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Address to the reader. Preparation of the heart. The caravan
Night. The lost child. An anxious search. Jerusalem at even
ing. The temple. The boy found. The question and reply
Mary's feelings towards her son. His appearance, and character
He stands alone. The Deity. Survey of the Universe. The
proper station. The sun. The moon. Jupiter; his satellites.
Distance. Exact regularity. The celestial clock. Sirius. The
Panorama of the Universe. Childish illusion. No visible Deity.
The Spirit; seen only in his works. Various manifestations.
worthy conceptions of God. Exhibitions of power; love; benev-
olence; skill. Moral character displayed in Jesus Christ.

Studying God's character. Practical considerations. His works

examined. An experiment. The ripe apple's stem. Juices.

Bells. The vine and its tendrils. Contraction. The dew drop

Its supports. Highly finished work. Water. The fleecy cloud.

Snow storins and snow flakes. Perfect workmanship. The bub-

ble. Its structure. Its wonderful mechanisın. Intellectual and

moral exhibitions. An imaginary walk in June. God is love

The robin and his nest. God's care of him. The pair. The

scene changed. January. Plans for protection. The winter
home. The Chrysalis. The ant. God a father. A magistrate
too. System. Firmness and decision. The suffering child. Its
mother. Physical law sustained. God's determined decision
General laws. Moral law. The wretched dwelling. The inte-
rior. Misery. The father's return. Unpunished guilt, and suf-
fering innocence. Penalties. Language of the Bible. Leading
traits of the Divine character. Second manifestation. The Holy
Spirit. Contrasts of character. Influences of the Spirit. Testi
mony of the Bible; of witnesses. United testimony. The Son.
Seeing face to face. Studying God's character. True mode.
Approaching the Deity. Access by Jesus Christ. Conclusion.


A difference between the gospels and the epistles. Wrong way to

read the Bible. Right way. The schoolhouse. A stormy night.

Trouble. The lost cap. Conversation. The Teacher's perplexity.

The plan formed. Penitence necessary before forgiveness. Dis-

tinction illustrated. A dialogue. Forgiveness of Joseph. The
Teacher's walk. Effect on the boys. Joseph. The Teacher's
return. Moral effect of Christ's sufferings. Essentials.
penitent child. The shipwrecked minister. The savages.
science, the universal monitor. Duty plain. John the Baptist.
Jonah. Voice of conscience. Personal duty plain, though univer-
sally neglected.



God's design in the creation. The ten commandments. Analysis of

the moral law. Its character. Effects of obedience to it. Spir-

itual obedience to it. The Priest and the Levite. Various ways

of beginning to obey. The absent master. The disobedient boys.

Expostulation. How to begin. Giving cold water. Holiness is

submission. Various forms of piety. The conversion of a little

child. Spiritual darkness. The way to remove it. The various
ways of turning to God. Forms and ceremonies. Do this. Prac-
tice of the Apostles. Forms of worship. Example of Christ.
Changes necessary. Common error. One great denomination.
Disastrous results. Christ's sufferings.



onds. Bad intentions. Immediate consequences. Inconsiderate-

ness. Object of punishment. Not revenge. Moral impression.

The petition. Satisfying justice. Dr. Johnson. Salvation by

Christ. Penitence. Its power in averting punishment. It makes

pardon desirable.

Application of principles. Nature and effects of sin. Cockfighting.

War. Spiritual blindness. Human insensibility to sin. Threat-

ened destruction. The alternative. Open unbelief. Indifference.

Mistaken views. The guilt of sinning against God. Case of the

child. The spread of siu must be stopped. Sin overruled for
good. The forgery. Its beneficial effects. Moral impression.
The authority of law sustained. Good often done by the commis-
sion and the punishment of sin. Difficulty. Divine power over
the human heart. The traveller. Spirit of controversy. God is
to be feared. The Savior. Insensibility to God's threatened
judgments. A form of unbelief. Christians should be affected by
it. Probation. Debt and credit.

The young man. Leaving home.

Allurements of sin. The Crisis.

The sore temptation and the struggle. Results depending. Con-

sequences of a defeat. Probation. Nature of it. Si perpetu-
ates itself. Its worst effects. Wandering from God. Can the sin-
ner return? Will the sinner return? God often employs suffering.
Arrangements for it in the human frame. Uses of suffering. Jehovah
is to be feared. Value of an efficient government. Conclusion. 122


Pardon possible. Always desirable when it is safe. The story of

the lost cap.
The Teacher's motives. Cases common. Not pre-

cisely analogous to the plan of salvation. The broken stucco.

Suffering of the innocent for the guilty. Effects of the substitution.

The principle often applied. Another case. The students and the

joiners. Mischief. The proposed substitution. Its effects. Moral

impression. Peculiarities of the case. The offenders not peni-

tent. Favors received for Christ's sake. Illustration. Political

governments. Differences. No forgiveness provided for by hunan

laws. Two motives for punishment. Their operation in this case.

Substitute for punishment. The father's plan. Visit to the poor-

house. The scene. The abandoned. Consequences of truancy.

Moral impression made by the death of Christ. Extent and power
of it undeniable. Its present influence. Its prospective influence.
Necessity of atonement. Sacrifices. Preparation required. Sin-
cere repentance. Principles of moral government.

Application of the subject. Address to the inquirer. Source of

anxiety. Remedy. Anxiety needless. Redemption fully pur-

chased. Faith necessary.
Difference between faith and belief.

The electric machine. Christian faith. Doubts and fears. The

way to find peace. Justified by the law. Lasting effects of sin

Example. The sinning child. Change in his moral position.

Justification. Peace of conscious rectitude. Peace of forgiveness.

Joys of forgiveness. The sting of sin.

wounded spirit. The way to find peace.

pardon. Penitence essential to pardon.

Bunyan's view. Christian at the Cross.

burden. Come to the Savior.

The Savior's religious instruction. He pressed duty first. Nico-

demus. Theories of regeneration. The occasion. Topics now

brought forward. Free conversation. Truths adduced. His

testimony respecting himself. Philip's question. The way to

approach the Deity. Moral dependence. Ye have not chosen me.

The vine and the branches. Union with Christ. The Comforter.

His work upon human hearts. The disciple's question. The

prayer. Eternal life a gift. God's claim often resisted. The

happiness of yielding to it. Feeling of dependence safe: happy.

Religious experience. Trust in God. Physical danger. The

safe refuge. Other truths. Evidences of piety. Fruits. Com-

mon errors. Two errors. Abundance of talk. Insincerity.

Party spirit in religion. Its nature. Its spirit. Its effects. True

fruits of piety. The catalogue. Love. Joy. Peace. Long-suffer-
ing. Gentleness. Goodness. Faith. Meekness. Temperance.

Other occurrences at the interview. The Lord's supper. The Sa-

vior's view of ceremonies. Forms and feelings. Baptism. The

rainbow. Ceremonies symbolical. Monuments. A contrast.

The pyramids and the Lord's supper. Test of sincerity. Exact

obedience. The father's two directions. Principles of compliance.

Ceremonies of false and true religions. Meaning of Do this."

Circumstances excluded. Principles. Moral effect to be secured.

No dispute on this subject. Principies universally applicable.

Formalists. No denomination free. Liberality.

Difference of opinion unavoidable. Case supposed. Wine of Pales-

tine. Each church must judge for itself. Modes of ordination.

Admission to the church. True intolerance. Practical applica-

tion. Weak and sickly Christians. Directions. The sickly Chris-

tian. Preparatory lecture. Communion day. Feelings at the com-

munion table. Its true design. Its proper effects. Examination.

Confession. Reunion. Partaking unworthily. Guilt and conse-

quences of it. Lukewarm Christians. The sad alternative. The

Savior's farewell Hymn.


1. Holy life. Two kinds of influence. The salt of the earth. Duties

to ourselves. Common danger. Looking to others. Watching one's

self. Common way of evading duty. Influence of personal holiness.

Influence of action. Double motives. Bad principles cultivated

by religious acts. Influence of the heart greater than that of the

conduct. Holy example. Unholy example. The latter common.

11. Personal influence. Its value as a means of doing good. The

contrast. Repulsive piety. Its bad influence. The fault_gener-

ally incurable. Unsound logic. Supposed want of influence.

Extent and power of influence. The chief magistrate. The two

sisters. Mutual influence. Powerful but not extensive. The

child and his little brother. None too young to do good. Influ-

ence over brothers and sisters. Every Christian has an influence.

Effect of universal fidelity. Future spread of the gospel. The

church the pillar of the truth.

11. Study of human nature.
Paul. His preaching. Mistakes of Christians. Guides in the
study. The Bible. Observation. Books. Theories. Theolog-
ical notions. Want of skill. Careful study necessary.

IV. Use of property. Claims of Christianity. Common question.

Case supposed. The rude Islanders. Ways of reaching them. Vari-

ous plans. Co-operation. Money. Its nature as a means of doing
good. Examples of its power. Radiant points of piety. Sincere
motives. Piety begins at home. Success certain. Important trust
committed to Christians. Sublimity of the Christian's work.

v. Religious discussion. Written defences of Christianity. Early

associations. Instances. Religious antipathies; beyond the reach

of argument. Opinions hereditary. Irreligion the cause of error.

One great distinction. Influence of feelings. Instances. The

contention. The consumptive patient. Bias in religion. Sourc-

es of bias. Remedies. Inefficacy of argument. Hard to ac-

knowledge error. The remedy. Useless disputes. Language

misunderstood. Human character. Nature of disputes about it.

Misunderstanding. Dispute grounded on misunderstanding. Am-

biguity of cominon words. Proposed question and dispute arising

from it. Unimportant questions. Pride and self-conceit. The

limited powers of the human mind. Fruitlessness of controversies.

The test of the truth. Sin a disease. Efficacy of remedies.

Moral power of the truth The means of propagating it.

Mistakes often made. Example of

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