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unworthy of perufal.

There were likewife feveral works deferving of notice, in which the principles of philofophy are applied to the improvement of the fcience of


The great KANT himself, WAGNER, and several others, who treated philofophically of education, condescended even to give inftructions relative to the teaching children to read. The work entitled, "F. KANT über Pedagogik," edited by Dr. RINK, is a collection of Kant's Opinions on Education, founded on his fyltem, and applied in confiderable detail both to difcipline and inftruction. WAGNER'S "Philofophie der Erziehungskunft"-Philofophy of Education, comprehends the whole of the life of man, following him, with the penetrating eye of natural philofophers, from the firft moments of his existence through all the relations of life.-JOHANNSEN's Treatife über das Bedürfnifs und die Möglichkeit einer Wiffenfchaft der Pædagogik"-on the Want and the Poflibility of a Science of Pedagogics-is drawn up according to the ideas of Fichte. The famé fubject has been treated with greater freedom from the prevailing rage for fyftematifing, by Profeffor WEISS, of Leipzig, in the "Beyträge zur Erziehungskunft"--Contributions towards the Art of Education, published by him conjointly with TILLICH.

The latter gentleman (a difciple of OLIVIER, of Deflau, author of an efteemed Elementary Book for teaching the Rudiments of Knowledge) and JoHANNSEN, analyzed and examined the principles of PESTALOZZI, known by feveral former works, and by the practical application of a new original method of inftruction, at his fchool in Burgdorf in Switzerland, and who has now in feveral elementary works further developed his plan, which comprehends language, figure, and numbers, as being the first rudiments of human knowledge. SoYAUX, who had vifited Pestalozzi's Inftitute in Switzerland, and several other authors, wrote Treatifes on this new Method of Teaching, OLIVIER'S "Mode of Learning toRead with Eafe and Dispatch," in like manner excited confiderable attention: the king of Pruffia gave a reward to the inventor, but did not, as had been expected, order his method to be introduced in the schools of his dominions. This was done, however, elfewhere; as we learn from feveral publications,

PÖHLMANN and STEPHANT likewife communicated fimilar methods for facilitating the teaching of the first rudiments of knowledge.

As for the numerous Publications for the Ufe of Children and young peopie, we shall notice only the following, as being diftinguished by fuperior me. rit,viz. those of the Provost and Teachers of the Inftitute at Snepfenthal, in the Duchy of Gotha, SALZMANN, GUTSMUTH, GLATZ, &c.; of fome fchool-mafters in Saxony, fuch DoLz and ENGELHARD; of the late Mr. THIERKE, whofe papers are now preparing for the prefs by fome of his friends; and lastly of FUNKE, VIETH, &c. of Deffau, where Basedow was formerly employed in effecting a reform of the schools.


The influence of the newest schools of philofophy and metaphyfics was likewife very perceptible in many other departments of science. We shall not, however, take our retrospect from this point of obfervation; 'but for the fake of variety ftrike into another path, and, without making thefe attempts to found all parts of knowledge on fixed principles, the principal objects of our attention, only point them out to our readers as an occafion may present itself.


In Biblical Criticifm there was again a molt productive harvest: befides fmall Treatifes, Inaugural Differtations, and feveral Journals and Collections, a great number of separate works made their appearance. We hall first take notice of new editions of two very different editions of the New Teftament. That of GRIESBACH, which is wellknown to biblical scholars, even out of Germany, was reprinted in a moft fplendid manner by Göfchen of Leipzig, the Didot of Germany, with his new-invented Greek types; whilft on the other hand, MATTHAI of Wittenberg, in the fecond edition of his "Novun Teftamentum Græcum ad Cod. Mofq." again vomits forth against that eminent critic and Semler a great variety of the most energetic terms of abufe furnished by the German, Latin, and Greek languages, and takes infinite pains to depreciate their opinions relative to the diftinguishing certain very ancient recenfions of the text.-BIRCH, of Copenhagen, gave us, as an appendix to his edition of the New Teftament, a " Codex apocryphus Novi Teftamenti."-Of PAULUS'S valuable “Commentar über das N. T."


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Commentary on the New Testament, a fourth volume made its appearance. -CONZ, a tafteful philologift and poet, published "Morgenländifche Apologen, oder die Lehrweifheit Jefu in Parabeln and Sentenzen,"--Oriental Apologues; or, The Wisdom of Jefus in Parables and Proverbs; with an Appendix, containing a Differtation on Parables, and Contributions towards an Oriental Anthology.-The anonymous author of a " Biblische Theologie des neuen Teftaments,"-Biblical Theology of the New Teftament, gave us as a companion thereto the following works Reine Auffaffung des Urchriftenthums in den Paulinischen Briefen"-or, A View of Primitive Christianity, as exhibited in the Epif tles of the Apostle Paul;-moreover, "Ausführliche Erklärung der fämmtlichen Weiffagungen des Neuen Teftaments,"-Full Explanation of all the Prophecies of the New Testament; and, a "Sammlung Abweichender Vorftellungen der Neu-Teftamentali schen Schriftsteller über einen und den felben Gegenstand"-Collection of Paffages, in which the Evangelifts have given different Reprefentations of the fame Object. In this laft-mentioned work it is far from being the author's aim to reduce thefe diffonances to harmony; and indeed none of his writ ings can be claffed among the apologies for the Scriptures. On the other hand, the "Monogrammata Hermeneutices Libr. N. T." by BECK, the learned philologift of Leipzig, is diftinguifhed by prudent criticism.


Whilft Rofenmüller continued to gratify the biblical scholars of Germany, by continuing his German tranflation of Marth's Notes and Additions to Michaelis's Introduction to the New Teftament; EICHHORN, Michaelis's fucceffor at the Univerfity of Göttingen, published a third edition of his "Einleitung ins alte Teftament"-Introduction to the Old Teftament, without, however, any material alteration in opinion and principles.

Of the "National Songs of the Hebrews," i.e. fuch poems as were written on purpose to be fung, fome (viz. Exod. xv. 2 Sam. i. 19-27; Ifaiah xiv. 4-23; Pl. cxxxvii.) have been tranflated and illuftrated by Profeffor Justi of Marburg, who had before deferved well of biblical literature, by efteemed tranflations of, and commentaries on, feveral poetical books of the Old Teftament.


The veteran Velthufen of STADE gave us" Des Propheten Jefaias perspectivifche Zeitgemælde,"-The Prophet Ifaiah's perspective Picture of the Times; being a free verfion, in various kinds of metre, of felect paffages from the fecond divifion of his prophecies. The whole of another prophet was illuftrated by GOLDHORN, a young divine of Leipzig, in his valuable "Excurfen zum Buche Jonas;" or, Remarks on the Book of Jonah; in which this narrative is fuppofed to have gradually arifen out of a long-continued tradition, as Eichhorn had before conjectured; in Goldhorn's work, however, it is confidered in a new point of view. The no lefs diligent than learned and liberal Profeffor BAUER, of Altdorf, completed (in the second volume) his "Hebräische Mythologie des Alten und Neuen Teftaments"Hebrew Mythology of the Old and New Teftaments: a work which, toge ther with feveral others, will furnish fresh materials for fuch a one as is now publishing by Mr. Meyer, of Göttingen, viz. "Gefchichte der Schrifterklärung"-or, History of Biblical Criticifm, &c.

A new Magaziné for Biblical Literature was begun by the Rev. Mr. SCHERER, an active clergyman in Heffe-Darmstadt, where theology is at prefent cultivated with confiderable ardour. The fame SCHERER published feveral popular works on the Hiftory of Religion; and whilft SCHMID, of Gieffen continued his "Handbuch der, Kirchengeschichte,"-Compendium of of Church History, VATER, who had given in a German drefs the fubftance of the late Dr. Geddes's biblical works, furnished excellent Synchronic Tables of Ecclefiaftical History.

Of the works treating of particular parts of Ecclefiaftical History, the mo important was the "Gefchichte der Entstehung und Aufbildung der Chriftlichen Gefelfchaft's-Verfalung im rö mifchen Staate"-Hiftory of the Origin and gradual Formation of the Conftitution of the Chriftian Church in the Ro man Empire; by the Profeffor FLANK, a gentleman diftinguished by his liberal way of thinking, and an intimate knowledge of his fubject.

For the friends of the propagation of the Golpel, which is now encouraged with renewed ardour by a certain party in Germany, as well as in England and Holland, a clergyman of the name of 4 T


BRAKE publifhed a Collection of Hiftorical Memoirs relative to the Mif. fionary Expeditions, &c. in England, Holland, and Germany, principally tranflated from the English and German. To the fame party, RISLER'S "Erzählungen aus der alten und neuen Gefchichte der Brüderkirche;" or, Edifying Selections from the Hif tory of the Moravian Brethren, will be a very acceptable prefent.

Among the latest ecclefiaftical occurrences, for the recording of which Abbot HENKE continues his Annals, feveral important changes in the Roman Catholic church excited general attention. On and against the Concordat betwixt Bonaparte and the Pope, which will probably foon be followed by a fimilar agreement with the States of Germany, feveral publications ftill made their appearance, which point out its tendency, and how little its fpirit harmonizes with the enlightened fentiments of the present age.

We were much concerned to find it but too well proved in LECLERC's Enthüllten Trappiften"-Unmasked La-Trappifts, that this mifanthrophic order of monks is gaining ground; and equally disagreeable were the reports relative to the re-establishment of the Order of Jefuits, whofe History, published fome years ago by WOLF of Leipzig, in feveral volumes, and in which a no very flattering picture of thefe fathers is exhibited, has met with fuch approbation that a new and improved edition made its appearance.On the other hand, the victorious conteft of the enlightened patriots of Bavaria against the monks and their friends cannot fail to give fatisfaction. It is only to be lamented, that the men of enlightened minds in Bavaria and fome other provinces of Germany muft be confidered as only exceptions of the general rule, and that a very great majority there, as well as elfewhere, are are fo deeply immerfed in bigotry and fuperftition, that no fuccefs can be expected from fome late attempts that have again been made to bring about an union between Catholics and Protestants, or even a nearer approximation and affimilation, fuch as has been propofed by Profeffor SCHLEGEL of Greifswald. Much eafier, on the other hand, might it now be to effect a coalition betwixt the two chief parties into which the Protestants of Germany are divided; if, befides the prejudices of the

common people, difputes about the poffeffion of church-eftates and other extraneous circumftances, rather than differences about dogmatical points, did not ftand in the way of this defirable event; as, for inftance, lately was the cafe at Bremen. Of the works on this fubject we fhall only notice that of the above-mentioned Mr. Plank, “über die Trennung und Wiedervereinigung der getrennten Christlichen Haupt-parteyen, &c."-On the Separation and Re-union of the principal Chriftian Sects, with an Hiftorical View of the Circumftances which gave Rife to the Separation of the Lutherans and Calvi-. nifts in Germany, and of the attempts that have been made to reunite them; in which work the author lays down fome excellent rules, drawn from history, for gradually paving the way for the accomplishment of this difficult enterprize: and that entitled " Gedanken über ein Kirchenverein," by BRAUER, Prefident of the Ecclefiaftical Council in Baden, where this union of the variou's religious parties is now promoted by the government.

In other refpects, as we have already obferved above, with respect to a majority of the teachers, no obstacle feems to ftand in the way of this coalition. The German public have long been accuftomed to make little or no diftinction betwixt the writings of Lutheran and Calvinist divines, on dogmatics or morality: except in as far as the authors were or were not partizans of the new philofophy, the influence of which is now particularly visible in the manner of treating of these two latter divifions of theological science, which during the last year had been cultivat ed with zealous emulation.

Whilft ECKERMANN, of Kiel, continued his "Handbuch für das gelehrte und fyftematifche Studium der Chrift lichen Glaubenslehre, "Compendium for the Scientific and Syftematic Study of Chriftian Dogmatics, the fourth and concluding volume of which was now publifhed; and RULLMANN, of Rinteln, continued his "Chriftliche Reli gionslehre"-Chriftian Doctrine"; Ame MON, of Göttingen, and the abovementioned Bauer, of Altdorf, favoured us likewife with Compendiums of Dogmatics in the Latin language: the latter,a" Breviarium Theologiæ Biblicæ;" and the former, a "Summa Theologiæ Chriftianæ," which differs from his "Entwurf erner wiffent. prakt. Theol.”


or, Sketch of a scientifico-practical Syftem of Theology, (published in 1797, and founded upon the rationalism of Revelation) by exhibiting the principles of dogmatic theology as the doctrines of a pofitive religion.

Still more vifible, however, was the influence of the new philofophy in the mode of treating of morality.-Profef for VOGEL, of Altdorf, indeed, in his Lehrbuch der Chriftlichen Moral," makes found human reafon the firft principle in morality, as well as in philofophy in general; but agrees in most of the effential points with Kant: as does likewife Profeffor LANGE, of Roftock, who in his Ethicks, which forms a part of his Complete Body of Divinity, ftands forth as the champion of the principle of pure and strict mo. rality; and, though he attacks fome of the principles of Kant, yet be on the whole adopts his fyftem. BAUER, the colleague of Vogel, of Altdorf, began two works, in which he treats of the morality of the Old and New Teftament in a chronological point of view. -Among the writings of the Catholics, the Moral Theology of MUTSCHELLE, who adopts the principles of Kant, is particularly deferving of notice.

The Tübingen profeffors continued their Magazine for Dogmatics and Morality, which we noticed in a former Retrospect.- The Hiftory of both fciences was likewife diligently culti vated. Of the firft volume of MUN. SCHER'S (of Marburg) "Handbuch der Chriftlichen Dogmengefchichte"Compendious Hiftory of Chriftian Dogmas, an improved edition was published; and likewife a Tranflation (from the Danish) of Münter's "Handbuch der älteften Chriftlichen Dogmenge fchichte-Manual of the earliest Hiftory of the Chriftian Dogmas, with valuable additions by the author-In answer to a prize-queftion propofed by the University of Göttingen, the learned and diligent M. HORN, published a "Narratio pragmatica Converfionum quas Theologia moralis fec. 18. experta eft apud Luther. Reform. Cathol. atque Sect. Chrift. Minores.

fermons preached on various occafions in Switzerland, fince the year 1798, and abounding with Declamations against the Democratical Party PISCHON'S " Predigten"; or, Sermons preached before the King and Queen of Pruffia :-The Sermons of Münfcrhe and Schuderoff, &c. Befides thefe, there appeared again a great number of outlines and skeletons of fermons, and other auxiliary books for facilitating the facerdotal business in general, fuch as Löffler's New Magazine, or particular parts of it, as, for instance, catechifms, liturgies, and the like. A work entitled "Shriftliche Gottes verehrung und Kirchliche Reformen"-Scriptural Liturgy and Church Reforms, by the Rev. Mr. JENISCH, of Berlin, caused a confiderable fenfation there, and provoked feveral replies. The "Liturgifches Verfuch, &c."-Lithurgic Ef fay, or German Ritual for Catholic Churches, by BuscH, does great honour to its author; but we doubt whether he will eafily perfuade thofe to adopt it for whom it was written.-GRÆFFE, of Göttingen, author of feveral esteemed Catechetical works, has acquired additional claims to the gratitude of the Clerical order, by his "Paftoraltheologie in ihrem ganzen Umfange"; or, Complete Course of Paftoral Theology: and NIEMEYER, of Halle, by the new edition of his "Briefe an Chriftliche Religionslehrer"-Letters to the Teachers of the Chriftian Religion; and by his "Grundrifs der unmittelbaren Vorbereitungs-wiffenfchaften zur Führung des Chriftlichen Predigtamtes"

being a sketch of the preparatory ftudies neceffary to qualify a Christian paftor for the proper difcharge of the duties of his office.-Befides the abovenoticed journals of MUNSCHER and SCHUDEROFF, the "Allgemeine praklifche Bibliothek fur Prediger und Schulmänner," edited by WECHTER and CLEYMANN, two proteftant Clergymen in Vienna, furnished instruction and advice both for pastors and schoolmafters.

A "Gefchichte der Praktischen Theologie" History of Practical TheThe two laft fairs again produced a ology, has been begun by AMMON, very abundant fupply of fermons and of Göttingen; the first volume conother edifying works; we fhall only tains the History of Homileticks from notice the following as being of fupe- the time of Hufs to that of Luther. rior merit: COLLINS'S "Amtsvor--HEERWAGEN continued, in a fourth træge"-Sermons on various occafions: volume, his "Literaturgefchichte -ORELL'S "Canzelvortræge"-Pulpit Chriftlicher Lieder und Gedichte neuer Difcourfes, confifting principally of Zeiten"-Literary Hiftory of Christian

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Hymns and other facred Poems, in Modern Times. FUHRMANN, a Lutheran clergyman, published the fift volume of an "Anleitung zur Kenntnifs der dem Katholischen Theologen wefentlich-nothwendigen und geprüftnützlichen Bucher" Introduction to the Knowledge of fuch Books of tried Ufefulness as are indifpenfably neceffary to Catholic Divines.

Fragments and extracts of diftinguished merit, from theological works of every kind, are given as contributions towards a pragmatical knowledge of the progrefs of theological fcience, in the "Theolog" edited by BELLER MANN, now director of the chief gymnafium, in Berlin.

Several journals, whofe contents are of a more general defcription, have likewife been continued, or begun. In the Proteftant part of Germany, Abbot HENKE, of Helmstädt, fubfti. tuted in the place of the Magazine, hitherto published by him, a "Mufe. um für Religions-willenschaft in ihrem ganzen Umfange" or, a Mufeum for every Branch of Theology, SCHMIDT, a Proteftant clergyman in Leiningen, began a "Repertorium für die Litera tur der Bible, &c.-Repertory for the Literary Hiftory of the Bible, the Philofophy of Religion, Ecclefiaftical History, &c. AUGUSTI, GUBLER,

THIESS, and WACHTER, continued their well known Journals; and, befides the old eftablished Journal for Preachers, of which more than forty volumes have already been published, new "Prediger Journal" made its ppearance for the use of the clergy Saxony, in particular.


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The Civil Law, a fcience which, hough never entirely neglected, is feldom handled by men of philofophic views, has been treated of in a maf terly manner by three writers, whofe works are calculated to attract the attention of thofe even who are not lawyers by profeffion. FEUERBACH (formerly of Jena and Kiel) published Civiliftifche Verfuche" or, Eflays on Civil Law; one of which, on Juridical Criticifm, is directed againit THIBAUT; and, another on "Servitus Luminum," provoked several replies. THIEBAUT (formerly of Kiel, now of Jena) advantageously known before by fome volumes of Juristical Elays, brought forth, in conformity to

ideas announced in fome of his prior publications, "A Syftem des Pandectenrechts"-Syftem of Civil Law, which will probably fupplant the eltablished lecture-books at several of the German universities.

SAVIGNY treated "Das Recht des Befitzes," or, the Law of Poffeffion, in fo comprehenfive a manner, and confidered the fubje&t in fo many new and luminous points of view, that his work may be recommended as neceffary to every civilian, who wishes to attain a perfect knowledge of his profeffion.

Several Treatifes likewife were publifhed on feparate parts of Roman and of the Common Law of Germany; and fome other Lawyers elucidated the laws, and mode of conducting processes in fingle provinces. In fome instances their attention was directed to thele subjects by government. The Elector of Saxony, for inftance, in whole do minions the tedious and irregular mode of conducting proceffes had been long loudly complained of, caused an

Entwurf zu einer neuen Gerichtsordnung," or, Sketch of a new Mode of regulating Courts of Justice, to be published. In Pruffia, a new Criminal Code is preparing, towards which a Work by M. VON ARNIM, one of the king's minifters, may be confidered as an important contribution.

Profeffor KLEINSCHROD, of the Univerfity of Würzburg, has published an "Entwurf eines peinlichen Gefetzbuchs"-Sketch of a. Criminal Code for Bavaria, which has been criticifed, and reprefented as infufficient by SCHMIDT, FEUERBACH, and others. The propofal for the introduction of this reform of the Criminal Law gave rife to feveral works on that fubject. LIPOWSKI, of Munich, gave us a History of Criminal Jurifprudence in Bavaria; and STURZER (of the Univertity of Landfhut) a Treatife on the State of Criminal Law, &c. in Germany at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century.

Indeed fo much intereft does the German public take in the difcuffion of Criminal Jurifprudence, which is now cultivated by many men of eminent talents, that not only is the "Archive of Criminal Law," by KLEIN, KLEINSCHROD, and KONOPACK, Continued without interruption, but another Magazine for Criminal Jurif


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