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been moft extraordinary, which have late. ly paffed in Europe. Generals Pichegru, Moreau, and Georges were, upon a charge of confpiracy against the life and government of Bonaparte, fuddenly arrefted at Paris, with forty five other perfons, accused as their accomplices. On pretence that their papers afforded evi dence of a participation of the Duke d'Enghien and other emigrants, in the territories of the Elector of Baden, in the defigns against the Conful's life and power, that prince and his friends were, outrageously, and against the laws of nations, feized by a detachment of French troops, and dragged to Paris. The Duke d'Enghien was, almoft inftantly on his arrival, hot, by Bonaparte's orders! The reft were detained for trial. The British Envoys at the courts of Munich and Stuttgardt, Mr. Drake and Mr. Spencer Smith, were accufed as accomplices in the fame confpiracy; and, by Bonaparte's influence, were obliged to withdraw from thofe


Thefe fteps quickly appeared to be but preparations for a new change in his condition which Bonaparte had for fome time meditated. His Senate was made foon after to propose that, as the beft means to fave himself and the ftate from the danger of future confpiracies, he should affume the title and dignity of EMPEROR!! That this dignity fhould be made hereditary in the male line of his family. The First Conful readily agreed to a propofal fo fattering. A plan of a new imperial conftitution for the government of France, was immediately fixed by a decree of the Senate. Without delay, or the affectation of reluctance, Bonaparte has therefore affumed the state and title of Emperor of the French. He has accepted, at the fame time, from the Italian Republic, the title and honours of its hereditary fovereign. His brothers have been declared princes of the blood. New dignities and official titles were, at the fame time, created for many of his favourites among the officers of the army. His Majesty has received addreffes on his elevation from the officers and foldiers of the whole French armies. He has fent notice of his exaltation to all the French ambaffadors and envoys at foreign courts; and has directed them to notify to the princes and states, at whole

feats of government they refide, that he muft henceforth be addreffed and respect

ed as an Emperor Only the dependent

governments of Holland and Switzerland are however known to have as yet re cognized him in his newly-affumed dig


At Paris, in the mean time, General Mo. reau, Georges, and the other perfons arrefted as confpirators, have been tried, have been found almost ali more or less guilty, and have been condemned to various punifhments. those who were deemed the most active, O. ly Georges and a few of have been condemned to death. Georges boldly avowed his attachment to the houfe of Bourbon; but denied that there was any arranged confpiracy against Bonaparte. The illuftrious MOREAU is to fuffer an imprisonment for two years. One of the Polignacs, who was among thofe condemned to death, has fince obtained his pardon.

All the information from the coaft of France fignifies, that a great num. ber of veffels, troops, guns, ammunition, and other ftores, are now in readiness, in invafion of this country. The French the French ports on the Channel, for the make frequent trials to meet the fire of the English fquadrons which block their ports; fometimes with a lucky escape from the entire deftruction of their flo tillas; but never without confiderable damage.


Has, in the mean time, received feveral new acceffions of dominion in the ealt and the welt. Scindia and the Rajah of Berar have, in the east, accepted peace on tuch conditions as the East India Company chofe to dictate. They have, refpectively, made large ceffi ns of territory. They have not only left the authority of the Peifhwah of the Mahratta nation in that independence of themfelves, and that dependence on the British company, in which it was put by the treaty of Ba fem; but they have alfo fubjected themfelves wholly to British influence, and have agreed to difmifs all Frenchmen in their fervice, and not again to receive others, without permifiion from their British allies.

In the West Indies, an armament from Barbadoes has taken the Durch fe tlement of Surinam, the fu-as from which will now be configned dietly for 4K 2 England.

England. The Dutch troops did not furrender without refiftance; and bloodfhed enfued; yet the conqueft was effected without any confiderable lofs of lives.

At home, the contentions for minifterial power have been again fiercely renew ed. Inftead of those military meatures by which the late moderate and respect able administration endeavoured effectually to provide for the defence of the country and the future fupport of its greatnefs, Mr. Pitt, immediately after his eturn to office, introduced into Parliament, a bill for what he calls the general defence, of which it is the object, to reduce our whole military force to the three fpecies, of militia, refeive, and troops of the line; to confine the ftrength of the English militia to the old number of 40,000; to add to the referve, the excels of the prefent full complement of the militia, over that number; to allow the tol diers from the referve, a bounty of ten guineas a man for enlistment into the line; to oblige the different parishes to raise for bounties of twelve guineas a man, the recruits necessary to supply that diminution in the numbers of the referve, which fhall be annually occafioned by death, enLifhment in the line, or other cafualties; and, to carry on the ordinary recruiting for the line at a bounty that must not exceed fixteen guineas a man; but to accept fines from thofe parishes which shall fail to raife of themfelves their refpective quotas of recruits. His plan was introduced into the Houfe of Commons with extraordinary parade. It was, however, fhewn, in the difcuffions which it excited, to be neither new in its general conceptions, nor free from many remarkable imperfections. Its author, to remove the objections of thofe who oppofed it, has amended it almoft to the entire change of its eflential nature, and, certainly, fo as to deftroy fome part of its merits in its original fate. It has paffed through the House of Commons, after the harpeft debates that have lately taken place; and atter a divifion, in the first instance, of 214 against 186, and of 265 against 223, in the fecond, which ran fo near against the minifter, that a man lefs tenacious than Mr. PITT of his opinions and power, would have been driven from office. In the House of Lords, the fame bill has been the fubject alfo of warm debate, and of a divifion of 154 against 69. No doubt remains of the certainty that, unpopular as it is, it will now pafs into a law.

Mr. Wilberforce has moft honourably re

newed his exertions in parliament, to procure an abolition of the flave trade. By the voice of a refpectable majority, a bill to authorize the termination of that infamous traffic in the month of October, this very year, has been brought into the House of Commons, and is now in its progrefs into a law. We believe, that it is encouraged chiefly on account of the danger of increafing the number of the Negroes now in the Weft Indies, while the great ifland of St. Domingo remains, as at prefent, in the independent poffeffion of that race.

The health of his Majefty has been of late fomewhat convalefcent, but is ftill in a condition in which it is, by his phyficians, thought fit that he fhould live as much in retirement as may be possible, from the anxiety and fatigue of state-affairs.

By the iffue of the contefts in parliament, on the fubject of Mr. PITT'S Defince bill, it has become probable, that this country may no mmediately obtain the advantages of the official fervices of the exalted penetrating, and experienced mind of CHARLES JAMES FOX. The ditappointment has, for the moment chilled the patriotim of many of the most zealous and virtuous friends to their country, into a fullen, defpending indifference.

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Along the coafts of Britain and France, our fleets are in conftant vigilance and activity. In a late engagement on the Dutch coaft, with a great number of thofe fmall armed veffels, which the French and their allies have prepared to invade us, Sir SIDNEY SMITH drove them back upon their own thores with great lofs, and in an exceedingly fhartered condition. It feems to have clearly fhewn, that all the finall craft, gun-boats, and other armed veffels, which the enemy have prepared for the threatened invafion, can never be put to any other ufe against us, with any confid-rable effect, than that of floating batteries, merely for the defence of the bafons of their own ports, and the fhallows on their own coafts.


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An ACCOUNT, Sherwing how the PUBLIC MONIES remaining in the RECEIPT of the EXCHEQUER on the 5th DAY of JANUARY, 1803, together with the MONIES paid into the fame during the YEAR ending the 5th Day of JANUARY, 1804, and the MONIES paid out of the NET PRODUCE of the REVENUES of the said YEAR, in ANTICIPATION of the EXCHEQUER RECEIPT; together with the AMOUNT of the EXCHEQUER, NAVY, and TRANSPORT BILLS iued, and not redeemed, during the faid YEAR, have been actually applied.

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* This includes the fum of 449,5091. for intereft paid on imperial loans.


An ACCOUNT of the MONIES paid out of the RECEIPT of bis MAJESTY'S EXCHEQUER, in the YEAR ending the 5th of JANUARY, 1804, towards satisfying the CHARGES of the PUBLIC FUNDED DEBT of GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, and IMPERIAL LOANS; diftinguishing the TOTAL AMOUNT of the SUMS applied for INTEREST, CHARGES OF MANAGEMENT, SUMS applicable to its REDUCTION, and the usual GRANTS for the fame PURPOSE.

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An ACCOUNT of the TOTAL AMOUNT of the SUMs actually received by the commisSIONERS for the REDUCTION of the NATIONAL DEBT, in the YEAR ending the 5th JANUARY, 1804.

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the zoth of May and the roth of June, extracted from the London Gazettes.


The Solicitors' Names are between Parentheses.

ASHBY, William, Hog lane, currier, (partner with Wil-
liam Stapley.) (Benton, Swan yard, Borough
Afcough, James, Leeds, woolftapler. (Sykes and Knowles,
Bofwell court

Afcough, George, Gervaux, woolftapler. (Sykes and
Knowles, Bofwell court

Briggs, Henry, Belvidere place, St. George's fields, horfe dealer. (Benton, Southwark

Bally, Stephen, Britol, falesman. (Sandys, Horton, and Trevenen, Crane conrt

Birkett, George. Kendall, brandy merchant.

and Bovill, Chancery lane


Bicknell, John, Little Maddox fireet, dealer in artificial flowers. (Davies, Warwick freet, Golden fquare Burgess, James, Coventry treet, military hatter. (Roffer, King ftreet, Holborn

Coote, Thomas, Norwich, ironmonger. (Swaine and Stevens, Old Jewry

Chippendale, Thomas, St. Martin's lane, uphol@terer. (Burjefs, Curzon street

Curling, Edward, Margate, hoyman. (Mawley, Tottenham ftreet

Colville, Thomas and James Holmes, Liverpool, merchants. (Windle, Bartlett's buildings, Holborn De la Chaumette, Francis David, Laytonstone, infurance broker. (Gregfon, Angel court, Throgmorton street Ethil, David, Kingston upon Hull, diaper. (Scott, St. Mildred's court, Poultry

Evans, George, Hatfield place, Surrey, builder. (Goodmond, Crefcent, Blackfriars

Fletcher, John, Warrington, and John Lodge Hubberty, Lincoln's inn, cotton fpinners. (Blackftock, Temple Field, William, Old Swan stairs, merchant. (Willis, Warnford court

Field, George, Old Swan Stairs, merchant, partner with W. Field, of the fame place, and with Charles_Field, of St. Petersburgh. (Willis, Warrford court, Throg morton ftreet

edge, William, Leicefter fquare, linen draper. (Cannon, Leicester place

Grinter, Thomas, New Bond Street, auctioneer. (Harper, Vine ftreet, Piccadilly

Harre, William, and Henry Suthmier, Denmark street, Ratcliffe highway, fugar refiners. (Kayll, Tower Royal

Hall, John, Wapping High ftreet, taylor. (Allifton, Swan Areet, Minories

Henderson, Robert, Bridgewater fquare, pocket book maker. (Sherwin, Great James ftreet, Bedford row Holmes, Jofeph Whiting, Portfea, ironmonger. (Calla. way, Portimouth

Jones, Richard Hodgson, Stourbridge, clothier. (Edmonds, Bishopfgate treet without

Kemp, John Rice, Haflemere, victualler. (Wilthen, Gray's inn fquare

Key, Thomas, Bury St. Edmund's, linen draper. (Nicholls and Nettleship, Queen Street, Cheapfide

Knight. Thomas, Canterbury, fhopkeeper. (Swaine and Stevens, Old Jewry.

Ludlow, William, Killworth, Wilts, wine merchant. (King, Newbury

Lewis, John, Tynyddol, drover and horfe dealer. (Ed. munds and Son, Lincoln's inn

Levington, Thomas, St. Catherine's, Tower, flopfeller. (Hurd, King's Bench walk, Temple

Mackenzie, Matthew, Fleet ftreet, vintner. (Harman,

Wine office court

Macauley, Alexander, London, merchant, furviving partner of Thomas William Fortnum. Rawlinfon, Chatham place

(Williams and

Monk, William, St and, trufs maker. (Atkinson, Caftle
street, Falcon fquare

Maclean, Charles, Beaufort buildings, merchant. (Davis,
Effex Atreet, Strand

Nichols, Samuel. jun. Bath, upholsterer. (Pearfon, Pump
court, Temple

Page, John, Worcester, hop merchant. (Platt, Bride


Percival, Jones, Croydon, tablekeeper. (Burt, Gould

Plumieigh, Thomas, Bristol, grocer. (Kinderley, Long, and
Ince, symond's inn

Parrott. John, Ratcliffe highway, victualler. (Holloway,
Chancery lane

Picker: ell, Jonathan, Sunderland, dealer. (Atkinson and
Morgan, Auftin friars

Riley, Richard, Mansfield, maltter. (Robins, Gray's inn

Rimmer, William, Ormskirk, innkeeper. (Broad, Southwark

Roberts, Richard, St. Paul's Church yard, victualler.

(Holloway, Chancery lane

Saxton, John Thacker, Chesterfield, printer and bookfeller. (Thomas, Chesterfield

Southcote, John Henry, Stoke Fleming, lime merchant.
(Taunton, Temple

Stockley, William. Haymarket, fhoeing finith. (Evitt and
Rixon, Haydon fquare, Minories

Smith, Robert, Timberland, grocer. (Luckett, Bafinghall

Strange, Edward Hilder, Frant, grocer. (Blandford and Sweet, King's Bench walk

Thompfon. Robert, South Shields, maft maker. (Hall and Bell, Bow lane

Winder, Jeremiah, Chorley, timber merchant. (Blackftone, Temple

Warner, John, Elmdon, fhopkeeper. (Cutting, Bartlett's buildings

Wren, Robert, Petersfield, fellmonger. (Wilthen, Gray's inn fquare

Witherell, John, Long Acre, coachmaker. (King, Mead. ftreet, Soho

Watfon, Samuel, Blakeney, corn merchant. (Wright and Bovill, Chancery lane

Williamfon, Robert, Rofkhill, butcher. (Dyneley and Sons, Gray's inn

Williams, Thomas Smith, Mincing lane, fhip broker, Swaine and Stevens, Old Jewry

Wood, Thomas, Rofs, woolftapler. (Hill, Meredith, and Robins, Gray's inn

Waters, James, South End, victualler. (Ponle, Serjeant's


Wood, Thomas, Manchefter, and William Jackson, Eafingwold, cotton fpinners. (Hurd, King's Bench walk, Temple


Allen, William, Birmingham, druggift and grocer, July 3 Aldis, James, and Charles Atkinfon, Littleport, flopkeepers, June 30, final

Bawtree, Samuel, jun. Crefcent, Minories, cornfactor, July 3

Brown, Matthew, St. John's fquare, printer, June 30 Burton, Edmund, Daventry, money fcrivener June 7 Bridgeman, John, Church court, Lothbury, merchant, July 3

Beauchamp, Robert, and Edward Lloyd, Kirby ftreet, lacemen, July 3

Banner, Thomas Porter, Nicholas lane, infurance broker, July 3

Bird, Henry, Clifton, fhoemaker, June 30

Buck, William, St. Mary at Hill, merchant, &c. July 4
Binlefs, Thomas, Bafinghall freet, factor, July a
Brain, George, Bristol, merchant, July 4
Burnett, Samuel, Petersfield, victualler, July 10
Booth, Edward, Manchester, butcher, July 12, tinal
Collingdon, John, Plough cou t, Lombard ftreet, mer-
chant, May 29

Curtis, James, and Honor Pitt Griffin, Ludgate hill, oil and colour merchants, July 3

Crofkey, Duncan, and Richard Weftall, (late partners with James Fell) Bafiughall Street, Blackwell hall factors, June 23

Cafainajor, Henry, Tochington, William Wanfey, and Wil liam Barnes, Bristol, merchants, final of the joint eftate, and of the feparate eitate of Barnes Clark, Francis, Barnet, wine merchant, July 3 Carr, Thomas, Gomerfall, cotton fpinner, July 3, final Clegg, Charles, Milne row, woollen manufacturer, June


Curtis James, Oxford, wine merchant, July 4, final Crosbie William, jun, and John Greenwood, Liverpool, merchants. July 2

Cafe Samuel, Fleet Atreet, haberdashers, July 28, final Cooper John, fen. and John Cooper, jun. Sevenoaks, coopers, July 7

Draper Jaines, Sherrard street, cabinet maker, June 30, finai

Day James, Oxford freet, linen draper, July 7

Davies Richard, Shrewsbury, merchant, July 4, fiusl

Duckett George, Middlefex ftreet, Somers' Town, timber merchant, July 4

Davis John, Wallingford, wine and brandy merchant, June


Dulhunty Mary, and Anne Baker, Sackville street, milliners, July 3

Dimmock Mois, Winchefter, bookfeller, July 7
Edwards Williain, New Bond treet, goldfinith, June 23
Evatt Jofeph, Rood lane, glatsman, June 31
Edwards Jofeph, Peter Atreet, Bloomsbury, plumber, Ju-
ly 3

Fell William, St. Martin's lane, taylor, July 7
Forbes Grorge, Copthall court, Throgmorton street, mer-
chant. July 3

Fry William, Bury court, St. Mary Axe, merchant, July 2, final

Fitner Frederick Michael, Barbican, jeweller, July 7
Galton Edward. Ilford, innkeeper, June 26
Grove Peter, Snaresbrook. baker, July 4

Green Edward, Charles ftreet, Soho, man's mercer, July 7 Harriton John, Stoke upon Trent, earthenware manufac turer, June 19

Heald William. Timothy Heald, R. H. Heald, all of Wakefield, Jofeph Heald, King treet, London, and Richard Fotter, of Wakefield, merchants, June 21

Hitchen Abraham, Walgherton, milker. June 26, final Hitchen William, Hatherton, corn dealer,une 26, tinal Hamilton James, and William Turkington, Finch lane merchants, feparate eftate of Hamilton, and feparate eftate of Turkington, June 23, and August 4 Henderson Thomas, Milk Breet. Warehoufeman, July 3 Hall Heary, Birchin lane, oilmau, July 3


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