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One part of the kitchen garden was set apart for the hot-beds, and William sowed the seeds of cucumbers and melons in small pots, which he placed in the hotbeds. The heat which arose from the manure underneath, being prevented from escaping by the glass frames above, soon brought up the little plants. The warmth of the sun, penetrating the glass, made them grow and spread very fast; but without manure and glass frames, these plants would not grow in this country, so early in the spring as th


William and his young assistant now gave their attention to the flower-garden,

and proceeded to die all the earth round


the flowering-shrubs, and prepared the beds in which the choice flower-roots were to be planted, by raking them over; and when all the weeds and dead leaves were cleared away, and the gravel-walks put in neat order, Frank begged his mamma and little Agnes to come and see how industrious he had been. Mrs. Vernon was quite pleased with him, and told him the names of all the flowers which were so early in blossom. Besides the crocus and snowdrop, there were aconites of a golden hue, in the form of a buttercup, which, with their leaves and roots, are very poisonous. Mrs. Vernon charged Frank and his sister never to taste any plant which they met with, unless they knew it to be eatable; for many little boys and girls have lost their lives by eating plants of a poisonous nature Little

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