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neat copies; he could also spell correctly and had begun to learn geography, and to read history. His papa had given him some dissected maps, which were a great assistance to him on these subjects, as well as an amusement for his leisure hours.

Agnes was only beginning to read and spell: her mamma was teaching her to sew, and had given her a little silver thimble, and a work-box to keep her thread and needles in; and Agnes was such a neat little girl, that she never went to play, without putting her work, and all that belonged to it, into her box, that she might know where to find each little article, when she wanted it. The winter had passed away, and Frank had made such rapid progress in his lessons, that Mr. Vernon was much pleased with him. As a


Mr. Vernon had bought a spade for Frank, a rake, and a hoe; and early in March the new garden was ready for seeds and plants." But before you begin, Frank," said his papa, "I give you notice, that I expect you will be industrious, and attend to William's directions, and keep your ground free from weeds, and put away all your tools in their proper places, when you have done working." Frank promised to obey his papa in all these particulars; and Mr. Vernon left him to the direction of William, his gardener.


"Master Frank," said William, "what do you intend to have in your garden this summer?" "Oh," said Frank, "I must have roses, and tulips, and peas, and cabbages, and fine fruits, and all kinds of things that grow." "Then," said William," let me explain to you why you cannot have all you wish this year. As for tulips, it is now too late to plant them, and if we planted rose-trees, they would not bear flowers this summer: then fruittrees would take up more room than you have to spare; so I fancy you must be content with a few vegetables, and some flowers which will grow from seeds sown this month, and I promise you we shall have variety enough." "I am quite content," said Frank; "and papa promised, that if I attended to your instructions this summer. I should have

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Frank's mamma had desired him to cultivate a few wild flowers first; for then he would be more able to attend to richer flowers, when he had gained a little knowledge by beginning with such as were hardy. Besides, she said it would teach him to value the most simple works of nature, as well as the more splendid tribes of Flora; and all are alike the work of the Giver of all good things.

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