are some passages which, I will venture to say, cannot be rendered into English, so as to preserve the full beauty of the original. I will quote two or three of these, that your German readers may have an opportunity of exercising their skill: for though I have spoken so positively, I should be glad to have my assertion disproved. I shall mark in Italics those parts that I think cannot be translated.

Amelia says to Francis in the se

cond scene, Act. i. that in the whole Were I to judge from a very small creation she wished to see him alone; specimen, there is one gentleman and she adds, " Du! Eizig du!- whom I think eminently capable of heiss & hungrig hab ich nach dir it; neither would such a task be ungelechat!"

worthy of his abilities: I mean the In the fourth scene of the third Rev. Mr. Whiter, of Cambridge, auact, the young Kosinsky wishes to thor of Etymologicum Magnum, in join the troop of Charles; but Charles which work he mentions Schiller, endeavours to dissuade him from it and gives a translation of a few lines in a style of feeling and solemn ora- of this play, and of a very difficult tory. Kosinsky to one of his objec- part, in such a manner as authorises tions replies," Ich weiss was du me to believe that a translation of sagen willst-Ich bin vier und zwan- the whole from his pen would be a zig jahr alt, aber ich habe degen real service to the British public. blinken gesehen, und Kugeln um With your permission, Mr. Editor, mich SURREN gehort." I will quote the passage from the

The difficulty of the following is work in question. not so much in single words, as in "The dream of Francis exhibits preserving the general beauty of the the most solemn narrative that can whole idea by an appropriate use of well be presented to the feelings of an language. Amelia, when discoursing audience. It is the Day of Judgment with Charles (though not aware that it is he, because he is supposed to be killed in battle), feels a strange emotion rising in her bosom towards the stranger, as she supposes him to be. Charles lays his head on her breast, and says, " ich wurzle hier. Und hier will ich sterben."

Amelia. (sehr zerstort) "WegLass mich-was hast du gemacht mann? Weg mit deinem lippen(sie Kämpft ohnmächtig gegen seine bestürmung) Gottloses feuer schleicht in meinen adern (zartlich und unter thränen) Und musstest du Kommen aus fernen landen eine liebe zu stürzen die dem tode trotze? (sie drückt ihm fester an die brust) Gott vergebe dirs, jungling!"

in all its terrors, from the mouth of guilt in the moment of delirium. The picture is too beautiful and natural to omit it here.

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"The dreamer, Francis, exclaims (See the tragedy of the Robbers, act. 5. scene 1.) 'Hark! methought I held a princely banquet, and all beat bliss about my heart! and I laid me down in my garden of pleasure, deep drunken with delights! and suddenly! suddenly! a monstrous thunder struck on my astonished ear! I staggered trembling up; and behold! methought I saw the whole horizon outflaming in a fiery blaze; and mountains, and cities, and forests, all melting as wax before a furnace, and a howling wind-storm swept be

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In this play too a word is used,fore it the seas, the heaven, and the which is frequent with Schiller, and earth!""

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which I have also met with in Wie- This is a glowing and spirited verland; it is very expressive; it im- sion. Perhaps it even surpasses the plies what we call the rattles, when original. The writer adds the fola person is dying. With the Ger- lowing remark upon this sublime mans it is a verb, and those who description: know the language will confess, "There is one passage in Virgil that the pronunciation is not unlike which well deserves to be rememthe thing signified. It is capable of bered, where the word verro has been being used with uncommon beauty, used to imply the most violent part of as in the following instance, where its figurative meaning. This sublime Hermann, who is suborned by Fran- passage appears to have been present cis to feign a story of Charles' death to the thoughts of Schiller, when he in the field of battle, says, shewing a made choice of the same metaphor on pretended sword of Charles, "Nimm a still more awful and tremendous ocdies schwerdt, richelte er, &c." casion. Virgil, in his poem, Æn.I. 60, says,

It is much to be regretted, that no person of genius and sufficient leisure has undertaken to translate this play of Schiller's, and indeed all his works.

Celsa sedet o'us arce,

Sceptra tenens; mollitque animos, et temperat as.

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