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tions, and although its violent attacks are generally occasioned by circumftances immediately preceding that weaken or exhault, exhibit fymptoms of morbid energy, much greater than the patient would have been capable of difplaying in the fate of her mott perfect health and vigour.

Mental difeafes are well illuftrated by thofe of the body. The paroxyfms of

mania are convulsions of the mind, those
of melancholia its paralyfis. It is a vul-
gar, but ili founded, notion, that madness,
in any of its modifications, arifes in general
from an excefs of intellectual vigour; it
is not, in every cafe, but in moft cafes it
is, a fymptom of radical imbecility or of
gradual decay.
February 23, 1804.

In February, 1804.


IN the courfe of February, the blockade of the French and Dutch ports, has been continued with vigilance, though not without fome difficulty, at times, from the state of the weather. The preparations of the French for a defcent upon this country, ftill proceed, and are now more nearly complete than at any former period. But, no confiderable force has yet been able to escape out of their ports, to fe; and it becomes, every day, more and more improbable, that, with out fome very extraordinary concurrence of accidents in their favour, they fhould be able to elude our fquadrons, or break through them.

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Difpatches from Commodore Hood, enumerate between forty and fifty fhips as taken from the enemy, or at leaft detained by our fquadron off Martinique, fince the date of his laft preceding difpatches, and previously to the 26th of November laft. At a moderate estimate, the value of thefe hips with their cargoes, may exceed a million fterling. Accounts from Sir J. T. Duckworth, mention 44 captures to have been made, by the fquadron on the Jamaica ftation, between the date of his laft previous difpatches and the 26th of October. Thefe appear to be not lefs valuable than the captures off Martinique. The average value of what the enemy have been lately 1.fing to us, at fea, in the Weft Indies, may be, therefore, taken at a million fterling, a month. Perhaps the fum of their loffes at fea in the other parts of the world, may be of equal amount. Four and twenty millions a year, in loffes at fea, exclufively of the other waste and expenditure of the war, are a confumption which might, in time, even imp verifh ali France. It is true, that much of this is entirely wafted; and that comMONTHLY MAG, No. 112.

paratively but little goes, in the end, to enrich the British captors.

From the East, the accounts are lefs favourable. The furrender of Pondicherry to Linois's fquadron, was prudently denied. The whole fquadron might have been easily detained, if the British Commanders on that station, had received timely notice of the renewal of the war.

But, while the English remained without knowledge of this change; a fast-failing French fhip brought information of it to Admiral Linois; and he failed, inftantly, for the Mauritius.

The Mahrattas have, for many years, been, next after the British, the chief Power in Hindooftan. Lately, they have been much divided among themselves. Bajerow, the Peifhwa, or according to their ancient conftitution, Chief-magiftrate of the State, is in defenfive alliance with the British Government in India, to which he has recently ceded a very extenfive territory. Dowlut Row Scindia, and feveral other Mahratta Chiefs, have, fince, fet themselves in oppofition to the Peifhwa; and are now, with a great force, in arms against him. To protect their ally the British have declared war on the difobedient Chiefs. All Hindooftan is thus about to be afflicted with new hoftilities. The Company may, of courfe, expect another feafon during which it fhall be impoffible for their trade to advance in profperity, for their debts to be diminished, for their long promifed contribution to be paid towards leffening the general debts of the nation, or for any increafe to be made in the dividends on the fhares of the Proprietors.

The most unpleafing news have been received from the ifland of Ceylon. In the war which broke out there, fome time fince, the king of Candy was at B b

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firft extremely unfortunate. His troops were routed: the British preffed on, without oppofition, into the interiof parts of his dominions; his capital was taken. But, in the ardour of fuccefs, the conquerors had advanced too far, had difperfed themfelves throughout a wider extent of pofts, than their force was fufficient to maintain, had taken no account of the diseases to which they fhould be liable in those inland and uncleared territories, of the fnares to which they must be expofed by their ignorance of the local advantages and difadvantages, or of the difficulties by which they must there suffer in regard to the means of fubfiftence. They have been, in confequence of this, befet by the King of Candy's forces, at their most advanced ftation in the new conquefts. Major Davie, the commanding officer, was compelled, perhaps by difficulties of which we are not yet fufficiently informed, perhaps by mere pufillanimity, to a miferable furrender. No fooner were the British trooops, Whites and Malays, difarmed by the capitulation, and the Candians mafters of the place, than the conditions were bafely violated. The whites except Major Davie, and one or two other officers were faithlefsly maffa. cred; and the Malays were compelled to enter into the King of Candy's fervices. Some of these Malays, true to their first engagements, deferted, at the earlieft opportunity, and made their efcape down the country. Governor North, upon receiving the news, fent orders to withdraw the troops from others of the advanced pofts. At fome of thefe, where our foldiers were already furrounded by the troops of Candy, they gallantly cut their way through the midit of them. The natives defcended flowly, towards the British fettlement: and the Governor, with his Council, and thofe who were with them, were in fome confternation This is the fubftance of the last official dispatches from Governor North.-Confiderable reinforcements were, however, fent out, early last summer,, to join the army in Ceylon. And thofe would probably arrive in time to fave the colony from further misfortune, or even to recover all that had been by the late difafter, loft.

By the delays to remove the British ftores from the Cape of Good Hope, after the ceffion of that fettlement under the Peace of Amiens, a portion of thofe ftores, to the value of between one and two hundred thousand pounds fterling, has been

left to confifcation for the benefit of the Dutch.

A number of French gun-brigs and other armed veffels of the enemy, have, within thefe four weeks, been taken off Boulogne, and on other parts of the French and Dutch coafts.

Of the Army of Referve, crdered by an act of the laft feflion, of parliament, 34,162 fighting men have been actually levied. There is ftill a deficiency of 15,422 men.

The alarm relative to the Volunteers, is at an end. A decifion of the court of king's bench, has afcertained that their fervice cannot, on the conditions on which it was originally accepted, be made compulfory.

M. Rochambeau, and a number of other French officers, prifoners of war, from St. Domingo, are now at Chesterfield, Aflbourne, and other places, adjacent to thefe.

The contefted election for Middlesex has come under the confideration of the Houfe of Commons, since its meeting after the Christmas adjournment. The petitioners against the election of Sir Francis Burdett had neglected to defcribe their intereft as electors, in the petition, in a manner agreeable to the provisions of the act of parliament, which relates exprefsly to this object. Mr. Fox made a motion, that their petition, thus defective in a formality, which he held to be indifpenfible, fhould not be proceeded upon, by the Houfe. A confiderable number of thofe who are the most favourable in their fentiments to his wishes and principles, fupported his motion. It was, however, rejected by a great majority. A committee was appointed for the election. proceeds in the investigation; and the trial will fcarce be foon at an end.

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On the question, whether the law fhould be renewed to restrict the banks in Ireland, again, for a limited time, from making payments in money; fome interesting debate has been repeatedly excited in the Houle of Commons. Mr. Corry, Mr. Forter, Lord Archibald Hamilton, Mr. Johnstone, and feveral other members, took part in it. In the difcuffion a number of ftriking facts were mentioned, evincing Ireland to fuffer grievously, at this mo ment, by the fcarcity of actual cash, and by a balance of exchange enormously againft that country. But, nothing was fuggefted to justify the measure of leaving the Irish banks to make their payments in money, while the bank of England gives only bills. The renewal of the retric

tion, for the prefent, was, therefore, not abfolutely oppofed.

Mr. Wilberforce, ftill vigilant to procure the abolition of the flave-trade, has moved, with fuccefs,, for the papers of a correspondence, from which he expects important additions to that great body of authentic facts, by which he feems to hope that the public muft, at length, be fully and univerfally convinced, of both the rectitude and the expediency of that measure.

A plan for the legal adjustment of differences between the cotton-manufacturers and their fervants, is, alto, under difcuffion in parliament. Its object is of the greatest importance; and confiderable difficulty has been found in the endeavour to form a plan at once equitable and agreeable to the interefts and wifhes of all parties.

A bill to amend and confolidate the laws relating to the Volunteers, is in its progrefs through the forms of parliament. It was introduced by the minifter, to the Houle of Commons. I's principal new provifions are; that a Volunteer belonging to any corps, whole fervices have been accepted, fhill, upon five days' attendance at the exercifes, after these have been learned, enjoy a right of exemption, for that year, from the ballot for the militia :for twenty-four days' exercife, fhall, if in the Infantry Volunteers, be free from ballot for the Army of Referve-and for fourteen days' exercife, thall have the fame, right of exemption, if he belong to the Volunteer Cavalry.

The business of parliament has been fomewhat impeted by a very ferious indifpofition of the King, for part of last month. It has excited a general alarm, and anxiety, great in proportion to the affection, with which his Majefty is regarded by his fubjects. But, the latest reports of his phyficians, befpeak his illnefs as fenfibly alleviated.

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vances, in which it becomes ftill lefs and lefs eafy for gun-boats, or other fhips of war, to cross the channel, without being encountered by our fleets. General Murat enjoys, as governor of Paris, a revenue of more than 14,000l. fterling a year. -The Danes have lately experienced feveral infolencies from Bonaparte, which have been thought almoft to menace speedy hoftilities. Among other preparations made in France, for the invafion of England, is a proclamation to be issued upon the army's arrival in this country: a genuine copy of that proclamation has been already published in London.


Have made adequate preparations to hinder France from pufhing her conquefts farther to the North: and, likewife, it fhould feem, to protect the liberties of Germany, according to the present modification of its Imperial Conftitution. A marriage has just been celebrated at St. Petersburgh, between the Arch-Duchefs Maria, filter to the reigning Emperor, and the hereditary Prince of Saxe Weimar. The Ruffian army continues to be augmented: and, efpecially the force on the fouth-weit frontiers, to be ftrengthened.


Is fomewhat disturbed by difputes, on the fubject, "whether Nobles of the Equestrian Order, poffeffors of (mall ef tates, and hitherto free from all fubjection, fave to the Emperor only, are now to become the fubjects of the Princes poffeffing the great fiefs, and within which thofe fmall eftates immediately lie?",


Are preparing to raise for their public expenditure, forty millions of florius, by an extorted free gift!


Is now in the poffeffion of the Negro and Mulatto Chiefs, acknowledging no dependence on the French Republic. The principal Chiefs are Deffalines, Crif tophe, and Clervaux. They have, by proclamation, invited, with fair promifes, the return of the emigrants. Rochambeau, and his army, after attempting to delude British faith, were faved, by a capitulation with the British commanders, from the rage of the Blacks. Seven thoufand French prifoners, from St. Domingo, are now in Jamaica; the officers have been brought to England.

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ALPHABETICAL LIST of BANKRUPTCIES and DIVIDENDS announced between the 20th of January, and the 20th of February, extracted from the London Gazettes.

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Baxter, Matthew, Farnard Cafle, innkeeper. (Rofer, Kerby treet, Hatton garden

Bishop, John, Eptem, nendraper. (Gale and Son, Bedftrect, Bedford-row

Bennett, William, Ivy-lane, carpenter. (Pearce and Dixon, Paternote row

Bain, George, Bristol, merchant. (Jenkin, James, and Co. New-inn

Boyle, Patrick, Vine-ftreet, Ficcadilly, printer. (Brewer, Clement's lane

Bloore, Whithe.d., Sun-freet, Bitcrfare-freet, timberzatrchant Rufell, Alderfgate dieet

Cebe, John, Crobb. James, Critb, William, and NichoJes Larxhan, Wilton Clothiers. (Lowten, Temple Chivers, William, Stoprep-cauitway, mariner. (Nind, Great Prefit freet

Champion, James, Henry, Gravesend, grocer. (Rigby, New City-chambers

Chapman, John, Nottingham, hofter. (Windus and Holtaway

Ce, Robert, Woodford, corn-dealer. (Wright and Bovili, Chaucery-lanc

Clarke, john Tealby, paper-maker. (Grey, Gray's-inn Creisley, Thomas, Manicheder, dimity manufacturer. (Figgi botham, Afhton-under-line

Chriftian, William, Liverpool, moey-fcrivener. (Windle, artie's-buildings

Cummins, George, Villier's-freet, Strand, victualler. (awton, Warwick-ftreet, Golden fquare

Crofs. James, Tisbury, carpenter (Davies, Warminfier Crack, Wiliam Charles. Keufington, brewer and merchaut. (Kartey, Temple

Cruckthanks, James. Gerrard-freet, metal, fash, and fan-light manufacturer. (Wedel and Day, Gerrardstreet

Doue, Henry, Golden-leg-court, Cheapfide, hofter. (Harton, Northumberland-ftreet, Strand"

Davies, Samuel, Manchester, desier in cotton twift. (Cooper and Lowe, Sonthampton-buildings Diflewood, Francis Batcinan, Gain's-iill, Huntingdon, worded manufacturer. (Parker, Paliner, and Cuppage, Efex-treet

Densam, Nathaniel, Lime-ftreet, merchant. (Bourfield,


Danney, William, Wind for, apothecary. (Smart and Thoinas, Scape s-ing

Denton, Edward, Fyer's-buildings, Holborn. (Burdon, St. Andrew s-court, Holborn

Day, Thomas, Grove-hill, Beverly, fhip carpenter. (Wills, Warford court

Imei, Abram Compert, Portfmouth, fhopkeeper. (Berry, Walbrook

Emerton, Thomas, Stony Stratford, grocer. (Hinderly, Long, and Ince, Synond's-ina

Evans, Philip, Hungerford-market, oyfter-merchant. (Loxley, Cheapfide

Ears, John, Leicufter, cheese-factor. (Taylor, Southanton building s

E, John, car orough, fhip-owner (Sanfum, Ely-place Finein, James, jun Chipftone treet, Mindiefex, ca and urner, Charlotte-treet, Fitzroy-quare Fern, Richard Spencer, Suffolk lane, dry-faiter. (Wiliams

and Sherw.od. Bank-fireet

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Hindley, Richard, and William Wakefield, Manchester, manufacturers. Fou kes, Bury place. Bloomsbury Hughes, James, Fletcher, Wigniore fireet, ftationer. (Shepherd eartlett's buildings

Jarrett, Thomas, Evelham, innholder. (Bousfield, Bou

verie freet

Jones, Richard, Lanvapley, wool dealer. (Price and Williams, Lincoln's-inn

Johfon, William, Vauxhall, coal merchant. (Lamb, Bedford treet, Bedford fquare

Law, James, Hepttonftall, cotton manufacturer. (Edge, Inner Temple

Leeming, Thomas. Prefton. John Myers, of Clockheaton, and William Chapman, Frétton, worfted manufacturers. (Evans, Thavies inn

Lythgoe, Nathan, Liverpool, merchant. (Windle, Bartete's buildings

Ievy, Jacob Ifrael, Brighton, merchant. (Howar:, Jewry freet Merion, Edward, Ilminster, mercer. (Adams, Old Jewry Matt, Thomas. Tempsford mills, miller. (Baxter and Martin. Furaivai's inn

Moratt, David, Fleet market, grocer. (Rivers, Bafing lane Marih. Abfalom, Aldgate, jeweiler. (Kibblewhite, Gray's inn place

Meetke, Henry, Edward ftreet, Titchfield Atreet, tailor. (Coren, Clinord's inn

Mills, James, and John Mills, Wood in Saddleworth, merchants. (Battye, Chancery lane

Mereton, Thomas, homerton, victualler. (Walter and Unwin, Shadwell

Mackenzie, John, City chambers, Bishopfgate street, merchant. (Swann and wallington, Fore ftreet Petrie, John, and John Ward, Hanworth, dealers. (Jackfen, Fenchurch treet buildings

Polley, John, St. Gils, Oxford, facking manufacturer. (Lcusfe.d, Bouveric rect

Price, John, Finsbury quare, merchant. (Williams and Sherwood, Bank tr.ct, Cornhi

Parrot, William, Jackfon, Leighton Buzzard, wine and brandy merchant. Druce, illiter fquare

Parker, John, Shefteld, money fcrivener. (Williams, Cattle ftreet, Holborn

Porteous, William, Chippenham, coal merchant, (Houghton, Clement's inn

Pearce, samuel, late of Crown ftreet, Weftminster, now of Exeter, jeweller (Williams and Brooks. Lincoln's inn Finch, John Bathwick, carpenter and builder. (Conftable, Symond's inn

Ringrof. John. York, vintner. (Allen and Exley, Furni

nival's inn

Reddith,homas, Bucklersbury, warehouseman. (Foulkes, Bury place, loomson.y

Robbins. Mary and Catherine Robbins, Birmingham, fhop. keepers (Richardfon, Monument ya d

Roger, Peter, Warrington, thopiteeper. (Hexley, Temple Raniere, John, Little Waltingham, fhopkeeper. (Wiling ton and Small, Inaer empie

Riding Robert, jun. Colne, cotton manufacturer. (Ellis, Cush or feet

Ro, iolin, emberfley, horfe dealer. (Hore, Garlick hill Roe. Roert, and Chitopher Moore, Brikol, merchants. Frazer, Gray's inn

Smith, Ti.omas Gould's hill, Middlefex, linendraper. (Burroughs, Caftle street, Falcon quare

Smith, Thoma, Deptford, victualier. (Ifaacs, Georgefreet, Minoties

Shelley, Thomas, Stoke, potter. (Baddeley, Searle frect, Lincoln's inn

Swindells, John, and John Dale, jun. Mottram in Longdendale, cotton manufacturers. (Cooper and Lowe, southamp on buildings

selters, bez r. Leonard, Upper Tooting, money fcrivener. Diggles, Madox freet

Sexton, John, Greenwich. potter. (Bousfield, Bouveriestreet

Samsbury, Richard, Bath, coach mafter. (Shephard and Adington, Gray's ina fquare

Sanforth, Samuel, jun, and John Cartledge, Newbold, Chefterfel, potters (Maudock and Steventon, Lincoln's inn Skill. Jon. Strand, oiman. (Hodgson, Charles ftreet, st. James's fquare

Tombs, Witam, Lambeth, coachmaker. (Burgoyne and Fellder, Duke reet, Grofvenor Square

Thomas Charlotte, New ond trect, milliner. (Eves, Chapel freet, Ledford row

Townf ad, John. Stones end, Southwark, wine merchantfeatuale. Lithopigate treet

Taylor, Edward, Blackburn, linen draper.. (Dewhurst,


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